Nagorno-Karabakh: UK and Canada joint statement in response to continued military clashes

News story

The UK and Canada have issued a joint statement calling for an end to the military clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab and the Canadian Foreign Minister François-Phillippe Champagne said:

Canada and the United Kingdom reiterate the urgent need to end the continuing military action in and around the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone.

We are particularly concerned by reports of the shelling of civilian areas and wish to express our condolences to the families of those who have tragically lost their lives. The parties to the conflict must stop the violence and respect the ceasefire agreement.

We firmly support the statements made by the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group. We urge all external parties and friends of both states to redouble their efforts in support of an end to hostilities and to refrain from taking actions that risk exacerbating the crisis.

A comprehensive resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is overdue. That can only be delivered through a negotiated settlement and not through military action. All parties must urgently return to the negotiating table to work toward this aim without preconditions.

Published 6 October 2020

Boston Barrier wins at 2020 Institution of Civil Engineers Awards

Judges for the Institution of Civil Engineers’ ‘Edmund Hambly Medal’ select winners for their ‘important contribution to the wellbeing of mankind and the environment’.

It recognises that the barrier has been built not only to better protect more than 14,000 homes and businesses from tidal flooding, but that it does so in a way that safeguards the world for future generations.

From reducing waste and raw materials to cutting carbon emissions, the Environment Agency has put sustainability at the centre of every construction decision it has made.

That has included:

  • avoiding 30,000 lorry journeys by re-using construction debris
  • saving 1,500 tonnes of steel and 5,000 cubic metres of concrete by revising designs
  • investing more than £5m into the local economy by sourcing suppliers and materials from within a 50-mile radius
  • cutting hundreds of tonnes of carbon emissions
  • contributing to local health and wellbeing by improving access to the long-distance Macmillan Way for people with disabilities.

The Environment Agency’s approach has been guided by sustainability principles devised by the United Nations. The 17 Global Goals offer a blueprint for addressing global challenges, including climate change, inequality, poverty and environmental degradation.

The Boston Barrier scheme is being delivered by Bam Nuttall and Mott MacDonald Joint Venture and should result in significant, wide-ranging benefits for the community. This includes encouraging inward investment, improving resilience and public wellbeing, and protecting historic buildings.

Adam Robinson, Boston Barrier project director for the Environment Agency, said:

It is a privilege to receive the Edmund Hambly Medal and to be recognised by the ICE for making sure sustainability and the UN Global Goals are front and centre of our project.

We have been a lead case study for how we deliver sustainability throughout our work, addressing both the UN’s goals and our own EA2025 objective for a nation more resilient to climate change.

It is fantastic that the whole project team can be recognised in this way for their commitment and drive to not only provide Boston with one of the highest levels of protection outside of London, but also how we can positively impact on all 17 UN Global Goals and deliver a sustainable project over its 100-year design life.

Paul Sheffield, ICE president, who presented the awards, said:

On behalf of the institution, I want to offer my congratulations to all this year’s ICE Award winners. These awards seek to recognise outstanding civil engineering achievements as well as long-term contributions to both the engineering profession and ICE itself, showcasing true vision, leadership and excellence in our industry. 

In winning an ICE Award, these engineers are recognised for adding immense value, both to their profession and to society. All winners and nominees have shown how to shape themselves as better engineers in order to improve people’s lives and create a better world.

The Environment Agency beat off stiff competition to win the award, whose past international winners have included Hong Kong’s Harbour Area Treatment Scheme – the largest environmental infrastructure project in that city’s history.

EA2025 sets out three long-term goals: a nation resilient to climate change; healthy air, land and water; and green growth and a sustainable future. Some of its ambitious targets for 2020/21 include improving more than 4,000 kilometres of river, creating nearly 1,200 hectares of habitat and being on track to be carbon-neutral by 2030.

95th session of the Executive Council of the OPCW

Ambassador Gomez, Mr Chair, The United Kingdom is grateful to you, and to the Director-General, for your continued efforts to ensure that the Executive Council can meet safely.

The Technical Secretariat has made great strides in adapting to the evolving COVID-19 situation. It is imperative that this process continues given the likelihood of an extended period of restrictions. We welcome the pragmatic approach taken in relation to the resumption of Article VI inspections. The UK was pleased to have been able to accommodate inspections in recent weeks. The situation obviously remains very fluid but it is important that this work continues.

Mr Chair, the OPCW must have the resources needed to fulfil its mandate. The UK is a staunch supporter of the work of this organisation but we are also keen to ensure that those resources are well spent. UK experts have carefully reviewed the Director-General’s proposed programme and budget for 2021. We have concluded that it is both proportionate and reasonable. Assessed contributions will not increase whilst current levels of activity will be maintained, including all capacity building programmes. We call on all Executive Council members to support the draft Decision and recommend its adoption by the next Conference of the States Parties.

Mr Chair,

On 2 September, we were deeply concerned to hear from the German authorities that there was unequivocal proof that Mr Alexey Navalny had been poisoned by a nerve agent from the Novichok group. It is completely unacceptable that a chemical weapon was used in what appears to have been the attempted assassination of an opposition politician. We wish Mr Navalny well for a swift recovery and welcome the news that he has now been able to leave hospital in Berlin.

It is less than three years since we saw first-hand the deadly consequences of Novichok used as a chemical weapon in the United Kingdom. We are appalled that there should have been a repeat anywhere in the world.

The Russian authorities must fully investigate the circumstances of this chemical weapons attack on their soil. Russia should share its findings with the OPCW and this Council. The Technical Secretariat has made clear that it is ready to provide any technical assistance that is required. We urge Russia to take them up on the offer.

The purpose of this Organisation is to safeguard the prohibition on the use of chemical weapons. The Executive Council has a critical role to play in upholding that long-established international norm.

Russia must now give a full account of these events.

Mr Chair,

At the last meeting of this Council in July we took important action in response to the findings of the first report of the OPCW’s Investigation and Identification Team. The Syrian regime was found to have used chemical weapons on three separate occasions, in a blatant breach of the Chemical Weapons Convention.

This Council has clearly set out the steps needed for Syria to come into compliance with the Convention and we urge them to do so, in full, in advance of the 90 day deadline. We look forward to the Director-General’s report on the progress made. It is our collective duty to ensure the implementation of the obligations that were freely entered into by all states parties and, if necessary, the issue will be taken up at the next Conference of States Parties.

In conclusion, Mr Chair, the United Kingdom recognises the value of the range of programmes and activities conducted by the OPCW. The capacity building work will have enduring benefit for us all. We were pleased to make a voluntary contribution of £800,000 in August. We are now delighted to announce that the UK is finalising a further £1 million voluntary contribution towards the establishment of the Chem Tech Centre and the Trust Fund for Security and Business Continuity, specifically cyber security.

Thank you, Mr Chair.

Tech Rocketship Awards search for entries from across Europe

The UK’s Department for International Trade (DIT) will launch the first ever European edition of its celebrated start-ups programme, the Tech Rocketship Awards, at The Next Web Conference in Amsterdam.

The Awards are seeking entries from every corner of Europe in a bid to identify the brightest and best tech companies and help them on their journey towards internationalisation, offering the opportunity to experience a paid-for, fully-tailored market visit to the UK. The entries will be judged by experts on a country level before going through to a European grand finale with live pitches in front of high-profile judges that will include business leaders, venture capitalists, dealmakers and tech specialists.

The objective of the awards is to accelerate the global growth of the winners, through personally-curated direct meetings with the UK’s world-leading ecosystem of investors, incubators and tech clusters.

Following the success of programmes in India, Japan, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand, The Tech Rocketship Awards Europe are open to established European scale-ups who offer innovative, technology-led solutions across a wide spectrum of industries and are ready to internationalise.

The awards will help 8 winners gain exposure, expand their global networks, and expedite the set-up of their UK operations through a paid-for, curated trip to the UK in mid-2020 and a bespoke package of support to help them quickly establish and succeed in the UK.

The Tech Rocketship Award Categories in Europe are:

  • Economy and Digital Security

  • Tech for Health and Wellbeing

  • The AI and Data Revolution

  • The Future of Mobility & Travel

  • Clean Growth (Cleantech)

  • Feeding the Nation (Agritech)

  • Connected Consumers and Creativity

  • GREAT Tech for Change Award

As part of the outreach programme, DIT will run a series of workshops in November in partnership with the Global Entrepreneur Programme aimed at providing prospective applicants, and those interested in expanding to the UK, with expert advice on:

  • Pitching for investment

  • Refining your global marketing strategy

  • An update on the thriving UK tech ecosystem

  • Insights from companies who have successfully expanded to the UK

  • Information on the Tech Rocketship Awards and how you could win a place

Richard Burn, Her Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for Europe, said:

The UK is the number one country in Europe for Unicorns. Our tech sector is the home of forward-thinking innovators, and the home of Europe’s most ambitious scale-ups. There is no better place for them to grow than the UK.

One of the key roles DIT plays is to help the best companies from around the world thrive on a global level through the tech ecosystem that exists in the UK. What Tech Rocketships will do for the lucky winners is give them a rocket-powered, fully-tailored direct route to the financiers, incubators, tech-savvy customers, and all the infrastructure that they need to help them take that next great leap from scale-up to unicorn status.

I urge every great tech business in Europe looking to internationalise to enter these Awards and to look out for our activities in your country.

Closing date for submissions is 15 November 2020. Full details about the competition, including terms and conditions are on the Tech Rocketship Awards website. Winners will be announced in March 2021.


Email Robert Logie, Head of Marketing & Communications, Europe at

ACT Awareness eLearning

Devised by CT officers and security experts, the ACT Awareness eLearning package was previously only available to staff working in crowded places like shopping centres and entertainment venues.

Now Counter Terrorism Policing has decided to open up the training to anyone who wants to become a CT Citizen so they can learn how to spot the signs of suspicious behaviour and understand what to do in the event of a major incident.

ACT Awareness eLearning will provide nationally recognised corporate CT guidance to help people better understand, and mitigate against, current terrorist methodology.

The following eLearning Modules are available:

  1. Introduction to Terrorism
  2. Identifying Security Vulnerabilities
  3. How to Identify and Respond to Suspicious Behaviour
  4. How to Identify and Deal with a Suspicious Item
  5. What to do in the Event of a Bomb Threat
  6. How to Respond to a Firearms or Weapons attack
  7. Summary and Supporting Materials

Two options are available for you to access the eLearning:

  1. URL: You will be provided with your own URL link and PIN to immediately access the online version.

  2. SCORM: If you intend to deliver the ACT Awareness eLearning course using your own learning management system (LMS) then we can supply a SCORM 1.2 compliant file.

How do I register?

To register please visit:

I am a private individual, can I register?

Yes, availability has now been extended to include unaffiliated individuals. Please go to and select ‘start new training session’ then enter as an ‘individual’ where you will be given instant access to the course.

Is there a charge for this eLearning?

No, all NaCTSO guidance is free.

Can I share my password for the eLearning with other organisations?

No, your login is unique to your company. Please direct external contacts to

Will the eLearning work on all my devices?

The course will work on Windows or Apple desktop PCs or Laptop computers. It will also work on iPads running the current version of iOS and Android tablets from mainstream manufacturers.

I am a Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) with no Learning Management System (LMS), which version will best suit me?

Please register for online access at

I have registered for online access, how do my staff now start the eLearning?

Please circulate to all your staff your organisation’s unique access details, emailed to you during registration. Colleagues should be discouraged from entering the learning as an individual as this will not be recorded as part of your organisation’s usage data.

Which version will allow me to track my employees’ completion of the eLearning?

The SCORM version will allow you to track the progress of your employees. You will need your own Learning Management System (LMS) in order to do this. Learning Management Systems can be downloaded for free if you have technical staff able to configure them. Many LMS providers offer subscription services, these can used if you do not have the internal resource required to manage an internal LMS. Online users will receive a certificate on completion of all modules to enable you to audit completion.

How long will online access last?

Your online account will remain active for the duration of the tool’s availability unless you choose to close your account or your account remains inactive for a 12-month period. NaCTSO reserves the right to remove or replace this service.

How long will the SCORM last?

Initial SCORM packages will last for 3 months. Once we are satisfied that you are meeting the agreed reporting requirements (quarterly), then we may choose to offer a SCORM package with a longer lifespan. Scheduled reporting requirements will still apply and NaCTSO may withhold updates from any company not providing the agreed progress and completion. Please email if you have been unable to launch/use the learning and we will arrange to extend the lifespan of your SCORM.

How long does the eLearning take to complete?

The course is split into 7 modules and can be completed in full in around 45 minutes, or it can also be completed as individual modules at your convenience.

Can I save my progress?

Yes, please note that you will only be given the option to save a completed module on the main module page; partially completed modules cannot be saved. On saving your progress you will be given an ‘attempt ID’. Please keep this safe as without it we are unable to recover your progress. To resume the training please go to enter your attempt ID in the box required and select ‘continue previous training’.

Can the eLearning be completed in groups?

Yes, when you start the course you will be asked how many learners are present; please make the appropriate selection and deliver the course to your group.

My employer has asked me to complete the learning, should I select ‘individual’?

No, you should ask your employer for the access details if they have not already supplied these. If you have been given a link to follow or a pin number, please enter the training via the button, ‘I am learning as part of a registered organisation’.

I have lost my original access e-mail/my pin, what should I do?

Please contact who will re-send to you.

Can I share my organisation’s login with our international offices?

Yes, overseas operations linked to your UK headquarters can now use the eLearning.

The product was designed for UK based organisations, however, availability has now been extended to include use outside of the UK. This still remains subject to acceptance of our terms and conditions and an ‘International Disclaimer’.

The modules will not load or work?

This could be your internet security settings blocking some of the course content. Please check your security settings and allow cookies for the course. Also, try using a different browser or device to complete the training. If the problem persists, please email:

Will I get a certificate?

Yes, upon completion of the course you will be asked to download your certificate. To do this, please ensure you have pop-up blockers disabled, and cookies enabled. If you do not receive a certificate please email: and we will happily issue you one.

Where can I get further information on the ACT app?

Please visit and select ‘click here for support and FAQs’