34th Universal Periodic Review: UK statement on Angola

The Universal Periodic Review takes place in Geneva.

The Universal Periodic Review takes place in Geneva.

The United Kingdom recognises Angola’s human rights progress, including ratification of human rights treaties and criminalisation of acts of discrimination based on sexual orientation. The UK acknowledges advances in media freedom and liberalising public debate. However, we remain concerned that police violence, arbitrary detentions and extra-judicial killings remain embedded in the practices of Angolan security forces.

The UK welcomes Angola’s National Policy on Gender Equality and support for the 12 years of quality education campaign, but remains concerned that societal gender biases still exist. The UK encourages Angola to ensure girls’ education becomes a priority on the ground.

We recommend that Angola:

  1. Ratify and implement the Protocol of 2014 to the ILO Forced Labour Convention 1930, (P029);

  2. Adopt an open, merit-based process when selecting national candidates for UN Treaty Body elections;

  3. Strengthen the mandate of the Human Rights Ombudsman, ensuring compliance with the Paris Principles.

Published 8 November 2019

Environment Agency working day and night to reduce flood impact

Heavy downpours across large parts of northern England have led to surface water and river flooding in parts of Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, Greater Manchester, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire.

River levels peaked in Sheffield and Rotherham overnight and are now starting to fall there, but they are still high in the Doncaster area, with further flood impacts anticipated over the coming 24 hours as water travels downstream. As at 1pm (Friday 8 November) there are six severe flood warnings in South Yorkshire with a threat to life, 75 flood warnings and 103 flood alerts.

The Environment Agency continue to respond to the flood risk and are working closely with police, fire and rescue, local authorities and partners to reduce the risk of flooding and keep communities safe. On the ground, Environment Agency field teams worked through the night to operate flood storage areas and pump away flood water.

Into the weekend, the situation in northern England will improve. However bands of rain or heavy showers will fall on saturated ground across parts of south and west of England at times bringing a risk of minor surface water flooding.

Chris Wilding, Flood Duty Manager at the Environment Agency said:

Heavy persistent rain has caused surface water and river flooding across parts of northern England . Ongoing river flooding is expected in South Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire today.

Our incident rooms are open and we are continuing to work closely with local authorities and partners to reduce the risk of flooding. Our field teams have been working through the night operating flood defences and deploying temporary flood barriers to help protect people and property. We advise people to stay away from swollen rivers and not to walk or drive through flood water as just 30cm of flowing water is enough to move your car.

People in affected areas should check their flood risk, listen for updates on local radio, and follow the advice of emergency services.

The public can check their flood risk and keep up to date with the latest situation at https://www.gov.uk/check-flood-risk, or by calling Floodline on 0345 988 1188 or following @EnvAgency on Twitter.

Notes to editors:

  • The Environment Agency updates its flood guidance every 15 minutes on its website at https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/warnings
  • Met Office weather forecasts and warnings can be found at http://www.metoffice.gov.uk and you can follow the Met Office on Twitter at @metoffice and Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/metoffice

Kosovo v England: travel ddvice

Date: Sunday 17 November 2019

Venue: Fadil Vokrri Stadium, Pristina, Kosovo

Kick off time: 6pm (local time); 5pm (UK time)

As well as this advice, check out our travel advice for Kosovo

Passports and visas

  • you don’t need a visa to enter Kosovo if you are travelling on a full “British Citizen” passport – but your passport should be valid for the proposed duration of your stay
  • if you have a different type of British nationality (other than ‘British Citizen’), check entry requirements with the Kosovan Embassy in London before you travel
  • your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) isn’t valid in Kosovo, so travel insurance is essential, even if you’re only going for one night. It could save you a lot of money if you get into difficulties
  • you must carry ID with you at all times (i.e.: driving licence or a photocopy of your passport)
  • If you lose your passport, you’ll need to get an Emergency Travel Document from the British Embassy in Pristina

Getting to Fadil Vokrri Stadium

Rr. Enver Zymberi

Fadil Vokrri Stadium is located in the city centre and is a multi-purpose stadium which is the home ground of FC Prishtina and the Kosovo national football team. The stadium holds 12,684 supporters, fully seated.

  • the stadium is 3 minutes walking distance from the city centre, 9 minutes walking distance from the Fan’s Embassy Info Point and 13 minutes walking distance from the ticket collection point. Parking around the stadium is not allowed on match day as roads will be closed to traffic
  • taxis are plentiful and cheap by UK standards, although some vehicles may not be in very good condition. Most taxis are metered in Pristina. You should use authorized taxi firms where possible. Vehicles may vary in colour and they are usually clearly marked, and have a “TAXI” sign on the roof
  • licensed taxis are located outside Pristina “Adem Jashari” International Airport
  • there are public buses scheduled from and to the airport. You can find more details on the Pristina airport website

At the match

  • England fans are seated in Sector J1 in the South stand (Gate: J1). All gates have disabled access
  • access to the stadium can be slow, there will be ticket checks and body searches at check points before entrance to the stadium
  • get to the stadium early – gates will open at 4pm
  • fans will be asked to show only match tickets at the gate – ticket touting is an offence in Kosovo
  • anyone who is obviously drunk won’t be allowed into the stadium
  • weapons, dangerous items, air horns, fireworks, laser devices, cans, glass bottles, poles, Go Pro cameras, professional cameras and large bags/suitcases aren’t allowed in the stadium
  • umbrellas are not allowed in the stadium so in the event of rainy weather you are recommended to wear raincoats
  • smoking is not allowed in the stadium
  • beer in plastic cups will be sold from portable bars outside the stadium

Helpful tips for local area

You should leave your passports in a hotel safe and use another form of ID: e.g. driving licence or a photocopy of your passport.

You should maintain at least the same level of personal security awareness as in the UK. As in any other city beware of pickpockets and bag snatchers at airports, around the town centre and when using public transport – only carry what you need and leave spare cash and valuables in hotel safety deposits.

Tap water in Pristina is not drinkable.

British Embassy Pristina
Rr. Lidhja e Pejes, No.177, 10000
Pristina, Kosovo

Telephone: +383 (0) 38 254 700 (also for out of hours emergencies)

Office hours: Monday to Thursday, 8:30am to 5pm, Friday, 8:30am to 1:30pm

For more information please visit the British Embassy Pristina website

Emergency services numbers

  • general emergency number is 112
  • police: 192
  • fire department: 193
  • ambulance: 194
  • [Emergency Management Agency] (https://ame.rks-gov.net/en/)

Further information

Follow the British Embassy Pristina on Twitter and Facebook for up to the minute travel advice:

Commission appoints interim manager to Aid Convoy


The Charity Commission has appointed an interim manager to Aid Convoy (1149015), a charity with purposes to support people who have been affected by natural or other disasters overseas.

As part of the Commission’s ongoing statutory inquiry into Aid Convoy, and in light of continued concerns, the Commission appointed Adam Stephens of Smith and Williamson LLP to act as interim manager of the charity under section 76(3)(g) of the Charities Act 2011 on 1 November 2019. Mr Stephens’ appointment is to the exclusion of the charity’s trustees.

Interim managers are appointed as a temporary and protective measure where the Commission has identified misconduct and/or mismanagement in the administration of a charity, or where there is a need to protect a charity’s property.

The interim manager’s role is to take control the day-to-day running of the charity while giving consideration to its future viability.

The Commission’s inquiry continues.


Notes to Editors

  1. Section 76(3)(g) of the Charities Act 2011 gives the Commission power to appoint interim managers to a charity.
  2. This appointment is a temporary and protective power that will be reviewed at regular intervals. It will continue until the Commission makes a further order for its variation or discharge.
  3. Once the inquiry has concluded the Commission intends to publish a report setting out its findings. Reports of previous inquiries are available on GOV.UK.

Published 8 November 2019

34th Universal Periodic Review: UK statement on Islamic Republic of Iran

Miriam Shearman

Mr President,

The United Kingdom appreciates Iran’s engagement with the UPR.

We remain concerned by discrimination against persons belonging to minority religious groups, particularly the Baha’i and Christians.

We remain deeply concerned by Iran’s failure to uphold international legal obligations, and its arbitrary detention of citizens and dual nationals arrested on unclear charges, denied due process and subject to mistreatment.

We recommend that Iran:

  1. Immediately demonstrates that all detainees in prison are neither tortured nor subject to cruel or inhumane treatment or punishment.

  2. Promptly allows an impartial trial process that weighs evidence and ensures defendants, and lawyers of their choosing, can have timely access to the charges and evidence.

  3. Investigates sexual exploitation of children aged under 18, including through forced, early and temporary marriage, and develop a national plan to protect at risk children.

Thank you.

Published 8 November 2019