PM: G20 must work together to defeat the pandemic and protect the planet

Press release

Prime Minister Boris Johnson will attend the virtual G20 Summit this weekend.

The Prime Minister will urge G20 leaders to take more ambitious action to defeat the pandemic and address climate change, as he attends a virtual summit this weekend.

Hosted by Saudi Arabia, the G20 Summit will bring together world leaders for two days of discussions on how to drive the global recovery from coronavirus and build back better.

At a session on ‘Overcoming the Pandemic and Restoring Growth and Jobs’ today [Saturday 21st], Boris Johnson will note the UK’s commitment to equitable global access for coronavirus vaccines and encourage others to step up and support the COVAX initiative, to ensure developing countries are not frozen out of the race for a vaccine.

On Sunday [22nd], he will welcome recent Net Zero commitments from a number of G20 countries at a session on ‘Building an Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Future’, and call on others to make the same pledge. Ahead of the Climate Ambition Summit co-hosted by the UK on December 12th, the Prime Minister will warn that we risk failing future generations if states do not take bold steps to reduce their emissions.

Speaking ahead of the G20, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:

The G20 committed in March to do ‘whatever it takes to overcome the pandemic and protect lives and livelihoods’. As we meet this weekend, we must hold ourselves to account for that promise.

If we harness the collective ingenuity and resources of the G20, we can chart a path out of the pandemic and build a better, greener future.

The Prime Minister is attending the G20 remotely from Downing Street on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd November. Both sessions are expected to take place in the afternoon.

Published 21 November 2020

Supporting an Afghan-owned, Afghan-led peace process

Many thanks your Excellency and I would like to start by thanking you, his Excellency the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Qatar, and their Excellencies the Foreign Ministers of Afghanistan, Finland, Norway, Indonesia, and Germany – for organising this event.

I’d also like to thank His Excellency President Ghani for his keynote address and the other briefers for their remarks.

Your Excellencies,

We are at an historic moment in Afghanistan.

The start of the Afghan peace talks marks an unprecedented opportunity to end decades of war and to build a peaceful future for all Afghans.

Achieving these goals is not easy. Violence continues to take the lives of innocent Afghans, and this is unacceptable.

Peace will mean taking difficult decisions. President Ghani and his government have taken many courageous steps to reach this point. And the next phase will require more difficult decisions and more courage still.

Your Excellencies,

These decisions are for Afghans to take. It is our role to support these efforts.

First, we should support the peace negotiations.

We should remain ready to provide our assistance to the Afghan-led and Afghan-owned process.

I reiterate here the UK’s standing offer of assistance and thank the United Nations as well as the United States, Qatar, Germany, Norway, Indonesia and Uzbekistan for the excellent work they too are doing.

It also involves delivering clear messages to the parties. If the Taliban is serious about peace, the violence must end. Civilians must be able to live in peace.

Second, we should support the aspirations of all Afghans including minority communities and especially Afghan women who are justifiably apprehensive about their future.

As Co-Chairs of the Group of Friends of Women in Afghanistan, the UK welcomes Ms Gailani’s presence with us here today.

We will continue to advocate for women’s participation at every level and at every stage of the peace process.

Third, we should renew our practical support.

The UK is sustaining Afghanistan’s security, recently pledging up to $90m to the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces for the next year.

We are responding to Afghanistan’s humanitarian needs, contributing over $75m this year.

And, at this month’s pledging conference in Geneva, we will announce our ongoing commitment to Afghanistan’s development.

We urge partners here to join us in matching words with deeds.

Your Excellencies,

We face a marathon, not a sprint. We must remain patient, firm, and committed. For the UK, we will play our part.

Many thanks, Your Excellency.

Simon Hart welcomes National Lottery support for Welsh Football

News story

Forty four Cymru League clubs will benefit from financial package

Welsh Secretary Simon Hart has welcomed a £750,000 support package for all 44 Cymru League clubs in Wales in partnership with the National Lottery.

The financial package, established by the FAW and the National Lottery and facilitated by the UK Government will see clubs in three Cymru League divisions receive support while matches continue to be played behind closed doors because of Covid-19 restrictions.

The Welsh Secretary said the package would play a key role in ensuring that the clubs can continue to exist and operate during these difficult times.

Secretary of State for Wales Simon Hart said:

Clubs in the Cymru Leagues play a huge role in their local communities and, like many others, they have been struggling in the current climate. I’m delighted that the UK Government could help bring The National Lottery and the football authorities together to deliver for these clubs and for grassroots football in Wales.

From Prestatyn to Taffs Well, this funding package will help enable clubs to keep going until fans can safely return.

The partnership follows a similar National Lottery initiative between the FA and National League in England, facilitated by the UK Government. Work continues on partnerships with the Scottish and Northern Ireland FAs.

Published 20 November 2020

Letter from CDL to Michael Russell MSP

The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Michael Gove MP, has responded to a letter from Michael Russell MSP (Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, Europe and External Affairs, Scotland) regarding the UK’s negotiations with the EU and preparations for the end of the transition period.

Action to remove contaminated fire-fighting water

Press release

Environment Agency officers remove contaminated fire-fighting water which has collected in pools on the site of a major fire in Bradford

An officer from the Environment Agency uses a pump at fire site

Pumping away contaminated water

Officers from the Environment Agency are taking action today to support communities impacted by a tyre fire in Bradford.

They are supporting teams from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and Yorkshire Water to remove contaminated fire-fighting water which has collected in pools on site at Upper Castle Street.

Pumps will be brought on site to direct the water, which has become contaminated by the tyres, into the sewer and away from nearby becks.

A spokesperson for the Environment Agency, said:

We are monitoring Bowling Beck and Bradford Beck to minimise any environmental impacts from the fire or from surface water as a result of the fire fighting. This is likely to continue as we move into the next week.

More than 40 Environment Agency staff are working round-the-clock to respond to this incident and officers have been on site throughout the incident.

An air quality monitoring unit has been set up at two sites and the information from this monitoring will be used to confirm the public health risk advice being given. Dye tracing tests and river water quality sampling is also taking place to closely monitor any potential impact on the local watercourses.

Public Health England’s current advice to members of the public is that if the smoke is in your area, keep doors and windows shut and minimise exposure if you must go out. If the smoke isn’t affecting where you live, you can take the opportunity to ventilate your property.

Anyone wanting to share information on this incident can contact our Incident Communication Hotline on 0800 80 70 60 or anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 both 24 hour services.

Published 20 November 2020