Jordan: inviting bids from consultants for actor mapping


The aim of the work is to understand more fully the range and relationships of institutional stakeholders in Jordan. The purpose will be to enhance UK strategic planning for its next three-year cycle of programming in country.


The consultant will be expected to deliver:

  • workshop(s) to gather information from colleagues within the Embassy and/or outside about major actors in different areas
  • translation of this information through mapping software into visual representations of the key relationships and stakeholders
  • short report capturing the conclusions and sharing slides of the key graphics
  • access to the software/technology for the next 12 months

Consultant description

The individual or team will have:

  • demonstrable experience developing and delivering actor mapping for programming or policy influencing purposes for government, the private sector or non-profit organisations:
  • examples of past work along with references
  • knowledge of Jordan and networks in country is essential
  • strong preference for individual or team members fluent in spoken and written Arabic

The expected length of the consultancy is no more than 15 working days. The proposed time frame is late November or early December.

A fuller brief including areas of focus will be shared with the successful bidder.

How to apply

Interested candidates should submit:

  • a short CV (no more than 3 pages)
  • a short letter outlining their qualifications for the role, past experience and proposed methodology (no more than 1000 words)
  • their daily rate and total proposed cost including VAT if applicable

to by November 13th 2019. Please include “Actor Mapping Role” in the subject line.

Payment will be made after completion and acceptance of all deliverables or according to a schedule of payments negotiated as part of the contract. Payment terms are 30 days after receipt of invoice.

Published 6 November 2019

Remit letters, links to evidence and timetable for NHSPRB’s 2020 pay round

The indicative timetable for NHSPRB 2020 pay round is as follows:

  • 6 January 2020 – parties submit their written evidence
  • February to March 2020 – oral evidence with the parties
  • NHSPRB aims to submit its 33rd Report 2020 to Ministers in May 2020. The decision on when to publish that report rests with Ministers.

This page will be updated with links to remit letters and the evidence as and when they are received.

Ofsted publications during pre-election period

Children in playground.

During the pre-election period, we’ll be publishing less content, in line with Cabinet Office guidelines.

We will delay planned publication of research reports until after the election, along with the texts of speeches, press notices and news stories. We’re moving the launch of our Annual Report to January.

We will not be publishing reports on:

  • inspections of local authority (LA) children’s services (ILACS)
  • joint targeted area inspections (JTAIs)
  • local area special educational needs and disabilities (LA SEND) provision
  • LA-run children’s homes
  • LA-run further education and skills (FES) provision
  • fostering or adoption agencies that have had functions delegated to them by a local authority

All other inspection reports will be published, which includes all schools and early years providers, including LA-maintained schools as well as non-LA FES providers.

During this period we will continue to publish pre-announced official statistics (ONS), but our management information releases will be suspended until after the election.

Published 6 November 2019

34th Universal Periodic Review: UK statement on Fiji

The Universal Periodic Review takes place in Geneva.

The Universal Periodic Review takes place in Geneva.

Mr President,

The United Kingdom welcomes Fiji’s commitment to the protection of human rights, and their follow-up since their last UPR, including ratifying the UNCAT.

We acknowledge Fiji’s leadership in discussions on how climate change will impact the enjoyment of human rights. This issue is particularly important for Pacific Island Countries and we will continue to work with Fiji on this.

We encourage further effort to tackle gender-based violence, including by strengthening and fully implementing legislation punishing domestic violence, by raising awareness to change attitudes and by encouraging girls and women to report violence. We encourage Fiji to ensure greater support for victims, including provision of shelters and access to counselling.

We also encourage Fiji to prioritise work to guarantee freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association.

We recommend that Fiji:

  1. Ratify and implement the ILO Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (P029).

  2. Adopt an open, merit-based process when selecting national candidates for UN Treaty Body elections.

  3. Review decrees limiting freedom of expression and association, particularly the Media, Essential National Industries and Public Order Decrees.

Thank you.

Published 6 November 2019

PM call with President Trump: 5 November 2019


A Downing Street spokesperson said:

“The Prime Minister spoke to President Trump this evening.

“They discussed security issues, with the Prime Minister welcoming the US operation which led to the death of al-Baghdadi and underlining the ongoing importance of the fight against Daesh.

“The Prime Minister looked forward to the NATO Leaders’ Meeting next month. They agreed on the need for burden sharing and for NATO to prepare for future threats.

“The Prime Minister urged the President to lift tariffs on goods including Scotch Whisky, and ahead of a US decision on additional tariffs urged him not to impose tariffs on car exports.”

Published 6 November 2019