MyHMCTS introduces Multi-Factor Authentication

News story

Introduction of multi-factor authentication, to provide additional security protection to account users.

MyHMCTS, the online case management tool for solicitors and other legal professionals to submit, pay for and manage online case applications is introducing multi-factor authentication, which provides additional security protection to account users. The service upgrade is being implemented from 18 November, from which users will be asked to authenticate their login when using MyHMCTS.

After logging in as usual, users will be sent an email with a verification code (see example below). They will then need to type in this code on the login screen in order to enter the system and access their cases. This won’t change the way MyHMCTS functions and the verification code is required every time users log in. It will be valid for one login only and after one hour of inactivity, users will be logged out and asked to revalidate.

The verification code will come from this email address and users will need to add this email address to their safe senders list, to ensure this is not sent to spam or junk email folders.

For users experiencing any issues, email

See our guidance page for more infomation on using MyHMCTS: online case management for legal professionals

Published 13 November 2020

Two charged after cash stuffed into suitcases seized at Heathrow airport

News story

Two people have been charged with money laundering after approximately £1.2 million in cash was seized by Border Force officers at Heathrow airport.

Two charged after cash stuffed into suitcases seized at Heathrow airport article

Czech nationals Zdenek Kamaryt, 37, and Michala Repperova, 26, were questioned by Border Force officers at around 9am on Sunday, 8 November before they were due to leave on a flight to Dubai from Terminal 2. Officers searched three suitcases, where they found £1.2 million, and two hand luggage bags which contained a further £30,000. The cash was in mixed denomination notes.

The pair were arrested and the investigation was referred to the National Crime Agency (NCA).

Chris Philp, Minister for Immigration Compliance and the Courts, said:

This is the second largest individual cash seizure at the border in the space of five weeks and shows that Border Force will not relent in their search for money believed to be connected with criminality.

Clamping down on the export of undeclared cash from the UK is vital in our fight against organised criminal gangs.

Zdenek Kamaryt and Michala Repperova, of no fixed UK address, appeared at Uxbridge Magistrates Court on Tuesday, 10 November where they were remanded in custody until their next appearance at Isleworth Crown Court on 10 December.

On 3 October, Border Force officers at Heathrow airport Terminal 2 seized almost £2 million in cash.

Published 13 November 2020

Businesses in England to receive £2.2 billion to see them through national restrictions

  • Grants of £2.2 billion to be distributed to businesses across England by councils
  • support aimed at businesses that have been required to close restrictions, with local authorities given extra cash to help other businesses at their discretion
  • package builds on £200 billion already provided to support jobs, incomes and businesses since the start of the pandemic

Small businesses in England will receive a significant £2.2 billion from the government to help them through the current period of national restrictions.

Businesses will benefit from 2 grant schemes: one for businesses that have had to close, and another scheme for further business support as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, helping support people’s jobs and livelihoods and protect communities.

Money is being transferred to councils in England today (13 November) and businesses can expect to receive money covering the 4-week period of national restrictions in the coming days and should check their council’s website for details.

Business Secretary Alok Sharma said:

We know that this is a really tough time for businesses across the country, which is why we are continuing to deliver a wide-ranging package of urgent support.

This much-needed cash will help to sustain businesses, protect jobs and keep communities ticking as we continue to tackle the virus in the coming weeks.

Minister for High Streets Kelly Tolhurst MP said:

This funding will help to protect jobs and give businesses on the high street added security at this time. The ban on commercial evictions until the end of the year provides landlords and tenants with an opportunity to reach an agreement which can help businesses to continue operating.

The grant schemes are:

The Local Restrictions Support Grants, for businesses which have had to close or have been severely impacted by local restrictions (hospitality, leisure and non-essential retail sectors):

  • business owners will receive £1,334 per 4 weeks if they have a rateable value below £15,000
  • they will receive £2,000 per 4 weeks if they have a rateable value between £15,000 and £51,000
  • they will receive £3,000 per 4 weeks if they have a rateable value above £51,000

The Additional Restrictions Grant, provided by councils on a discretionary basis.

Local authorities will receive a sum of money equivalent to £20 per head of their local population to distribute to businesses which have been severely impacted by restrictions. For example, a council covering an area with a population of 100,000 would receive £2 million for this purpose. Those likely to be in receipt of these grants include large employers with significant fixed costs such as seaside attractions or local manufacturers, as well as sole traders, tour operators and market traders who do not have a rateable value.

This includes businesses like pubs not serving substantial meals, betting shops, arcades and soft play centres in areas like Liverpool, Greater Manchester and South Yorkshire. Some places such as South Yorkshire and Liverpool City Region negotiated their support under this scheme prior to the national lockdown.

In total, £2.2 billion will be given to businesses across England to support jobs, livelihoods and local communities.

Businesses are urged to engage with their local authority and ensure that council officials have contact and payment information for them. They risk not receiving this vital support if they do not.

The 2 new grants schemes are designed to support jobs and livelihoods. As well as the grants, the government has also announced:

  • an extension to the furlough scheme until March – with government covering 80% of wages
  • more generous support to the self-employed – equivalent to the generosity of the furlough scheme
  • an extension to the existing government-backed loan schemes
  • an extension to the mortgage payment holiday for homeowners
  • reduced VAT for hospitality, accommodation and attractions until the end of March 2021
  • business rates relief for hospitality, retail, leisure and nurseries until the end of March 2021
  • the £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund
  • extended support to prevent business evictions until the end of the year
  • total money allocated to local authorities in each region has been calculated in proportion to local population size and estimates of the numbers of businesses required to close
  • the Local Restrictions Support Grants (Closed) Addendum is mandatory grant funding for businesses that have a rateable value (but note the scheme is not based on eligibility for rate reliefs, commonly applied thresholds in the rating system are used to set different grant rates)
  • during this period a single grant to cover the 4-week period will be paid to each eligible business. The grant amounts will be fixed. Businesses with more than one qualifying property will receive more than one grant.
  • to allow funding to be paid to local authorities, each will get an allocation. Where this is insufficient to meet needs, top-up payments will be made so each local authority has the funding it needs
  • the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) will provide local authorities with additional funding to enable them to support other businesses that have had their trade affected by the restrictions
  • the ARG is a one-off payment for local authorities in financial year 2020/2021 and is to be used in 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 and will not be renewed
  • local authorities in LCAL High (Tier 3) will receive the amount they negotiated at the time of moving into that Tier. Areas that agreed collective payments (for example to a Mayoral Combined Authority or Upper Tier Local Authority) will have those arrangements honoured)
  • Local Restrictions Support Grant (Sector) will allow grants of up to £3,000 per 4-week period to be made to businesses like nightclubs that were required to close. This grant scheme is effective from 1 November

Chinese Ambassador to the UK summoned to the FCDO

News story

The FCDO Permanent Under-Secretary has summoned the Chinese Ambassador to the UK to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

A Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office spokesperson said:

Today the Chinese Ambassador was summoned to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. The Permanent Under-Secretary set out that China’s imposition of new rules to disqualify elected legislators in Hong Kong was a breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration. He called on China to uphold its international obligations.

Beijing’s latest actions are an assault on Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Joint Declaration.

Published 13 November 2020

Coronavirus: £100m Zoo Animals Fund application deadline extended

Waddle of penguins

The deadline for applications for the £100m Zoo Animals Fund, which opened for applications on 3 August 2020, has been extended until 26 February 2021.

The fund provides funding for zoos and aquariums which need additional support in caring for their animals following a drop in income caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Zoos and aquariums which are facing severe financial difficulties as a result of the pandemic can apply for government grants of up to £730,000 to pay for animal welfare related costs and essential maintenance.

Animal Welfare Minister Lord Goldsmith said:

I recognise that this has been an extremely tough time for the sector, and I would like to extend my thanks to all of those who have worked so hard in recent months to maintain animal welfare. We remain committed to ensuring the sector can deliver the best possible care for its animals.

The fund also offers grants to support rehoming costs in the event that zoos need to downsize or potentially close, and continues to be open to zoos and aquariums which have already received support through the £14 million Zoo Support Fund.

In addition, there are already a number of support schemes available to zoos, including the Job Retention Scheme, VAT deferral, Business Rates Relief, the Business Interruption Loan schemes, the option to reclaim the costs of Statutory Sick Pay and grant funding of up to £25,000 available through the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund.

The Zoo Animals Fund will remain open for applications until 26 February 2021 and will run until the end of March 2021. Zoos and aquariums can apply for the fund at any time ahead of this deadline.

Published 13 November 2020
Last updated 20 January 2021 + show all updates

  1. Application deadline extended to 26 February 2021

  2. First published.