Apoyo extra del Reino Unido frente a huracanes en Centroamérica

Press release

El Reino Unido proporciona un kit de suministros básicos para desastres, que incluye refugio temporal, alimentos y saneamiento, además de 1 millón de libras para la Cruz Roja.

  • El Reino Unido proporciona un kit de suministros básicos para desastres, que incluye refugio temporal, alimentos y saneamiento, además de 1 millón de libras para la Cruz Roja
  • El buque Angus de la Real Flota Auxiliar llega a las costas de Honduras para ayudar en las tareas de auxilio
  • La costa del Caribe es golpeada por un segundo huracán, provocando que millones de personas requieran ayuda urgente

El Reino Unido está proporcionando de forma urgente suministros humanitarios esenciales y 1 millón de libras al llamado de emergencia de la Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja (IFRC) para ayudar a las personas en Centroamérica que han sido golpeadas por los catastróficos huracanes recientes.

Los países de América Central han sido azotados por el Huracán Iota, pocos días después de que el Huracán Eta impactara el mismo tramo de costa, causando graves daños e inundaciones. Las comunidades vulnerables en Nicaragua, Honduras y Guatemala, así como partes de Belice, El Salvador, México, Costa Rica, Colombia y Panamá se han visto afectadas, y se cuenta con informes que indican que más de 5 millones de personas se han visto afectadas en toda la región. Se informa también que más de 160 personas han muerto y mucha más gente en toda la región se ha visto obligada a evacuar sus hogares.

El Reino Unido provee:

  • 1 millón de libras para el llamado de emergencia de la Federación Internacional, que proporcionará refugio, sustento, servicios de salud y agua potable, así como productos de saneamiento e higiene;
  • 2,000 lonas impermeables; 1,000 cajas de herramientas para ayudar a proporcionar refugio de emergencia, 1,000 equipos para cocinar y 900 kits de limpieza para los más necesitados, que distribuirá la Cruz Roja;
  • Apoyo a organizaciones de beneficencia que trabajan en la región a través del Fondo START;
  • Ayuda mediante el despliegue del buque Angus de la Real Flota Auxiliar, que está apoyando los esfuerzos de auxilio militar de Estados Unidos en Honduras.

La Ministra para Europa y las Américas del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Mancomunidad y Desarrollo (FCDO), Wendy Morton, dijo:

El impacto de estos huracanes ha sido devastador, especialmente porque la misma región ha sido golpeada dos veces en cuestión de semanas. Nuestros pensamientos están con aquellos que han perdido a sus seres queridos y sus hogares.

El Reino Unido está incrementando su apoyo para ayudar a los necesitados a través de nuestra asistencia humanitaria y militar, proporcionando refugio, agua potable y medicamentos que salvan vidas a las personas que se encuentran esperando ayuda.

Notas para editores:

Este apoyo es parte de la asistencia del Reino Unido confirmada el viernes 13 de noviembre. Lee mas aquí.

Published 18 November 2020

Defence Secretary’s speech at the Defence Space Conference 2020

Good afternoon, it’s a great pleasure to speak to you at the end of what has clearly been a fascinating and wide-ranging conference.

The variety of speakers – over 45, from the UK and overseas, and military and civilian sectors, as well as academia and private industry – shows just how important space is, right across today’s society.

Such importance risks dependence and vulnerability, but it also creates opportunity and offers advantages.

That is why the Prime Minister has such a clear vision for the UK as a Great Science power, with credibility and ambition in Space at its heart. #F This conference has demonstrated how defence will play a central part in achieving that vision.

We’ve heard from the Chief of the Air Staff about modern society’s dependence on space services.

And we have been reminded how our adversaries are increasingly seeking to weaponise space.

In recent years more countries have used Anti-Satellite weapons.

Earlier this year, alongside the US Chief of Space Operations, I called out Russia’s aggression in orbit.

But space weapons are not our only concern. Ground-based lasers and jammers could also pose a significant threat to our satellites. And their supporting infrastructure on the ground also remains a serious target.

No wonder one of the constant refrains you have heard throughout this conference and, indeed, throughout this year of Covid, has been the importance of resilience.

Commander UK Strategic Command set out how we must become more resilient in space if we are to establish the ‘digital backbone’ and achieve Multi Domain Integration.

And we have now recognised space as an operational domain, driving the development of capabilities to increase resilience and competitiveness.

We are, of course, not the only ones and you’ve heard from many of our Allies in the US, France and NATO, are also alongside us, and they are going to be part of that journey as well.

But there are those steps through which I want the UK MOD to now lead on this journey:

First, our ability to mobilise.

We must recognise our vulnerabilities. Understand our reliance on space – whether for imagery, communications, or navigation. And, in the event that we lose access to our satellite services, have a contingency plan ready.

So, we’re working very closely with the UK Space Agency to create a National Space Operations Capability.

It will improve the way we share data.

It will help us act unhindered to secure our national interests in space.

And, alongside our UK Space Command, it will enhance defence’s ability to generate and operate its own equipment.

Second, resilience will be about modernising what we have – strengthening our existing capabilities.

That’s why we are bringing SKYNET into defence ownership. It will give our personnel the tools to operate a world-leading satellite constellation and ensure they stay at the cutting-edge of space experience and expertise.

And that’s why, back in July, we awarded a contract worth £500-million for SKYNET 6A. This new, more advanced satellite capability will provide continued communications support to the UK’s deployed forces for many years.

Meanwhile, we’re continuing the hunt for the latest space innovations.

I am delighted that our first ever International Space Pitch Day was so successful, and congratulations to the winning bids.

With innovations from space weather to space domain awareness, I wish these ten companies every success as they move forward with defence contracts.

Finally, resilience will be about transforming for the future. Going further and faster. Developing next-generation and generation-after-next, technology and the people and structures to exploit them.

That’s why we’ve created the Defence Space Enterprise Portfolio.

Bonding brilliant industry expertise with MOD’s Space Directorate and our world leading DSTL.

Transforming the latest research into game changing space innovations.

Not only deterring dangers but fast-tracking innovative kit to bring to the frontline of space.

Because resilience may be our watchword. But it goes hand in hand with opportunity.

Our evolving National Space Strategy will help us deliver those grand ambitions and defence will play its part – mobilising, modernising, and transforming.

So exciting times lie ahead. Last year we celebrated 50 years since the UK’s first venture into Space.

Since then the dynamism of you – our great British scientists, military and industrial experts – has not wavered.

And your continuing commitment will ensure that in the coming decade Global Britain takes its place as a Space Power in the new Space Age.

Extra UK support to Central American hurricane response

Press release

The UK is providing vital humanitarian supplies and £1 million to the IFRC emergency appeal to help people in Central America hit by the recent hurricanes.

  • The UK is providing vital disaster recovery kit – including shelter, cooking and sanitation kits – and £1 million to Red Cross appeal
  • Royal Fleet Auxiliary Argus ship arrives off the coast of Honduras to aid relief efforts
  • Caribbean coast is battered by second hurricane, leaving millions in need of urgent help

The UK is urgently providing vital humanitarian supplies and £1 million to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) emergency appeal to help people in Central America who have been hit by the recent disastrous hurricanes.

Countries across Central America have been battered by Hurricane Iota, just days after Hurricane Eta hit the same stretch of coast, causing serious damage and flooding. Vulnerable communities in Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala as well as parts of Belize, El Salvador, Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Panama have been hit, with reports indicating that over 5 million people have been affected across the region. Over 160 are reported to have died, with many more people across the region being forced to evacuate their homes.

The UK is providing:

  • £1 million to the IFRC emergency appeal, which will provide shelter; livelihoods; healthcare; clean water, sanitation and hygiene products;
  • 2,000 tarpaulins; 1,000 tool kits to help provide emergency shelter; 1,000 cooking sets, and 900 cleaning kits for those desperately in need, to be distributed by the Red Cross;
  • Support to charities working in the region via the START Fund;
  • Help through deploying Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship Argus, which is assisting US military relief efforts in Honduras.

Minister for the European Neighbourhood and the Americas, Wendy Morton, said:

The impact of these hurricanes has been devastating, especially as the same region has been hit twice in a matter of weeks. Our thoughts are with those who have lost their loved ones and their homes.

The UK is increasing support to help those in need, through both our humanitarian and military assistance, providing life-saving shelter, clean water and medicine to people in desperate need.

Published 18 November 2020

Ministerial statement on settlements in Givat HaMatos

News story

Statement from Minister Cleverly on Israel’s decision to advance the construction of settlement buildings in Givat HaMatos

James Cleverly, Minister for the Middle East and North Africa, said:

Israel’s decision to advance the construction of 1,257 settlement buildings in the Givat HaMatos area of the occupied West Bank, would violate international law, and risks causing serious damage to the prospects for a viable Palestinian State.

We condemn this decision, which is incompatible with Israel’s declared goal of peace, and call for both the tender process and the advancement of other settlements in East Jerusalem and elsewhere in the West Bank to be suspended immediately.

Published 18 November 2020

Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine: MHRA statement