HMRC appoints interim Chief Digital and Information Officer

Mark Denney has been appointed as interim Chief Digital and Information Officer (CDIO) to take forward HMRC’s ambitious digital transformation agenda.

Mark is a senior change and IT executive with broad experience in digital transformation, payments infrastructure, technology and strategic change. He replaces Jacky Wright, who has returned to Microsoft, as planned, after her 2-year stint at HMRC.

Mark’s appointment will provide continuity for the department until a permanent CDIO has been recruited. Following Jim Harra’s confirmation as Chief Executive and First Permanent Secretary, recruitment for the permanent CDIO role will start in the near future.

Mark spent more than a decade at Barclays, latterly as Managing Director, Chief Information Officer and Head of Change at Barclays Corporate Bank and Payments, before leaving last year to take up contracting roles. He previously held senior positions at JP Morgan Chase and GE Capital.

Jim Harra, HMRC’s Chief Executive and First Permanent Secretary, said:

I’m delighted to welcome Mark to HMRC as our new Chief Digital and Information Officer. He was an exceptional candidate and his appointment enables us to continue our transformation to a digitally-enabled, world-class organisation.

His experience in technological change and payments infrastructure is particularly relevant for us as we expand our online services to business and personal customers and implement the digital strategy we’ve developed over the past 2 years.

Mark Denney said:

I’m really looking forward to joining HMRC at such an exciting time and to having the opportunity to build on the achievements of Jacky Wright.

Mark will take up his role on 11 November 2019.

Production starts on world-leading respirators for UK armed forces

Wiltshire-based Avon Protection Ltd. will manufacture and supply the potentially life-saving masks over the remaining period of the five-year contract, having completed 18 months of successful tests and trials.

The £16 million contract has created 22 new jobs at Avon Protection – three management and 19 shop-floor production – as well as helping to sustain their 180 employees in Melksham.

Defence Minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan said:

Last year the MOD spent over £5.2 billion with UK industry in the South West. This multi-million-pound contract will boost this contribution even further and support over 200 jobs in Melksham.

These lightweight respirators protect our service personnel while ensuring they can communicate effectively on the battlefield.

Dr Simon Dakin, Director ISTAR at DE&S, said:

We are very pleased the production and supply of General Service Respirators to our servicemen and women will continue for years to come.

The fact this is a product manufactured in the UK for the UK armed forces is one of many positives from this five-year partnership with Avon Protection.

The design of the twin-canister, single-visor mask has been made with the safety and comfort of troops in mind, using high-performance filtration technology to ensure they are protected while still being able to communicate easily on the frontline.

Colonel Timothy Chapman, Assistant Head C-CBRN Army HQ, said:

The Army, on behalf of Defence, are pleased to welcome Avon Protection as industry partners to continue the delivery of the excellent GSR to all British forces in order to protect sailors, soldiers, airmen and women from a range of inhalation threats.

The General Service Respirators (GSRs) are personally fitted and issued to all UK service personnel across the Army, Royal Air Force and Royal Navy. The company is aiming to produce an initial batch of 15,380 GSRs over the next year and will also supply in-service support for the equipment.

Service personnel on operations are deployed with GSRs as a precautionary measure.

Churches Conservation Trust re-appointment: Elizabeth Peace – 1 October 2019

[unable to retrieve full-text content]The Queen has approved the re-appointment of Mrs Elizabeth Peace as a Member of the Churches Conservation Trust.

Churches Conservation Trust re-appointment: Edward Harley – 1 October 2019

[unable to retrieve full-text content]The Queen has approved the re-appointment of Mr Edward Harley as a Member of the Churches Conservation Trust.

New Service Launched Helping Service Leavers to Plan Early and Leave Well

The launch of a new service from Veterans UK targets Service Leavers and their families that may need extra help and guidance transitioning from Service life. Defence Transition Services (DTS) is a team of caseworkers trained and ready to offer a full range of transition support.

The vast majority of Service Leavers make a successful transition to civilian life but a small minority (estimated to be approximately 5%) of the c.15,000 Service Personnel leaving the Armed Forces every year have a less successful transition. The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has a key role to play in ensuring its Service Leavers are well prepared and supported for their transition into civilian life. The launch of DTS demonstrates the MOD’s commitment to delivering on these responsibilities that were set out in the Strategy for Our Veterans.

Defence Transition Services will be available for those Service Personnel and their families who are likely to benefit from ongoing support, guidance and information before, during and after transition in partnership with those responsible for delivering in-Service welfare and transition. A new Defence Transition Referral Protocol (DTRP) is being introduced to provide a single referral point and access directly into Veterans UK for these cases. The new DTRP will also be the mechanism for accessing support from the Veterans Welfare Service (VWS), which will continue to support Veterans as it does now.

Launched as part of the Defence Holistic Transition Policy, this new service is part of a wider programme to have a single, centrally co-ordinated policy to better prepare Service Leavers and their families for their first steps on the transition journey.

Kate McCullough, Officer in Charge of Defence Transition Services, said;

We have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure all our caseworkers are up to speed and prepared to deliver this brand-new provision to Service Personnel and their families. We want DTS to become the ‘go to’ for Service leavers who need that extra support, whatever stage of the transition journey they may be at and we are here and ready to help and guide.

Andy Dowds, Head of Veterans UK, added;

I am delighted to announce the launch of Defence Transition Services and to welcome the Team into the Veterans UK family. We pride ourselves on our service delivery and by working alongside our experienced Veterans Welfare Service, the DTS Team will be aiming to ensure a successful transition for every Service Leaver they support.

Further details about Defence Transition Services are available via Help and Support for Service Leavers and their Families