200 UK troops deploy to support flood relief

Two hundred UK Armed Forces personnel have deployed this morning to South Yorkshire to support flood relief efforts.

Two hundred UK Armed Forces personnel have deployed this morning to South Yorkshire to support flood relief efforts. Crown copyright.

The troops, drawn from the UK Standby Battalions based at Catterick (Light Dragoons) and Cottesmore (2 Royal Anglian), will assist civilian authorities on the ground by bolstering flood defences in the Doncaster and River Don area.

If necessary, soldiers will also provide help warning and informing residents, and support with potential evacuation efforts from high risk or flooded areas.

Following this morning’s deployment a further 200 personnel will be put on immediate readiness later today, and Defence and the Armed Forces will continue to stay in close communication with other authorities to assess the requirement for further personnel if needed.

The deployment of troops follows support provided at the weekend by the Royal Air Force, when RAF Chinooks were called in to assist a pumping station near Doncaster following heavy rainfall.

The aircraft dropped 40 tonnes of aggregate at specific points to ensure flood defences could continue to work properly.

Published 13 November 2019

Foreign Office statement on situation in Bolivia


A Foreign & Commonwealth Office spokesperson said:

The United Kingdom congratulates Jeanine Áñez on taking on her new responsibilities as interim President of Bolivia. We welcome Ms Áñez’s appointment and her declared intention to hold elections soon.

Free and fair elections will rebuild confidence in democracy for the Bolivian people. We look to all political parties to support efforts to restore calm following recent violence and to organise fresh presidential elections in accordance with the Constitution.

Published 13 November 2019

Career fair for people with disabilities in Dashoguz

This year, the British Embassy in Turkmenistan is continuing to support people with disabilities through a wonderful project implemented by our long-term partners UNDP and NGO Yenme. This is a regional project with a special focus on Dashoguz and Lebap provinces.

The aim of the project is to improve self-esteem, provide confidence and professional skills-building opportunities to people with a variety of disabilities, while helping them move into education, entrepreneurship, training and employment and bringing them together with potential employers from the private and public sectors.

British Embassy Ashgabat is supporting people with disabilities in Turkmenistan through a joint project with UNDP and NGO Yenme.

On 6 November, Ambassador Hugh Philpott had a chance to attend a training session and a Career Fair in Dashoguz, where around 40 brilliant and very talented people took part. Ambassador Philpott was warmly welcomed by the participants and had a chance to share best practices of disabled people in the United Kingdom. At the end of the session he personally wished every success to each participant and stressed that there was nothing to hold them back!

This project is a continuation of the UNDP Career Fair held in Ashgabat in August 2018, which now has been expanded to Dashoguz and Lebap. There will be further training sessions and Career Fairs in Turkmenabat and Ashgabat respectively. The project will be conclude with the Christmas Bazaar in early December, which will be open for all, and where the participants from Dashoguz and Lebap, plus other talented people with disabilities, will have a chance to showcase and sell their handicrafts, especially to representatives of the diplomatic community and international organisations.

34th Universal Periodic Review: The Arab Republic of Egypt

Thank you Mr President, and thank you Minister for your presence today,

The United Kingdom welcomes Egypt’s steps to address violence against women, including adopting a national strategy for women’s empowerment. We also hope the NGO law will enable civil society organisations to operate more freely.

We remain particularly concerned by restrictions on human rights defenders and political activists, including arrests, travel bans and asset freezes.

We recommend that Egypt:

1) Release those detained for exercising their right to freedom of expression, including all journalists, activists and human rights defenders, and unblock news and social media websites.

2) Implement recommendations from UNCAT to ensure access to medical assistance and family visits in prisons.

3) Strengthen protection and support to victims of all forms of human trafficking, regardless of nationality.

Thank you Mr President.

Power outage affecting Veterans UK helpline

As a result of a power outage at Veterans UK’s offices, the Veterans UK helpline is currently offering a limited service.

Calls can still be made to 0808 1914 218 in the usual way but a call-back system is being offered for case specific enquiries. Calls should be returned the same day (next day for calls near to closing time).

If your enquiry is not urgent, please e-mail veterans-uk@mod.gov.uk. We currently expect normal service to be resumed from Monday 18 November.