Government pledges £1 Million in response to ITV’s Help our Helplines campaign

  • £1 Million donated by the Government in response to ITV’s Help our Helplines campaign
  • Funding will be allocated to mental health charities helplines as part of the Coronavirus Mental Health Response Fund
  • Fundraising appeal to feature tonight as part of ITV’s Britain’s Got Talent

Inspired by ITV’s Help Our Helplines campaign, the Government is donating £1 million to charities across the country through the Coronavirus Mental Health Response Fund, administered by Mind.

The donation will be announced during the final episode of hit ITV programme Britain’s Got Talent, airing tonight. The extra £1 million of Government funding comes as part of a package of support for the mental health sector on World Mental Health Day, including £2 million for research into the effects of COVID-19 on the mental health of at risk groups, and over £400 million to eradicate dormitories in mental health facilities in England.

Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock said:

This unprecedented pandemic has changed life as we know it, and will have understandably caused or added to the concerns and hardship of those suffering from mental health conditions.

Mental health charities do an amazing job of working alongside the NHS to support those who need it, when they need it. I am delighted to be able to extend support for these charities on World Mental Health Day, by £1 million to mental health charities in response to ITV’s Help Our Helplines campaign.

Minister for Mental Health, Nadine Dorries said:

I know how difficult this pandemic has been for so many, particularly those with pre-existing mental health conditions.

ITV’s Help Our Helplines campaign has done an incredible job of shining a light on the important work of mental health charities across the country and this funding will go a long way to helping people in their darkest moments.

This will fund mental health helplines, which are able to provide direct access to information, emotional support and other services. There are a range of helplines offering support, including condition specific helplines, local helplines, and support for particular groups and communities.

ITV chief executive Carolyn McCall said:

This £1 million donation from the Department of Health and Social Care is a real boost to ITV’s Britain Get Talking Help Our Helplines campaign. The number of people looking for help has risen significantly as it continues to be a challenging time for many.

We are grateful to the Government for recognising our campaign with this generous pledge. It will help mental health charity helplines continue to offer their support to everyone who needs their help;

ITV’s Help Our Helplines campaign launched on 5 October which will end with a final fundraising call on tonight Britain’s Got Talent final to mark World Mental Health Day. It is supporting the helplines of Mind, YoungMinds, CALM and SamH.

The campaign aims to raise funding through public donations to support mental health charity helplines during Covid-19, so that no call goes unanswered.

The Government has given £5 million to the Coronavirus Mental Health Response Fund, established in March, reaching over 130 mental health charities including BEAT and Mind. This is on top of a further £4.2 million to other mental health charities across the country.

PM call with President Macron: 10 October 2020

News story

Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke to President Macron of France this morning.

The Prime Minister spoke to President Macron of France this morning.

The leaders discussed the latest developments in the Coronavirus pandemic and the measures each country was taking to stop the spread of the virus.

The Prime Minister then set out the latest state of play in the negotiations on the future relationship between the UK and the EU. He confirmed the UK’s commitment to exploring every avenue to reach an agreement. He underlined that a deal was better for both sides, but also that the UK was prepared to end the transition period on Australia-style terms if an agreement could not be found.

The Prime Minister emphasised that progress must be made in the coming days to bridge the significant gaps, notably in the areas of fisheries and the level playing field, through the process of intensive talks between Chief Negotiators agreed with the President of the European Commission.

The leaders agreed to keep in touch on the issue.

Published 10 October 2020

British High Commissioner visits North of Pakistan

World news story

The British High Commissioner Christian Turner travelled to Chitral, Hunza and Gilgit this week in his first visit to the North of Pakistan. The visit was part of a joint effort with the Canadian High Commission and the Aga Khan Foundation.

British High Commissioner visits North of Pakistan

During the visit, the British High Commissioner stressed the potential for sustainable tourism in northern Pakistan to create jobs and support local communities.

He also saw the impacts of climate change on local communities. Pakistan is the 5th most vulnerable country to climate change, and has more glacial ice than any country in the world outside the Polar Regions, since 2015, the number of lakes caused by melting glaciers in Pakistan has increased from 30 to 150. He highlighted UK’s support for Pakistan’s drive to find nature-based solutions to climate change, in advance of the UK-hosted COP26 international climate negotiations in 2021.

British High Commissioner Christian Turner CMG said:

In my first visit to the North of Pakistan I was blown away by its natural beauty. But the potential for sustainable tourism and its communities are at risk from climate change. As part of our preparations for hosting the 2021 COP26 climate negotiations, the UK will do more to help vulnerable communities in Pakistan deal with the impact of climate change and protect these magnificent landscapes. Our world is our responsibility.

The High Commissioner visited UK funded climate-resilience activities in central Garam Chashma. UK plans to invest £13 million in Pakistan this year on tackling climate change. This will include supporting vulnerable communities adapt to climate change, improve resilience through emergency disaster planning and helping to increase the use of renewable energy.

The visit also focused on girl’s education and support for gender equality. The UK is committed to ensuring every girl gets 12 years of quality education, and has supported nearly 8 million girls in Pakistan to attend primary and secondary school.

The High Commissioner visited Government Girls School in Hunza, the Chitral Women Sports Club and met inspiring women entrepreneurs who are leading the way on achieving Pakistan’s potential and delivering inclusive prosperity in their communities.

At Karakorum International University, the High Commissioner awarded Scottish Pakistan Scholarships to students; and learned about their experience and future ambitions. The Scotland Pakistan Scholarship for Young Women and Girls aims to make higher education more accessible to underprivileged girls across Pakistan.

Notes to editors:

  • The British High Commissioner was accompanied by Development Director for Pakistan Annabel Gerry on this trip.

  • The UK is committed to using its Presidency of COP26 to be held in Glasgow 2021 to ensure the priorities of the most affected countries, such as Pakistan, are heard and acted upon.

  • The UK is committed to supporting Pakistan on climate resilience, nature-based solutions and on leveraging financing from other donors and the private sector on green and clean development.

  • Nature-based solutions could provide a third of global climate change mitigation, but only attracts 3% of global funding. Pakistan sets a powerful example to the world, and the UK will work together to make the case at COP26 for nature to be at the heart of global climate action.

  • The UK supported local communities worst affected by the glacial flash floods of 2015 and have supported post-flood reconstruction and disaster preparedness work in Garam Chasma through Multi-Year Humanitarian Programme (MYHP) and Building Disaster Resilience Programme (BDRP), delivered by implementing partner ACTED.

  • ACTED helped to re-establish and train the village Emergency Response Team and has also constructed drainage lines, roads and irrigation channels, build flood protection walls, and shelters for those who have lost their homes in disasters, with UK funds.

  • ‘Climate smart’ training helps farmers adapt their agricultural techniques to ensure food security.

For further information

For updates on the British High Commission, please follow our social media channels:

British High Commission, Islamabad
Tel: 0300 500 5306

Published 10 October 2020

British exporters recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours List

Press release

Exporting entrepreneurs and industry leaders are being recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2020

International Trade Secretary Liz Truss is today congratulating UK exporters and business leaders who have been recognised with Honours for their outstanding service to international trade, investment and exports.

Those selected for honours represent a diverse range of businesses, from vanilla pod exporters and maze designers, to bionic arm experts and English tea exporters.

The Queen’s Birthday Honours List, initially delayed due to Coronavirus, recognises the work and dedication undertaken by those who worked during the pandemic to keep the country safe.

International Trade Secretary Liz Truss said:

A warm congratulations to the exporters being acknowledged for their work in championing trade across the globe in this year’s Honours List.

It is a testament to the innovation and creativity of UK businesses and I look forward to continuing to celebrate those who export overseas, showcasing UK goods the world over.

This year’s celebration is especially important given the pandemic and, with trade being essential to the UK’s economic recovery from Coronavirus, it is integral that we continue to equip businesses across the country with the information and tools needed to export across the globe.

Exporters and business leaders in the Queen’s Birthday Honours include:

  • Kelly Hoppen; Interior Designer and Entrepreneur – for services to the GREAT campaign (CBE)
  • Robin Watson; Chief Executive Officer, Wood Plc (CBE)
  • Jonathon Glyn Jones; Managing Director, Trading, Tregothnan (OBE)
  • David Alexander Wilson McCredie; Chief Executive Officer, Australian British Chamber of Commerce (OBE)
  • Alpesh Bipin Patel; Founder, Praefinium Partners (OBE)
  • Elizabeth Vega; Group Chief Executive, Informed Solutions (OBE)
  • Rory Clarkson; Aerospace Engineer for Rolls Royce (MBE)
  • Anthony Cleary; Managing Director of Lanchester Wines (MBE)
  • Kimberley Cram; Project Director, Macquarie Group (MBE)
  • Arthur Curtis; Founder of TILE, Experience UK, ITEC and ETSA (MBE)
  • Adrian Fisher; Founder of Maze Creator Design (MBE)
  • Samantha Payne & Joel Gibbard; Co-founders of Open Bionics (MBE)
  • Janet Elizabeth Sawyer BEM; Founder, LittlePod (MBE)
  • Jacob Thundil; Founder, Cocofina (MBE)

Staff from the Department for International Trade (DIT) have also been recognised in the 2020 New Year Honours list, including:

  • Joanna Crellin, HM Trade Commissioner (Latin America and the Caribbean) and Consul-General, Sao-Paulo, Brasil (CBE/CMG)
  • Stephen Johnston, Economic Adviser, Trade Remedies and Disputes (OBE)
  • John Kell, Research and Development Specialist in Automotive Sector Team (MBE)
  • Simon Kelly, Country Director for Angola (MBE)

Antonia Romeo, Permanent Secretary at the Department for International Trade, said:

It’s brilliant to see, once again, British business leaders be recognised for their exporting capabilities and successes abroad, as well as a number of talented and dedicated DIT colleagues for their service to international trade

This year we also celebrate the resilience of individuals who have made a significant contribution to the COVID-19 response. To those individuals as well as the exporters and DIT colleagues, a huge congratulations to you all.

Published 10 October 2020

New UK Government Covid Testing Site Opens in Stirling

News story

The UK Government has today [Saturday 10 October], opened a new walk-through coronavirus testing centre at The Engine Shed in Stirling.

The UK Government has opened a new testing centre in Stirling

Located in Stirling town centre, the site is easily accessible for people without a car. The new facility is being provided by the UK Government as part of a UK-wide drive to continue to improve the accessibility of coronavirus testing for local communities. It is operated by Mitie on behalf of the UK Government.

The test centre is part of the largest network of diagnostic testing facilities created in British history. In Scotland, this comprises of six drive-through sites, seven walk-through sites, 21 mobile units, plus the Glasgow Lighthouse Lab, which is working round the clock to process samples.

In Scotland, the UK Government is providing all COVID testing and test processing outside of the NHS. Around two-thirds of all daily tests are provided by the UK Government, in support of Scotland’s health services.

Tests must be booked in advance online at, or by calling 0800 028 2816. People should only book a test if they have coronavirus symptoms (a high temperature, a new and continuous cough, or a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste).

UK Government Minister for Scotland, Iain Stewart, said:

The UK Government is helping all parts of the UK fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Testing is vital, helping to manage local outbreaks and protecting people’s livelihoods. The UK Government is providing the bulk of Covid testing in Scotland, and this new walk-through centre in Stirling is just the latest in our extensive testing network.

We are pleased to be working with local and commercial partners. These sites are not possible without the hard work of many people. I would like to thank everyone involved for their incredible efforts for the good of the country at this difficult time.

Published 10 October 2020