Emergency support instrument update

Press release

The UK has secured £31 million in funding through the European Union’s mobility package to assist the UK’s coronavirus response.

This will fund some of the costs associated with the transporting of equipment and items of personal protective equipment (PPE) to the UK from overseas.

The successful bid for this grant ensures the UK continues to benefit from its own contributions to the EU under the Withdrawal Agreement.

The EU mobility package is part of the Emergency Support Instrument (ESI). The ESI has an overall budget of €2.7 billion and was activated in April 2020.

We continue to explore every opportunity for international cooperation to tackle the virus and save lives.

The UK’s successful bid was £31,024,734 (€34,047,679).

Read more the European Commission website.

Published 18 September 2020

“El Embajador” beer collaboration raises funds for soup kitchens

In an original collaboration, the British Embassy in Asuncion and local craft brewery “The Hop” joined to create the beer “El Embajador” (The Ambassador). The Hop will donate the proceeds from the sales of “El Embajador” throughout the months of September and October to the soup kitchens “Kuña Guapa” in the city of Luque, and “El bosque restaurador” in the city of Limpio.

José Duarte, owner of The Hop, raised the proposal to collaborate with the British Embassy, creating a new variety of craft beer in order to raise funds and support those who have been most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The launch of the idea took place on 13 August, with the participation of then Ambassador Hedges and the staff of the British Embassy in Asuncion. Through a live broadcast on Instagram on The Hop page, the Ambassador announced that proceeds from the non-profit sales would be given to the two soup kitchens.

Jose Duarte of The Hop said:

This idea represents an act of solidarity in trying times. When there is a willingness from the involved parties to try to help, these things come together.

“El Embajador” will be available for sale at The Hop bar in 500ml bottles and also available for refill of growlers (glass jugs) also for sale at The Hop. The beer will remain on the brewery’s menu after the fundraising campaign is over.

The idea of the collaborative beer coincided with the announcement of the end of the mission of former Ambassador Matthew Hedges. In response to the news, The Hop proposed that the recipe for the new beer be a tribute to the outgoing diplomat.

Thus “El Embajador”, whose name was the most voted in a Twitter poll, was born. The brand design uses the colours and the dragon of the Welsh flag, as the Ambassador’s home nation. The beer, a session IPA, is a mix of traditional British styles with a modern touch, bitter but low in alcohol content. The use of English and American hops gives it a soft aroma of herbs and fruits.

The then Ambassador Hedges closed the launch with an invitation:

I invite you all to collaborate with this project, and to try this delicious beer. Cheers!

If you would like to donate directly to the two soup kitchens, then they can be contacted on the following numbers:

  • Elvio Monzon, El Bosque Restaurador: +595 (0) 972 431 036
  • Mirna Ezquivel, Kuna Guapa: +595 (0) 994 317 365

Milestone in Inverness Castle transformation

In a significant step forward in the transformation of Inverness Castle, The Highland Council today announced the successful company to win the tender for the enabling contract is local Highland company, Compass Building and Construction Services Limited.

The enabling contract will start on 5th October and is anticipated to last for one year. The findings of these works will influence the length of the main construction contract, which is estimated to last for three years. The enabling contract is initial work carried out in advance of the main contract, including checks for asbestos, timber preservation and the building structure, all of which cannot be started until the building is vacant.

UK Government Minister for Scotland, David Duguid said:

I’m very pleased that we are one step closer to the transformation of Inverness Castle.

The UK Government is investing £3 million in this major renovation project to create a must-see visitor attraction in the Highlands. We know tourism will contribute greatly to the economic recovery of the region as we bounce back from Covid-19.

We are creating opportunities and unlocking growth across Inverness and the Highlands by investing £53m into the City Region Deal as part of more than £1.5bn of investment into Growth Deals right across Scotland, supporting the future of our economy.

Tourism Secretary Fergus Ewing said:

Inverness Castle is a project close to my heart and I’m pleased to see it take another major step forward in its transformation from Sheriff Court to world-class visitor attraction with this announcement that a local business, Compass Building and Construction Services, has won the contract.

Scottish Government funding through the Inverness City Region Deal has enabled this and I am pleased we are able to contribute £15million to the transformation of the Castle.

Thom Macleod, Managing Director with Compass Building and Construction Services said:

I am very proud of the fact that the Compass team has been successful in winning this contract. The Award of the contract is made all the more special on the basis that Compass is a local Highland company. Being able to take part in such a high-profile project that will play a role in the generations to come is so exciting. The team is very much looking forward to getting started.

The transformation of Inverness Castle is supported by a £15 million Scottish Government and £3 million UK Government investment through the city region deal. It will create a gateway for Highland tourism, contributing to reinvigoration of tourism across the area and providing much needed investment for the industry to aid the recovery from the effects of the COVID -19 pandemic. The project will support economic growth throughout the Highland area, creating a sustainable, viable and “must-see” attraction that will celebrate the spirit of the Highlands.

The Inverness and Highland City Region deal is a joint initiative supported by up to £315m investment from the UK and Scottish governments, The Highland Council, HIE and University of the Highlands and Islands, aimed at stimulating sustainable regional economic growth.

UK and Canadian Diplomats team up for Terry Fox Anniversary Run

In order to mark the 40th Anniversary of the Terry Fox ‘Marathon of Hope’ diplomats and their families from the Canadian High Commission in London, and the UK High Commission and Consulates-General in Canada are teaming up to ‘run’ from the most southerly point in England to the most northern part in Scotland and back again – a total of 1940km

This year’s event, called #DiploTeamForTerry, will be taking place virtually with participants asked to contribute kilometres towards a collective goal in whatever way they can (running, walking, cycling etc).

How will it work?

  • On September 20th Canadian High Commissioner to the UK, Janice Charette will signal the start of the marathon with team Canada covering the first part of the marathon from Land’s End in Cornwall to John O’Groats in Scotland, a distance of 970km in a straight line
  • The UK diplomatic team in Canada will then make the virtual return journey back to Land’s End in Cornwall, England, with UK High Commissioner to Canada, Susan le Jeune d’Allegeershecque, signalling the end of the diplomatic marathon.

Why are we doing this?

  • Prompted by the 40th anniversary, 2020 marks the return of the ‘Terry Fox Run UK’ which last saw an event 13 years ago in 2007. The event is organised by Canadian ex-patriots in the UK.
  • This year there is a new partnership between the Terry Fox Research Institute in Canada and the Institute of Cancer Research in the UK, a world-class cancer research organisation with academic excellence in cancer discoveries for more than 100 years.
  • The #DiploTeamForTerry will raise funds for both Institutes. The UK team aims to raise $2000CAD for the UK Institute of Cancer Research

British Army and Canadian Armed Forces team up:

In addition to the joint diplomatic effort, Canadian Armed Forces at CFB Suffield, Alberta, and UK Military personnel co-located at the British Armed Training Unit Suffield (BATUS), are joining forces to contribute an additional 1600km around Suffield – the equivalent distance from their base to Thunder Bay, Ontario where Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope ended 40 years ago. This unique event in which military personnel from both countries will combine their efforts for charity is taking place on 18th September.

Diplomats, CAF, the British Army, family and friends aim to cover a combined total distance of over 3,450km.


Fred Fox, brother of Terry Fox and Manager of Supporter Relations at the Terry Fox Foundation:

It is wonderful to welcome the Terry Fox Run in UK as a country-wide Run for the first time, albeit virtual. We are delighted that it has inspired the “Diplo-Team for Terry” virtual Terry Fox Run between the Canadian High Commission in London and the UK in Canada network. Our family and the Terry Fox Foundation are so grateful to everyone who is carrying on Terry’s legacy 40 years on.

UK High Commissioner to the UK, Susan le Jeune d’Allegeershecque:

I am delighted to have been able to take part in the UK Canada Diplo Run for Terry. This is a brilliant team effort reflecting the closeness of the relationship and the power of Terry Fox’s remarkable legacy in inspiring action. It is great to see the Terry Fox Run UK back in action after 13 years

Col Mark Ellwood MBE, Commander BATUS (British Army Training Unit Suffield):

At BATUS we depend on the support of our Canadian allies to prepare British soldiers for operational deployment. Supporting them to keep the incredible Terry Fox legacy alive is a very small gesture of our gratitude and appreciation.

About the Terry Fox Run:

Each year millions of people around the world participate in the World Terry Fox Run which has raised over CDN$800 million for cancer research, in pursuit of Terry’s dream to find a cure for cancer.

Terry was only 18 years old when he was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma (bone cancer) and forced to have his right leg amputated 15 centimetres (six inches) above the knee in 1977.

While in hospital, Terry was so overcome by the suffering of other cancer patients, many of them young children, that he decided to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research.

He would call his journey the Marathon of Hope.

Terry started his run in St. John’s, Newfoundland on April 12, 1980 with little fanfare.

Although it was difficult to garner attention in the beginning, enthusiasm soon grew, and the money collected along his route began to mount. He ran close to 42 kilometres (26 miles) a day through Canada’s Atlantic provinces, Quebec and Ontario.

However, on September 1st, after 143 days and 5,373 kilometres (3,339 miles), Terry was forced to stop running outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario because cancer had appeared in his lungs. An entire nation was stunned and saddened. Terry passed away on June 28, 1981 at the age 22.

Today Terry’s legacy lives on through the annual ‘Terry Fox Run.’ Communities around the world come together to take part in events and runs to raise money for Cancer research.

Media contacts and further info:


The British High Commission in Ottawa, is the UK government’s main diplomatic mission in Canada. Along with Consulates-General in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver, we work closely with the Canadian government and partners across the country to develop and maintain a wide range of substantive partnerships of real value to both countries. These partnerships cover business, defence, climate change, science and innovation, education, and culture.

Hundreds step up to help smaller employers Kickstart Britain’s recovery

More than 500 bodies have signed up to serve as gateways on the £2bn programme, providing assistance to employers offering fewer than 30 vacancies under the scheme. Participants will help firms with their applications and deliver the support each young person needs to make a success of their Kickstart role, increasing their chances of securing sustainable employment in future.

A growing list of gateways will ensure that small and medium sized employers wanting to get involved in the scheme will be able to find a suitable gateway provider in their area, and work with them to submit an application.

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), representing one in every 15 British employers, equating to 165,000 members, is among the first to sign up.

Work and Pensions Secretary Thérèse Coffey said:

I am delighted that the FSB has signed up to be a National Gateway – their work across the country with small business will give SMEs the confidence and support to offer places through the Kickstart Scheme.

Our Kickstart Scheme was designed with employers of all sizes in mind. It is extremely encouraging to see hundreds of organisations all stepping up to help Britain build back better.

She added:

Our growing list of gateways will make it easier for smaller employers to find their local gateways, who will support their application and help provide wrap-around support for the young people who get onto the scheme.

We are also encouraging more organisations to step forward as gateways to support this national effort and get behind the career ambitions of the next generation.

The FSB National Chairman Mike Cherry said:

Small businesses are embedded in local communities, and disproportionately take on those who face barriers when finding work.  The Kickstart initiative marks a crucial intervention, with young people’s job prospects now hit particularly hard by COVID-19, and small businesses under significant pressure. It will help small firms create thousands of good quality opportunities for young people at risk of long term unemployment. 

We have worked closely with government to make Kickstart accessible for small firms, and look forward to announcing FSB’s own plans as an gateway very shortly, alongside a diversity of good quality local gateway through local authorities, the voluntary sector and others.

About the Kickstart Scheme

Launched earlier this month, Kickstart will create hundreds of thousands of new fully-subsidised roles for young people as part of efforts to ensure a future of opportunity and hope for those starting out in their career and at risk of long term unemployment.

After more than 6,000 employers started an application in the first 24 hours, the Department has had interest from gateways all over the country. This list is a quick way for employers to find the one that suits them – whether that’s by geography or sector, and this list will grow.

This initial list contains over 500 organisations that have put themselves forward to be gateways across England, Scotland and Wales with more applications being reviewed and considered. The Department is encouraging any other organisations looking to be included to get in touch.

The Government will fully fund each Kickstart placement – paying 100% of the age-relevant National Minimum Wage, National Insurance and pension contributions for 25 hours a week.

Employers will be able to top up this wage, while the Government will also pay employers £1,500 to set up support and training for people on a Kickstart placement, as well as helping pay for uniforms and other set up costs.

The jobs will give young people – who are more likely to have been furloughed, with many working in sectors disproportionately hit by the pandemic – the opportunity to build their skills in the workplace and to gain experience to improve their chances of finding long-term work.

Information for employers

As a gateway, you will submit your application online at gov.uk and will need to provide supporting information about how the job placements are new jobs and how they will develop employability skills of young people. There is more guidance about what you provide here.

You will receive £300 per young person placed in a Kickstart job. This covers the signing of the grant agreement with the Department for Work and Pensions, the payment of the £1,500 start up and wrap-around support, and the passing on of wage payments to employers.

We envisage that many employers may want their gateway to supply some of the wrap-around support, and arrangements can be made between those on what proportion of the support will be provided and the £1,500 divided up in a way that suits both.

Organisations who also want to join this list, can email the Department: Kickstart.interest@dwp.gov.uk

A list of gateways can be found by visiting the ‘Find someone to apply for a Kickstart Scheme grant on your behalf’ page.

Media enquiries for this press release – 020 3267 5144

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