Illegal waste containers successfully repatriated from Sri Lanka

A consignment of 21 containers illegally exported to Sri Lanka has arrived back in England today (Wednesday, 28 October).

The containers, which were shipped to Sri Lanka in 2017, were found by local authorities to contain illegal materials described as mattresses and carpets which had been exported for reuse.

With the shipment now back on English soil, EA enforcement officers will seek to confirm the types of waste illegally shipped and who exported it. Those responsible could face a custodial sentence of up to two years, an unlimited fine, and the recovery of money and assets gained through the course of their criminal activity.

Malcolm Lythgo, Head of Waste Regulation at the Environment Agency, said:

We are determined to stop this illegal trade and we have officers inspecting waste shipments at ports across England every day. Wherever we find illegal activity, we stop the waste being exported.

There are stringent international rules in place to stop contaminated waste being shipped to unsuspecting countries which could harm their citizens and the environment, and we will be thoroughly investigating this consignment to track down those responsible. Producers of waste should make sure it does not get handled illegally by their contractors – out of sight should not be out of mind.

Those exporting waste should be under no illusion – if we find waste being shipped illegally then we will take action.

In 2018/19 the EA prevented nearly 13,000 tonnes of waste from leaving England which were destined for illegal export around the world, with officers working closely with Border Force, HMRC, police forces and environmental regulators in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to target and disrupt those who try to export waste illegally to other countries.

To clamp down further on illegal waste exports, the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs will bring forward key regulatory reforms through the revision of regulations governing international waste shipments, the introduction of waste tracking, and the strengthening of both producer responsibility and the regime for waste carriers, brokers and dealers.

More information about waste imports and exports can be found on, and suspicious waste shipments can be reported to the EA or anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Animal medicines seizure notice: Susan Bello-Pearson, Dezinerbullz Ltd (3)

News story

Details of the seizure notice served to Susan Bello-Pearson, Dezinerbullz Ltd, Essex in January 2018.

This notice is published following the conclusion of an investigation case.

The following products were seized by Defra Investigation Services (DIS) as part of an investigation case and under the execution of a search warrant:

  • 1 box labelled Aureomycin 10mg/g
  • 7 boxes labelled Aniprantel Tabletta
  • 3 tablets in a pack labelled Aniprantel
  • 2 open 10ml vials labelled Busol
  • 6 x 10ml vials labelled Busol
  • 1 box labelled Dexafort
  • 10 Sachets labelled Doxacin 100mg/g
  • 1 empty blister pack labelled Erythromycin
  • 1 box labelled Enroxil 5%
  • 1 empty 1ml vial labelled Eurican Herpes 205
  • 1 opened 1ml vials labelled Eurican Herpes 205
  • 6 x 1ml vials labelled Eurican Herpes 205
  • 10 tablets, 9 in a blister pack and 1 loose, all labelled Flagyl 200mg
  • 2 box labelled Isathal eye drops
  • 12 tablets in a blister pack labelled Metronidazole
  • 14 tablets in 2 blister packs labelled Metronidazole
  • 1 open bottle labelled Marbocyl 10
  • 1 blister labelled Noroclav 250mg tablets for dogs
  • 1 box labelled Nobivac Diluent A.U.V.
  • 3 boxes containing a total of 23 x 1ml vials labelled Nobivac DP Vaccine A.U.V.
  • 1 box containing 8 x 1ml vials labelled Nobivac DP Vaccine A.U.V.
  • 3 boxes containing a total of 28 x 1ml vials labelled Nobivac Diluent A.U.V.
  • 3 boxes labelled Oculsan 5ml
  • 9 boxes labelled Surolan
  • 1 used syringe labelled Sedalin 35mg/ml
  • 2 boxes labelled Sedalin
  • 1 plastic bottle labelled Taktic
  • 1 pack containing 3 vials (1 used)
  • 5 blister packs of 20 tablets
  • 1 pack containing 3 vials (1 used)
  • 1 open bottle for injectable use with a worn label

These products are non-UK veterinary product. They can only be administered to animals under Schedule 4 (Administration of a veterinary medicinal product outside the terms of a marketing authorisation) of the VMR by vets who have the animals under their care and have obtained a Special Import Certificate (SIC) to obtained the product.

The possession of these products is an offence under Regulation 26 (Possession of an unauthorised veterinary medicinal product) of the VMR. The administration of these products is an offence under Regulation 8 (Administration of the product) of the VMR.

  • 1 box labelled Medicor
  • 1 tube labelled Lubrithal Eye Gel

On examination the two-product listed above were found not to be veterinary medicinal products. No action was taken against these.

  • 1 open bottle labelled Synulox 100ml
  • 1 open bottle labelled Synulox 40ml

Synulox is a Prescription Only Medicine – Veterinary (POM-V). It is an antibiotic treatment for dogs.

Unauthorised possession and administration of POM-V veterinary medicines are offences under Regulation 7 (Classification, supply and possession of the product) and Regulation 8 (Administration of the product) of the VMR.

Details regarding the prosecution of this case can be found under the heading Prosecutions published in October 2020

Published 28 October 2020

Animal medicines seizure notice: Susan Bello-Pearson, Dezinerbullz Ltd (2)

News story

Details of the seizure notice served to Susan Bello-Pearson, Dezinerbullz Ltd, Essex in January 2018. This notice is published following the conclusion of an investigation case

The following products were seized by Defra Investigation Services (DIS) as part of an investigation case and under the execution of a search warrant.


  • 3 boxes labelled Oculsan 5ml
  • 1 box labelled Aureomycin 10mg/g
  • 1 box labelled Isathal eye drops
  • 5 boxes labelled Aniprantel Tabletta
  • 1 box labelled Enroxil 5%
  • 1 box labelled Dexafort
  • 8 boxes labelled Surolan
  • 4 Sachets labelled Doxacin 100mg/g
  • 1 used syringe labelled Sedalin 35mg/ml
  • 1 box labelled Aniprantel
  • 6 x 10ml vials labelled Busol
  • 2 boxes labelled Sedalin
  • 1 pack containing 3 vials (1 used)
  • 1 box labelled Surolan
  • 1 box labelled Aniprantel
  • 5 blister packs of 20 tablets
  • 3 tablets in a pack labelled Aniprantel
  • 4 tablets in a blister pack labelled Metronidazole
  • 1 empty blister pack labelled Erythromycin
  • 1 pack containing 3 vials (1 used)
  • 1 box labelled Isathal
  • 1 blister labelled Noroclav 250mg tablets for dogs
  • 6 Sachets labelled Doxacin 100mg/g
  • 1 opened 1ml vials labelled Eurican Herpes 205
  • 1 open 10ml vial labelled Busol
  • 1 empty 1ml vial labelled Eurican Herpes 205
  • 1 box labelled Nobivac Diluent A.U.V.
  • 3 boxes containing a total of 23 x 1ml vials labelled Nobivac DP Vaccine A.U.V.
  • 1 box containing 8 x 1ml vials labelled Nobivac DP Vaccine A.U.V.
  • 3 boxes containing a total of 28 x 1ml vials labelled Nobivac Diluent A.U.V.
  • 1 open 10ml vial labelled Busol
  • 1 plastic bottle labelled Taktic
  • 1 open bottle labelled Marbocyl 10
  • 1 open bottle for injectable use with a worn label
  • 8 tablets in a blister pack labelled Metronidazole
  • 10 tablets, 9 in a blister pack and 1 loose, all labelled Flagyl 200mg
  • 14 tablets in 2 blister packs labelled Metronidazole
  • 6 x 1ml vials labelled Eurican Herpes 205


  • 1 open bottle labelled Synulox 100ml and 1 open bottle labelled Synulox 40ml


  • 1 box labelled Medicor – not VMP
  • 1 tube labelled Lubrithal Eye Gel

Published 28 October 2020

Animal medicines seizure notice: Susan Bello-Pearson, Dezinerbullz Ltd (1)

News story

Details of the seizure notice served to Susan Bello-Pearson, Dezinerbullz Ltd, Chelmsford, Essex in April 2018.

This notice is published following the conclusion of an investigation case

The following products were seized by Defra Investigation Services (DIS) as part of an investigation case and under the execution of a search warrant.

  • Blister pack containing 10 tablets labelled Synulox 250mg – not on SN
  • Blister pack containing 9 tablets labelled Ronaxan 100mg
  • Blister pack with 10 empty cells labelled Ronaxan 100mg
  • 3 boxes labelled Noroclav 250mg tablets for dogs
  • Blister pack containing 4 tablets labelled Noroclav 250mg for Dogs
  • Blister pack containing 4 tablets labelled Noroclav 500mg for Dogs

The medicines listed above are all Prescription Only Medicine – Veterinary (POM-V). They are all antibiotic treatments for dogs.

Unauthorised possession and administration of POM-V veterinary medicines are offences under Regulation 7 (Classification, supply and possession of the product) and Regulation 8 (Administration of the product) of the VMR.

  • 1 box containing a bottle and syringe labelled Leventa 30ml
  • 4 bags (1 open) labelled Doxanin 100mg
  • 1 box containing 4 tablets labelled Aniprantel Tabletta
  • 1 box labelled Aniprantel Tabletta

These products are non-UK veterinary product. They can only be administered to animals under Schedule 4 (Administration of a veterinary medicinal product outside the terms of a marketing authorisation) of the VMR by vets who have the animals under their care and have obtained a Special Import Certificate (SIC) to obtained the product.

The possession of these products is an offence under Regulation 26 (Possession of an unauthorised veterinary medicinal product) of the VMR. The administration of these products is an offence under Regulation 8(Administration of the product) of the VMR.

Details regarding the prosecution of this case can be found under the heading Prosecution published in October 2020.

Published 28 October 2020

Prosecution of Ms Susan Bello-Pearson trading as Dezinerpugz Limited (previously Dezinerbullz), Essex

News story

Details of the prosecution of Ms Susan Bello-Pearson trading as Dezinerpugz Limited (previously Dezinerbullz), Essex

On 28 August 2020 at Chelmsford Magistrates Court Ms Susan Bello-Pearson was prosecuted and found guilty of 12 offences under the Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013.

Ms Bello-Pearson’s company Dezinerpugz Ltd (previously Dezinerbullz Ltd) was also prosecuted and found guilty of the same 12 offences.

One charge was for the ‘Supply of an unauthorised veterinary medicinal product’ Synulox

The remaining 11 charges were all for the ‘possession of an unauthorised veterinary medicinal product’. The products being:

  • 5 boxes of Novibac
  • 9 boxes of Surolan
  • An open vial of Busol
  • 5 blister packs of Erythromycin, each containing twenty tablets
  • 4 bags labelled Doxanin
  • 6 x 10ml vials of Busol
  • 4 sachets of Doxacin
  • 1 box of Dexafort
  • 1 box of Enroxil
  • 1 box containing a bottle and syringe labelled Laventa
  • 2 boxes of Sedalin

The Joint Penalty on conviction was as follows;

  • Susan Bello-Pearson/Dezinerpugz (Jointly) fined £5,000 plus £170 victim surcharge and £105 cost

This totalled to the financial penalty of £5,275. In addition all seized medicines were to be forfeited and destroyed.

Details regarding the seizure of the products in this case can be found under Notices published in October 2020.

Published 28 October 2020