All systems go for UK’s £55M fusion energy experiment

  • Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) Upgrade device will tackle one of fusion’s biggest technical challenges
  • It brings the UK one step closer to a fusion power plant
  • The machine will reach incredible temperatures four times hotter than the centre of the sun

For the first time, after a seven-year build, the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA)’s £55M-machine, labelled Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) Upgrade, has achieved “first plasma” – where all the essential components work together simultaneously.

Science Minister, Amanda Solloway, said: “We want the UK to be a world leader in fusion energy and to capitalise on its amazing potential as a clean energy source that could last for hundreds of years.

“Backed by £55 million of government funding, powering up the MAST Upgrade device is a landmark moment for this national fusion experiment and takes us another step closer towards our goal of building the UK’s first fusion power plant by 2040.”

Commenting on the achievement of first plasma, UKAEA CEO, Professor Ian Chapman, said: “MAST Upgrade will take us closer to delivering sustainable, clean fusion energy. This experiment will break new ground and test technology that has never been tried before. It will be a vital testing facility on our journey to delivering the STEP fusion power plant.”

The project was funded by the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, part of UK Research & Innovation and the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.

Fusion energy offers the potential of an abundant, inherently safe low-carbon electricity supply (the raw materials are found in seawater and the Earth’s crust). It involves fusing hydrogen particles in a hot gas known as a ‘plasma’ to unlock large amounts of energy.

Operating fusion technologies requires a careful balancing act of controlling extreme heat, gas and powerful magnetic fields, amongst other complex systems.

Shaping fusion power for the future: MAST Upgrade video

One of the biggest challenges in fusion research has been to extract the amount of excess heat from the plasma. UKAEA’s scientists now plan to test a new exhaust system called the ‘Super-X divertor’ at MAST Upgrade.

This system is designed to channel plasma out of the machine at temperatures low enough for its materials to withstand – meaning that components can last much longer. The approximate tenfold reduction in heat arriving at the internal surfaces of the machine has the potential to be a game-changer for the long-term viability of future fusion power stations.

MAST Upgrade will be the forerunner of the UK’s prototype fusion power plant, Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (“STEP”), due for completion by 2040.

STEP – which UKAEA is designing in an initial £220 million programme funded by the UK Government – will be based on MAST Upgrade’s ‘spherical tokamak’ fusion concept. The spherical tokamak could offer a route to a compact fusion power plant. The success of MAST Upgrade is another step along the way to designing future fusion power facilities, which could have an important role as part of a future portfolio of low-carbon energy.

MAST Upgrade will also aid preparations for ITER – the world’s largest science megaproject, now being built in the South of France, which intends to demonstrate fusion power on an industrial scale.

“MAST Upgrade ensures the UK is in the premier league of countries working on fusion – and will be vital in achieving UKAEA’s goal of building the STEP fusion power plant,” concludes Professor Chapman.

For more information on this press release, or to arrange media interviews, please contact Nick Holloway, UKAEA Media Manager at

We are transforming vetting

This week we launch our three-year programme to completely reimagine vetting, the process that civil servants, the armed forces, police, defence industry and other security regulated sector staff need to complete for security cleared roles. We will be making it easier for people to apply for clearances via a new technology platform that we will roll out next summer and will simplify and join up the process to make it faster and more consistent.

When our transformation is complete, colleagues who need clearances should expect to start new roles sooner and colleagues with clearances who change jobs or employers should expect their transfer to happen seamlessly.

One of our first steps is to publish a new vetting charter, which emphasises our commitment to make vetting as transparent as we can and to support everyone who needs to be vetted and hold a security clearance.

People are our greatest asset and we see protecting national security as a partnership. To increase inclusivity and participation in the process, we want to provide a vetting service which reflects how people live their lives in the 21st century, and welcomes applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply for security cleared roles.

Ensuring that vetting enables the Civil Service to be an inclusive employer of all talents will be a top priority for the Programme. We will continue to work closely with the Civil Service’s Affinity Groups to achieve this.

We have introduced a new feedback process which will allow applicants to offer views on their experience with the process. We will act on this feedback to drive improvements. We are also developing a new complaints process which will give applicants the opportunity to raise any concerns they may have with the process, with our United Kingdom Security Vetting organisation, or independently of it if they prefer.

Over the next 3 years, we will deliver a faster, more efficient and more effective vetting service to get people into security roles more quickly. This will include more support for applicants going through vetting for the first time, the ability for clearance holders to move easily between organisations and closer alignment with HR and recruitment processes.

We will have much to share over the coming months, and the team will be publishing regular updates, features and blogs. If you would like to know more you can contact the Programme at

NHS COVID-19 app updates across England and Wales

  • Around 40% of adults with eligible smartphones have now downloaded the NHS COVID-19 app
  • Updates increase app’s accuracy in identifying close contacts
  • Removes unnecessary exposure notifications to improve communications to app users

NHS COVID-19 app users will benefit from updates to the app that make it more accurate and user-friendly from today, 29 October. This is the latest in a series of updates since national launch, designed to improve the efficacy and usability of the app.

The app, which has now been downloaded 19 million times by around 40% of eligible smartphone owners, will be updated to better estimate distance between users to increase the accuracy of close-contact notifications sent out by the app.

The accuracy will be even better than at launch, and working in collaboration with scientists from The Alan Turing Institute to utilise the latest version of the Google/Apple API, it is now the only app globally to have innovated its underlying technology to exploit this latest API update. This improves the estimation of distance via Bluetooth, further helping to break chains of transmission.

By improving the accuracy of how the app estimates distance, it can better assess whether someone is at risk of having caught the virus and therefore needs to isolate. This means the app will better protect users, their loved ones and our communities

The app has been designed with user privacy in mind, so it tracks the virus not people, and uses the latest in data security technology to protect privacy. The system generates a random ID for an individual’s device, which can be exchanged between devices via Bluetooth (not GPS). These unique random IDs regenerate frequently to add an extra layer of security and preserve anonymity.

The app does not hold personal information such as your name, address or date of birth, and only requires the first half of your postcode to ensure local outbreaks can be managed. No personal data is shared with the government, police or the NHS.

The update also addresses the issue of ‘ghost’ exposure notifications, sent by Google and Apple when the app interacts with the API, improving the clarity of app communications.

NHS Test and Trace Director of Product, Gaby Appleton, said:

The team behind the app are continually working to improve its accuracy and user experience, to make it as simple as possible to keep users and their loved ones safe.

We are thrilled that over 19 million people have chosen to download the app to help protect their loved ones while preserving their privacy, and that over 680,000 QR codes have been created by businesses to support digital contact tracing.

This update builds on that success by increasing accuracy, and also removing ‘ghost’ exposure notifications, meaning users will only be notified if they need to self-isolate.

The more people who use the app, the better it works, so I encourage all those who have not yet downloaded the app to do so.

Mark Briers of The Alan Turing Institute said:

It is thanks to the hard work of the NHS COVID-19 app development team and colleagues at the Turing Institute that we have been able to exploit the updated API technology in this way.

This update increases the accuracy, meaning those most at risk will be notified to self-isolate.

Change to risk threshold

The app uses a combination of distance, proximity and infectiousness of a contact to calculate the risk threshold at which someone is notified to self-isolate. The latest update uses technology to better measure distance, meaning we can reduce the number of low-risk contacts notified to self-isolate without impacting the number of high-risk contacts notified to self isolate.

This means now, more than ever, those who are notified by the app to self-isolate are at high-risk and should isolate to break the chain of transmission and control the spread of the virus.

The risk threshold is not static – it can be turned up or down and will be kept under review and changed periodically to reflect the stage of the coronavirus pandemic.

The update will also lower the threshold set to notify users at risk of having caught the virus to self-isolate. See more detail on this change.

This is expected to increase the number of people asked to self-isolate by the app having been in close contact with someone who has tested positive. In the context of rising infection rates across the country, this change is necessary to break the chain of transmission, helping curb the spread of the virus and therefore ensuring fewer people are infected in the long term.

Ending ‘ghost’ notifications

By removing these unnecessary ‘ghost’ exposure notifications, it will be clearer to app users they only need to self isolate when instructed to do so by the app. The new update will be available immediately on all eligible Android phones, and iPhones running on operating system iOS 3.7 or above.

The app is also set to become interoperable with contact tracing apps in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Jersey and Gibraltar. We are currently consulting with the National Cyber Security Centre to ensure this process is secure and reliable, functioning effectively to benefit everyone using contact tracing apps across the UK. We expect this update to be released in early November.

When interoperability is implemented, if an app user tests positive for coronavirus, they can choose to upload the anonymous keys their phone has been exchanging with other phones so alerts can be sent to other app users across the UK, Jersey and Gibraltar.

We are committed to publishing more detailed app data in due course.

Background information

The app is available to all those over 16 in England and Wales, and operates in 12 languages. It forms a central part of the NHS Test and Trace service in England and the NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect programme, identifying contacts of those who have tested positive for coronavirus.

As of Sunday 25 October, the NHS COVID-19 app had been downloaded over 19 million times across England and Wales.

The NHS Test and Trace team behind the app has worked closely with major tech companies, including Google and Apple, scientists within The Alan Turing Institute and Oxford University, Zuhlke Engineering, medical experts, privacy groups, at-risk communities and teams in countries across the world using similar apps – such as Germany – to develop an app that is safe, simple and secure.


Chatham House speech: Liz Truss sets out vision for values-driven free trade

Thank you, Robin, and good afternoon everyone.

It is great to be here with you to talk about our value-generating and values-driven trade policy that will see the United Kingdom help lead the fight for free trade.

In a Covid-battered world riven by trade wars and trade barriers, Global Britain’s return is timely.

After nearly fifty years without our own voice, we are back at the table. We can use our G7 presidency next year to lead the global fightback for free and fair trade, challenging those who won’t play by the rules.

Yet all ventures start at home, more often in these times in fact, and we need the British people to join us in our value-generating and values-driven trade policy.

Some will share my excitement about the opportunities ahead, while others will be nervous. But we all know that trade, and the investment it brings, delivers jobs, better living standards, and higher wages at home.

In turn, the best of British business excels by going global. That is why we see Yorkshire Tea sold in over 30 countries. Rodda’s from Cornwall is now the world’s largest producer of clotted cream, and the Blyth-based Tharsus selling its Ocado robotics around the world

If so many of us can see that free trade is a force for good, why do some people treat it like the source of all evil?

That question has been wrestled with through the ages. As the Whig historian Thomas Macaulay once lamented, “free trade, one of the greatest blessings which a government can confer on a people, is in almost every country unpopular”.

This Government has been evangelical about the value of free trade. My friend the Prime Minister led from the top in February, when he reminded us in his great Greenwich speech that Richard Cobden came to conclude trade was “God’s diplomacy”.

In that spirit, I urged my newly appointed Board of Trade earlier this month to make the case around the world as the Cobden, Peel and Bright of the 21st Century – and to re-establish the UK as a major voice in global trade.

Yet trade is too often seen as a bogeyman to blame for many problems, whether that be global warming, deindustrialisation, and even childhood obesity. These critics forget that trade does a world of good.

Free trade is a lean, green, value-creating machine. It has lifted billions out of poverty across the world, led to a cleaner environment and put food on people’s plates. It helps developing, and developed, nations alike.

That helps explain why when I talk to our friends and allies, they have great interest in doing more business with Britain – and they put their money where their mouth is.

We are the top destination in Europe for foreign direct investment. In technology, we attract more investment than France and Germany combined.

We are third in the world in our number of so-called “tech unicorns” and can see this in the scores of British success stories, such as Zoopla, Deliveroo and Monzo.

Official figures just the other week found that the UK video games industry is growing at its fastest rate on record.

This shows the success enjoyed by British developers, be they the ones who made Assassin’s Creed in Newcastle, Donkey Kong in Leicestershire or Grand Theft Auto in Edinburgh. And it’s safe for gamers to take this as a sign that the UK will level up.

For all the benefits our fast-growing industries will bring us in the future, we must learn from the mistakes of the past.

In opening ourselves up to embrace more fantastic opportunities, we need to maintain a sustainable approach which commands widespread support and democratic legitimacy.

There were mistakes when the World Trade Organisation allowed new and large economies to join in the early 2000s without being subject to the same disciplines as existing members.

Turning a blind eye has let pernicious practices run rife.

When nations use their muscle to artificially promote state-subsidised products, the free market is subverted. When intellectual property is not fully protected, or technology transfer is enforced, innovators have no reason to carry on innovating.

Rather than challenge this, too many countries acted like the mercenaries of global trade in response, looking the other way while artificially low-cost goods undermined legitimate business.

But a few cheap phones and TVs will never make up for a nation selling off their security and subverting their sovereignty. In the long run, it damages free enterprise and free trade.

Indulging this behaviour has had a corrosive effect on the foundations of our rules-based free trade system, spreading disillusionment and distrust.

This has not been helped by politicians talking about trade deals in terms of shopping days, without fully engaging in the concerns the public have.

Take the European Union’s ill-fated efforts to negotiate the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

Their pursuit of what would have been Europe’s largest trade deal yet ended up producing one of Europe’s largest petitions – as over three million people made their opposition clear.

This showed no matter how great a deal might be on the table, people are not going to go along with a process in which they have no trust. When you lose trust, it’s all too easy to imagine the worst.

So those consumers who joined the TTIP backlash, fearing the price the UK might pay for a deal, can rest assured: Taking back control of our trade policy means the British people are back in the driving seat.

Free trade has been blamed for all sorts, but we must not unfairly scapegoat it and lurch towards protectionism.

The fact is that the UK’s industrial heartlands have not been failed by bad trade, but rather by bad policy.

Cutting off an economy will not fix a lack of decent infrastructure, transport links and skills support, but it will consign industry to decline. Protectionism paves the way to poverty, not to prosperity. Industry needs to be open to ideas and opportunities from the global market.

Openness is needed to develop economic resilience. Otherwise, when a shock like this crisis comes along, you are left exposed with nowhere else to buy your goods from and nowhere else to sell them to.

I can tell you here today that Britain is learning from the twin errors of values-free globalisation and protectionism, and we are instead rooting our approach for global free trade in our values of sovereignty, democracy, the rule of law and a fierce commitment to high standards.

In control of our trading future, we will work with like-minded democracies to support freedom, human rights and the environment while boosting enterprise by lowering barriers to trade.

Our red lines remain at the heart of this values-driven approach, namely:

  • Our NHS remains off the table
  • Our food standards must not be undermined and British farming must benefit
  • And any trade deal must help level up our country.

Now we have taken back control of our trade policy and our sovereignty, many have been asking whether our future lies in sticking with America or Europe.

The UK did not leave the European Union to have another country’s values thrust upon it. We support the right kind of globalisation, based on shared values as we help lead the fight for free markets, free societies, human rights and a greener world.

Rather than pull up the drawbridge in an autarkic Britain First approach, this great island nation is building bridges across the world.

We are working more closely with longstanding allies and nations who share our values. I call this approach: putting friends and family first.

The values driving our newly independent trade policy are well-known.

Our friends know how strongly freedom has delivered and driven the UK’s national story, whether they think back to the historic advancement of human rights under Magna Carta, the abolition of the slave trade or the development of free market economics.

Our long-standing partners know the British sense of compassion and that, as a nation of animal lovers, we hate animal cruelty – so much that this Government is pushing forward legislation to bring in amongst the toughest sanctions in Europe for animal abusers.

Our allies can see how much we care about the environment in the work we’re doing for the COP26 global climate change conference.

The British people care deeply about fairness, decency and liberty. We can best spread our fundamental values – freedom, democracy, human rights and protecting our natural environment for the future – by working with our friends and family across the world.

By embracing our long-standing partners, not literally of course in this Covid age, we are supporting democracy, rules-based trade and a cleaner planet.

Our coalition of the willing will not just deliver better values across the world but help deliver economic value. This is why I call our trade policy value-generating and values-driven.

In an age when our services, digital and data trade is growing, modern economic models based on geography are becoming less relevant. We can challenge the tyranny of geography by selling our brilliant computer games, apps and robotics right around the world.

With more negotiations ongoing right now than any other nation, we are working day and night to create a cat’s cradle of trade deals across the Atlantic and Pacific – with the UK at its heart.

That is why we are seeking what I’ve come to call “British-shaped” deals, because they are shaped to suit the strengths of our economy, to support our values, and to show what more we can achieve as a newly independent nation.

These agreements also protect us against protectionism, shielding businesses from arbitrary tariffs, or arbitrary bans from foreign authorities.

The high-standards forward-leaning agreement I signed with Japan last week provides a concrete example of our approach. That is why it received such widespread support from the best of British industry, from CityUK and TechUK to Scottish salmon producers and the National Farmers’ Union – among so many others.

Knocking down senseless trade barriers and shaping sensible rules will help innovative businesses succeed.

Our deal brings two-like-minded democracies together in our shared values, as well as our consumers in shared tastes – as we enjoy more of each other’s high-quality goods and cutting-edge services.

There is much more I could say about this deal, but we wouldn’t have any time for questions.

Global Britain is already defying the doubters. We want to carry on proving them wrong, and we have no time to waste.

After agreeing the Japan deal in record time, the UK is already onto its fifth round with the US, nearing its third round with Australia and a continuity deal with Canada, finishing its second round with New Zealand and in full flow with a variety of other partners.

These talks support our plans to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would realise the vision of a Global Britain that looks far beyond its own shores by coupling us to one of the most dynamic trading areas in the world.

Even then, we are just getting started. While we are making fast progress towards the government’s ambition to cover 80 per cent of UK trade in free trade agreements by 2022, our trade policy is focused far beyond the next two years.

In time, we have the ambition of striking economically valuable and values-driven deals with India, the Gulf and our Latin American friends across the Mercosur bloc.

Once we have joined CPTPP and agreed a free trade deal with our American friends, British businesses will be able to sell their wares directly in a more comprehensive way into the world’s most vibrant markets.

This would mean Global Britain has unprecedented and deep access to over 40 per cent of the world’s gross domestic product, which equates to over £27 trillion pounds. If we add in our EU friends, with whom we want a relationship centred on free trade between sovereign equals, this would equate to over £40 trillion.

And there will be something for every British business. Those who work in advanced manufacturing, food and drink, services, digital and data, will be covered.

As a newly independent trading nation, unparalleled opportunities lie ahead of us.

Our economy can move into top gear after decades in the slow lane, stuck behind the EU’s high tariff wall. Now, we will hitch ourselves to the fastest-growing economies of the world and unleash our full potential.

Over 32 years ago, EU leaders were rightly warned by Margaret Thatcher that Europe “never will prosper as a narrow-minded, inward-looking club”.

But now, we are on track to join a truly broad-minded outward-looking club – the CPTPP. Together, we can help shape sensible business-friendly rules that cover services, digital and data, while putting pressure on the WTO to reform in kind.

We are already working with our Commonwealth family to do so much better, and not just by drafting in one of their former Prime Ministers onto our Board of Trade.

The UK is a founding member of a global partnership on artificial intelligence with Australia and New Zealand, and we are working with our Australian friends to build the next generation of cutting-edge frigates.

As a newly-independent nation, we can help innovation flourish more than under the innovation-phobic EU’s watch.

Something as simple as transferring data across borders ends up being needlessly complicated by the EU, preventing UK firms from doing digitally enabled business abroad.

There is room for a moderate, science-led approach to gene-editing. But rather than take a pragmatic approach, as the UK is now free to do, the EU has shunned transformational ideas.

Take golden rice, the superfood developed as a humanitarian project to save hundreds of thousands of lives. Despite being deemed safe by our like-minded allies Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States, Brussels has yet to agree.

Taking back control means the UK can become the ideas factory of the world. Greater freedom to innovate and craft modern rules that will help our entrepreneurs thrive.

That is how we can build on our current status as one of the best places in the world to do business – with the UK already in second place among the G7.

There is no reason why the country once known as the workshop of the world cannot become a global hub for the services and tech trade. The people once mocked by Napoleon as a “nation of shopkeepers” can stand tall as a nation of traders, innovators and entrepreneurs.

Together with our friends and family, we can be at the heart of a new trading order rooted in our shared values and bring economic value to all.

To succeed as a newly-independent trading nation, we need the support and trust of the British people.

We will work hard to earn that trust, and to engage everyone across the country in our trade policy.

My pitch to the people of Britain is this:

The UK is setting out its own path, in which we will neither sacrifice our values – freedom, democracy, human rights and the environment – nor our economic opportunity.

Our approach has already been proven to deliver, as our Japan deal shows, and there is more to come. Our friends and allies stand ready to help us. But the British people will be our most important ally of all.

  • British farmers can join us in making the case for better animal welfare standards at the WTO.

  • British businesses can help us cut the red tape that stops them getting their high-value products out to world markets.

  • British innovators can help us unleash our full potential.

We are on their side, working with our friends and family first to support British values and spread economic prosperity.

Anything that does not deliver for Britain will remain on the shelf. To coin a familiar phrase, no deal is better than a bad deal.

Once we are happy with any new agreement, it goes through one of the most transparent scrutiny regimes in the world so that everyone can see it delivers for our economic interests and values.

I will only sign deals, like the one we did with Japan, which I am confident will be met with approval by Parliament.

Those still nervous about the exciting opportunities ahead can be assured we have taken their concerns to heart.

Everyone will know how passionately I feel, as a former Defra secretary, about agriculture. Our Trade and Agriculture Commission will ensure that everyone’s voices are heard as we seek new opportunities for our farmers, while maintaining the UK’s world leading status in animal welfare and the environment.

We have legislated to ban the import of chlorinated chicken and hormone-fed beef. And I can assure anyone worried about such food entering our markets that our standards are not up for grabs.

But we cannot have blanket bans on any food produced differently from the UK, which would have a devastating effect on economies which we want to see benefit from free trade.

I am proud we have struck trade agreements with the Cote d’Ivoire and the Southern African Customs Union, and will be launching our trade policy next year to help developing economies.

And think of how other nations would react to a ban. They would likely raise barriers in response, and I know the last thing the people of Britain want to see is our goods banned from other countries’ shelves.

Indeed, I know the huge sense of pride that people feel when they see British goods and services being enjoyed across the world.

Whether it is British culture and music, driving a British-made car, playing on a British-designed computer game, or enjoying a British afternoon tea – served on Stoke-on-Trent pottery.

Our values-driven trade policy is grounded in the world we live in. We will not do deals at any price, but we know the price of not doing any deals.

We need to move forward and embrace a trade-powered recovery. That is why I say to the British people: join with me in making the most of Global Britain’s return.

Let’s work together to strike down senseless barriers to trade and open up opportunity, spreading our world-leading standards far and wide.

Let’s make sure that the global trading system works for the UK, for developing countries and for our like-minded allies.

Let’s go forward together, learning from the mistakes of the past as we make a success of our value-generating and values-driven trade policy. With our like-minded allies, we can join the fight for free markets, free societies and free trade.

As I reminded our Board of Trade, we already have a great story to tell as a free trading nation.

Now Global Britain is back, it is time for the makers, the doers and the innovators to help us write our most exciting chapter yet.

OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre: UK statement

Thank you Mr Chair. I’d like to thank Ambassador Yrjölä for her comprehensive and timely report on the activities of the Conflict Prevention Centre (CPC).

I think we can all agree that 2020 has posed immense challenges for the entire OSCE community.

We share your concerns, Ambassador Yrjölä about the impact of the recent military escalation in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We are grateful for the assistance that you have provided Ambassador Kasprzyk and his team in preparing for possible humanitarian engagement.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created profound challenges for us all. We appreciate the contingency planning support and advice your working group has provided to field operations. Such contingency planning will continue to be vital as the OSCE region faces the implications of a second wave of the pandemic over the winter. We encourage you to continue your close cooperation with field operations, supporting them to adapt to the evolving situation.

We are particularly grateful for the support you have provided to the Special Monitoring Mission in this regard, helping them to strike the right balance between duty of care and mandate implementation. The Special Monitoring Mission fulfils a vital role, providing impartial, facts-based reporting to the international community about the security situation on the ground and CPC support on reporting, dialogue facilitation, internal early warning, technological monitoring and information management, and on further improving the alignment of management, operations and security, is invaluable.

We appreciate too your support to Ambassador Grau and the coordinators of the Trilateral Contact Group Working Groups in their pursuit of a peaceful resolution of the conflict in full respect of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders.

We also value the support you provide to OSCE field operations elsewhere in our region. Your continued advice and support on project and programme management, including monitoring and evaluation, should help colleagues in these missions make even better use of their resources to support host countries to fulfil their OSCE commitments.

This month we mark the 20th anniversary of UNSCR 1325 on Women Peace and Security. Mainstreaming a gender perspective into OSCE activities is another vital way to enhance their effectiveness. It means we have a greater understanding of how issues affect men and women differently and therefore can better tailor our responses to them. We welcome the toolkit on Inclusion of Women and Effective Peace Processes, which contains actionable proposals on how to advance women’s meaningful inclusion in peace processes that the OSCE is facilitating or co-facilitating. It is great to hear how the CPC has built on this – supporting the OSCE Mission to Moldova in integrating a gender perspective into its work on the Transnistrian settlement process and the work of the Geneva International Discussions Co-Chairs to develop an internal action plan on Women, Peace and Security.

The CPC has again provided invaluable support to the FSC this year. We remain concerned that OSCE’s pol-mil acquis continues to be undermined by partial and non-compliance. We want to see these conventional arms control and CSBM agreements function to their full potential, to the benefit of all participating States, including through long-overdue Vienna document modernisation.

We continue to value the Structured Dialogue as an added value forum to discuss current and future challenges and risks to security in the OSCE area. All participating States should be prepared to engage in constructive dialogue on priority security challenges, even those they find uncomfortable to discuss. We do not rule out exploring further voluntary measures to improve transparency, but they cannot substitute for full and faithful implementation of participating States’ mandatory transparency commitments. And we would need to reach a broad consensus before implementation of any further voluntary measures.

As we look forward to the 10th anniversary of MC Decision 3.11, I would like to finish with some reflections on the OSCE’s conflict cycle toolbox. The UK highly values the tools provided by the Conflict Prevention Centre on early warning, including through its work as the organisation wide focal point and the monitoring provided by its 24/7 Situation Centre, on early action, on conflict resolution and on conflict prevention. We support your plan to strengthen these tools further. However, we recognise that all this support and all these resources, can only be as effective as we, the participating States, allow them to be. We must all demonstrate the political will to use these resources and to fully implement the OSCE principles and commitments that underpin comprehensive security for all our citizens.