Ministerial direction: £30 million Waking Watch Relief Fund for unsafe high rise buildings

Permanent Secretary Jeremy Pocklington has written to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government the Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP who in return issued a ministerial direction.

The letters relate to funding fire alarms for private and social sector buildings over 18 metres with unsafe cladding and with Waking Watch.

Contingencies fund advance: 17 December 2020

The Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP

I hereby give notice of the Department for Transport having drawn advances from the contingencies fund totalling £5,808,000,000 to enable expenditure on COVID-19 support packages to be spent ahead of the passage of the Supply and Appropriation Act. The schemes include:

Parliamentary approval for additional resources of £4,574,000,000 and additional capital of £1,234,000,000 will be sought in a supplementary estimate for the Department for Transport.

Pending that approval, urgent expenditure estimated at £5,808,000,000 will be met by repayable cash advances from the Contingencies Fund.

The cash advance will be repaid upon receiving Royal Assent of the Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Bill.

Published 17 December 2020

Tay Cities Deal signed

The Tay Cities Deal reached a major milestone today [17th December 2020] when UK Government Minister Iain Stewart joined partners for an online ceremony to ratify the implementation and financial arrangements for £700 million investment in the region.

The deal is an agreement between the UK and Scottish governments along with Angus, Dundee City, Fife and Perth & Kinross councils as well as partners in the business and higher and further education sectors.

The UK and Scottish governments are each investing £150 million, which will help to leverage a further £400 million of investment from public and private partners. This will be transformative for the region, driving investment, boosting the economy and creating more than 6,000 jobs.

UK Government Minister Iain Stewart said:

Today’s landmark signing will deliver transformative investment to the entire Tay region, including £150 million from the UK Government.

The deal will create thousands of jobs through innovative projects such as cutting-edge forensic science at the University of Dundee and a drone port at Montrose in Angus.

Investments in Perth City Hall transformation and Innerpeffray Library, Scotland’s oldest lending library, will also enhance the region’s culture and tourism offering.

This is the seventh Full Deal we have signed in Scotland and we now have deals in implementation or development for all of Scotland, representing investment from the UK Government of over £1.5 billion.

At the Spending Review in November the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, announced that the UK Government’s funding for the deal would be delivered over 10 years instead of 15, which will help projects to be delivered sooner.

The Tay Cities Deal projects aim to place the region at the forefront of innovation, technology and connectivity.

The UK Government is investing £150 million in 16 projects, all of which are subject to final approval of robust business cases:

  • £15 million for ‘Just Tech’ the world’s first institute for forensic science innovation, at the University of Dundee
  • £ 5.7 million for cyberQuarter, a cyber-security centre of excellence at Abertay University
  • £ 8.1 million for the Aviation Academy for Scotland
  • £20 million for the International Barley Hub at the James Hutton Institute
  • £25 million for the Advanced Plant Growth Centre at the James Hutton Institute
  • £5.2 million for the creation of an advanced plastics recycling facility capable of treating all waste plastic types
  • £5 million for Perth Innovation Highway that will support business development at the planned Perth Eco Innovation Park
  • £10 million for the transformation of Perth City Hall into a new museum and potential home for the Stone of Destiny
  • £24.5 million for the Eden Campus, a Centre of Excellence in Low Carbon and Renewable Energy innovation at the University of St Andrews. Plus a further £300,000 for the Stretch Dome Simulator that can be used to test research and innovation in areas like climate change
  • £2 million for rural high speed broadband in Angus and in Perth & Kinross. This will be enhanced by a further £5.9 million from the UK Government Local Full Fibre Network programme.
  • £5.6 million to promote North Angus and Montrose as a clean growth zone
  • £5.9 million for low carbon projects in Angus
  • £15 million for the development of agritech in Angus
  • £100,000 for developing Innerpeffray library, Scotland’s oldest lending library
  • £1 million for the Crief International Highland Centre
  • £1.6 million for AERO SPACE Kinross

For further details please read the full deal document.

Foreign flagged ships detained in the UK during November 2020

During November, there were five new detentions of foreign flagged vessels in a UK port.

  1. In response to one of the recommendations of Lord Donaldson’s inquiry into the prevention of pollution from merchant shipping, and in compliance with the EU Directive on Port State Control (2009/16/EC as amended), the Maritime and Coastguard agency (MCA) publishes details of the foreign flagged vessels detained in UK ports each month.

  2. The UK is part of a regional agreement on port state control known as the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MOU) and information on all ships that are inspected is held centrally in an electronic database known as THETIS. This allows the ships with a high risk rating and poor detention records to be targeted for future inspection.

  3. Inspections of foreign flagged ships in UK ports are undertaken by surveyors from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. When a ship is found to be not in compliance with applicable convention requirements, a deficiency may be raised. If any of their deficiencies are so serious, they have to be rectified before departure, then the ship will be detained.

  4. All deficiencies should be rectified before departure.

  5. When applicable, the list includes those passenger craft prevented from operating under the provisions of the EU Directive on a system of inspections for the safe operation of Ro-Ro passenger ships and high-speed passenger craft in regular service and amending directive 2009/16/EC and repealing Council Directive 1999/35/EC (Directive EU 2017/2110).

Notes on the list of detentions:

  • Full details of the ship: The accompanying detention list shows ship’s International Maritime Organisation (IMO) number which is unchanging throughout the ship’s life and uniquely identifies it. It also shows the ship’s name and flag state at the time of its inspection.
  • Company: The company shown in the vessel’s Safety Management Certificate (SMC) or if there is no SMC, then the party otherwise believed to be responsible for the safety of the ship at the time of inspection.
  • Classification society: The list shows the classification society responsible for classing the ship only.
  • Recognised organisation: Responsible for conducting the statutory surveys: and issuing statutory certificates on behalf of the flag state.
  • White (WL), grey (GL) and black lists (BL) are issued by the Paris MoU on 01 July each year and shows the performance of flag state.
  • Deficiencies: The deficiencies listed are the ones which were detainable. Further details of other deficiencies can be provided on request.


Vessel Name: AQUA MIST

GT: 383

IMO: 9879492

Flag: Norway (white list)

Company: Johnson Marine Ltd

Classification society: Unclassed

Recognised organisation: Unclassed

Recognised organisation for ISM Doc: N/A

Recognised organisation for ISM SMC: N/A

Date and place of detention: 6th November 2020 at Lerwick

Summary: Three deficiencies with one ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01329 – Report of inspection on MLC, 2006 Missing Yes

This vessel was released on 6th November 2020

Vessel Name: TEAL BULKER

GT: 32370

IMO: 9668908

Flag: Panama (white list)

Company: First Marine Services Co.Ltd

Classification society: NKK

Recognised organisation: NKK

Recognised organisation for ISM Doc: NKK

Recognised organisation for ISM SMC: NKK

Date and place of detention: 8th November 2020 at Port Talbot

Summary: Twenty-five deficiencies with two grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Not as required Yes
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was released on 12th November 2020

Vessel Name: SIRIUS 1

GT: 211

IMO: 8964161

Flag: Nigeria (Unknown)

Company: Ambrey Limited

Classification society: Phoenix Register of Shipping

Recognised organisation: Phoenix Register of Shipping

Recognised organisation for ISM Doc: N/A

Recognised organisation for ISM SMC: N/A

Date and place of detention: 7th November 2020 at Southampton

Summary: Eleven deficiencies with two grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01213 – Evidence of basic training Expired Yes
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Not as required Yes

This vessel was still detained on 30th November 2020

Vessel Name: SIRIUS 2

GT: 211

IMO: 8977699

Flag: Nigeria (Unknown)

Company: Ambrey Limited

Classification society: Phoenix Register of Shipping

Recognised organisation: Phoenix Register of Shipping

Recognised organisation for ISM Doc: N/A

Recognised organisation for ISM SMC: N/A

Date and place of detention: 12th November 2020 at Southampton

Summary: Twenty deficiencies with five grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01329 – Report of inspection on MLC, 2006 Missing Yes
01804 – Electrical Unsafe Yes
01199 – Other (certificates) Other Yes
10126 – Record of drills and steering gear tests Not as required Yes
01326 – Stability information booklet Not approved Yes

This vessel was still detained on 30th November 2020


GT: 56172

IMO: 9307140

Flag: Panama (white list)

Company: Synergy Maritime Pvt Ltd

Classification society: Lloyd’s Register

Recognised organisation: Lloyd’s Register

Recognised organisation for ISM Doc: NKK

Recognised organisation for ISM SMC: NKK

Date and place of detention: 27th November 2020 at Hull

Summary: Twenty-Two deficiencies with one ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was still detained on 30th November 2020


Vessel Name: MARCO POLO

GT: 22080

IMO: 6417097

Flag: Bahamas (white list)

Company: Global Cruise Lines Ltd

Classification society: DNV GL

Recognised organisation: DNV GL

Recognised organisation for ISM Doc: DNV GL

Recognised organisation for ISM SMC: DNV GL

Date and place of detention: 19th June 2020 at Avonmouth

Summary: Six deficiencies with one ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Expired Yes

This vessel was released on 18th November 2020

Vessel Name: VASCO DA GAMA

GT: 55877

IMO: 8919245

Flag: Bahamas (white list)

Company: Global Cruise Lines Ltd

Classification society: Lloyd’s Register

Recognised organisation: Lloyd’s Register

Recognised organisation for ISM Doc: DNVGL

Recognised organisation for ISM SMC: Lloyd’s Register

Date and place of detention: 19th June 2020 at Tilbury

Summary: Five deficiencies with three grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Expired Yes
18204 – Non-payment of wages Not according to SEA Yes
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was released on 19th November 2020

Vessel Name: ASTOR

GT: 20704

IMO: 8506373

Flag: Bahamas (white list)

Company: Global Cruise Lines Ltd

Classification society: DNV GL

Recognised organisation: DNV GL

Recognised organisation for ISM Doc: DNV GL

Recognised organisation for ISM SMC: DNV GL

Date and place of detention: 19th June 2020 at Tilbury

Summary: Two deficiencies with two grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Expired Yes
18203 – Wages Missing Yes

This vessel was released on 6th November 2020

Vessel Name: COLUMBUS

GT: 63786

IMO: 8611398

Flag: Bahamas (white list)

Company: Global Cruise Lines Ltd

Classification society: Lloyd’s Register

Recognised organisation: Lloyd’s Register

Recognised organisation for ISM Doc: DNVGL

Recognised organisation for ISM SMC: Lloyd’s Register

Date and place of detention: 19th June 2020 at Tilbury

Summary: Five deficiencies with four grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Not as required Yes
18203 – Wages Not according to SEA Yes
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Invalid Yes
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was released on 18th November 2020

Vessel Name: LIVA GRETA

GT: 851

IMO: 8801072

Flag: Latvia (white list)

Company: Regulus SIA

Classification society: RINA

Recognised organisation: RINA

Recognised organisation for ISM Doc: RMRS

Recognised organisation for ISM SMC: RMRS

Date and place of detention: 11th January 2020 at Birkenhead

Summary: Nine deficiencies with two grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
11113 – Launching arrangements for rescue boats Inoperative Yes
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was still detained on 30th November 2020

Vessel Name: POSEIDON

GT: 1412

IMO: 7363217

Flag: Iceland (White list)

Company: Neptune EHF

Classification society: NA

Recognised organisation: NA

Recognised organisation for ISM Doc: DNV-GL

Recognised organisation for ISM SMC: N/A (SMC issued by Flag)

Date and place of detention: 19th July 2018 at Hull

Summary: Ten deficiencies with two grounds for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
02106 – Hull damage impairing seaworthiness Holed Yes
07113 – Fire Pumps Insufficient Pressure Yes

This vessel was still detained on 30th November 2020


GT: 1814

IMO No: 8883290

Flag: Russian Federation (Grey list)

Company: Tecoil Shipping Ltd

Classification society: RMRS

Recognised organisation: RMRS

Recognised organisation for ISM DOC: RMRS

Recognised organisation for ISM SMC: RMRS

Date and place of detention: 6th June 2018 at Immingham

Summary: Twenty-seven deficiencies with six grounds for detentions

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
10104 – Gyro compass Inoperative Yes
10127 – Voyage or passage plan Not as required Yes
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes
11104 – Rescue boats Not properly maintained Yes
11101 – Lifeboats Not ready for use Yes
01117 – International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Invalid Yes

This vessel was still detained on 30th November 2020

Vessel Name: CIEN PORCIENTO (General Cargo)

GT: 106.

IMO No: 8944446.

Flag: Unregistered.

Company: Open Window Inc.

Classification society: Unclassed.

Recognised organisation: Not applicable.

Recognised organisation for ISM DOC: Not applicable.

Recognised organisation for ISM SMC: Not applicable

Date and place of detention: 4 March 2010, Lowestoft

Summary: Thirty deficiencies including seven grounds for detention

This vessel was still detained on 30th November 2020

Notes to Editors

• The MCA is a partner in the Sea Vision UK campaign to raise awareness and understanding of the sea and maritime activities. Sea Vision promotes the importance and economic value of the sector and works to highlight the exciting range of activities and career opportunities available to young people within the UK growing maritime sector.

• Follow us on Twitter: @MCA_media

For further information please contact Maritime and Coastguard Agency Press Office, on: +44 (0) 2380 329 401 Press releases and further information about the agency is available here.

Test facility speeds progress

News story

Preparations are well underway on the new integrated test facility for the Steam Generating Heavy Water Reactor at Winfrith Site.

The test frame under construction.

The large test frame will be used to test and trial key pieces of equipment which will then be used for decommissioning the reactor core.

This includes the performance of the mast mounted manipulator, as well as other key core segmentation equipment and tooling such as the Titan robot, remotely operated diamond wire saws, free standing cutting stations, and a host of other size reduction tools designed and developed by principal contract partner JFN Ltd. The off-site testing frame is based at JFN’s Caithness facility.

Take a look at this time lapse video, which shows at speed the delivery and installation of the central control room, erected from four ISO containers with walls removed, to provide a spacious open control room.

Test facility for Steam Generating Heavy Water Reactor installed

Published 17 December 2020