New Year Honours for services to UK overseas and internationally

  • The Queen’s New Year Honours has recognised 153 people for their exceptional service to the UK overseas or internationally
  • Awards recognise extraordinary people across a range of fields
  • Recipients include Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton and cinematographer Roger Deakins, who worked on The Shawshank Redemption and Skyfall, among other films

The Overseas and International New Year 2021 Honours List published today recognises 153 extraordinary people in a wide range of fields. These include, business, charity and voluntary work, culture, development, education, foreign policy, health, security and sport.

Among those receiving awards this year is Formula One Driver Lewis Hamilton and cinematographer Roger Deakins, both of whom receive Knighthoods for their respective services to motorsport and film.

A number of honours this year recognise outstanding contributions overseas and internationally during the COVID-19 response, such as British Empire Medals awarded to Richard Barrow, a travel blogger in Thailand, David Cartwright, Managing Director of ATI Travel in Namibia and Nicholas Woolf, a volunteer paramedic in Vanuatu. All are recognised for their support to British nationals overseas.

Sir Philip Barton, Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Head of the Diplomatic Service, said:

I congratulate everyone receiving an honour and thank them for their dedication and years of service.

The UK’s impact around the world depends on exceptional people like those recognised in this year’s Queen’s New Year Honours. We are grateful for their outstanding contribution.

Martin Gordon OBE

Founder and Chairman of the British charity Barry & Martin’s Trust, receives a CBE for services to people living with HIV and AIDS in China.

Martin Gordon is recognised for an exceptional contribution to supporting people living with HIV and AIDS in China and the positive impact that his work has had on UK/China relations.

Martin was awarded an OBE in 1994 for a lifetime of services to banking and finance. He then embarked on a second career of charitable service when he established the Barry & Martin’s Trust in 1996 in memory of his late partner Barry Chan, with the aim of building cooperation between the UK and China on HIV AIDS education, prevention, treatment and care.

Following Barry’s death from AIDS at the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Martin wrote to the head of the unit to propose cooperation between the UK and China. This would be the start of over 20 years of dedicated work to improve care, bring about attitudinal change, and have the UK recognised as partner of choice in HIV and AIDS care as China embarked on a new phase of development.

On learning of his award, Martin Gordon said:

This award will be deeply felt by the doctors, nurses and HIV-positive volunteers who have worked with us in every province of China. It also recognises doctors and nurses from English and Scottish hospitals, who have helped with training in the UK and in China – an imperishable bond between our countries”.

Elizabeth Ruth Hughes

Chief Executive Officer, MapAction, receives an OBE for services to Humanitarian Crisis operations.

Elizabeth (Liz) Hughes is recognised for her exceptional contribution to humanitarian crisis operations. She has transformed the UK charity MapAction into a globally influential organisation.

MapAction is known for its technical excellence and value in providing real-time, critical mapping information for those responding to humanitarian crises. Under her leadership, the charity has not only expanded its deployment of professional volunteers to a growing number of world crises, but has also delivered an innovative programme, assisting many vulnerable countries to prepare for emergencies.

Liz has been an outstanding ambassador for the charity and the UK, personally developing relationships and partnerships with humanitarian organisations in Asia and the Pacific, Africa and the Caribbean, and winning funding support from the US, EU and European countries.

On learning of her award, Liz Hughes said:

It is an honour to receive this award, a leader is only as good as her team, so I receive it in honour of them and the recognition of their work for MapAction.

Suzanne Mooney

Founder and President of the Lost Food Project, receives an MBE for services to supporting disadvantaged communities in Malaysia.

Suzanne Mooney is recognised for her outstanding contribution to support disadvantaged communities in Malaysia through her work as the founder and former President of the pioneering charity The Lost Food Project (TLFP).

In April 2016, soon after arriving in Malaysia, Suzanne created and launched the TFLP, the first professional foodbank in the country. The project collects high quality surplus food from distributors, supermarkets and manufacturers and re-distributes it to over 70 local charities.

It is estimated that approximately 17,000 tonnes of food waste is thrown away in Malaysia every day. This ends up in landfill significantly increasing the level of greenhouse gases harming the environment. Seeing this opportunity, in their first four years, TLFP have provided nearly five million meals to those most in need including orphans, the elderly, refugees, women who have experienced abuse and single mothers.

Suzanne has exhibited tireless leadership of the project from its inception, managing and guiding its development and growth. Her work, and the efforts of her volunteer team, helped thousands of people in need and is changing the conversation about food waste and sustainability in Malaysia. Her success and dedication has made her a prominent ambassador for UK/Malaysia relations.

On learning on her award, Suzanne Mooney said:

I feel very honoured and privileged to work with an amazing team who care passionately about sustainability. The food supply chain is inefficient and generates a huge volume of surplus. By rescuing and redistributing ‘lost food’, we can help those most in need and significantly reduce the environmental damage caused by food disposal.

Barry Hamilton BEM

President of FAST charity, Camposol, Mazaron Spain, previously awarded a British Empire Medal in the military division, receives his second British Empire Medal, this time in the civilian division, for services to British nationals on Camposol, Mazarron, Spain.

Barry Hamilton is recognised for his outstanding contribution to support a community of approximately 4,000 British nationals living in Mazarron, Spain.

Leading the local charity FAST, Mr Hamilton has helped the organisation to provide the community which is a long way from health centres and hospitals, with support when there are medical emergencies. This essential service, and the strong links developed with other charities, has improved the lives of the local community. Mr Hamilton becomes a rare recipient of two British Empire Medals, having previously been awarded a medal in the military division in 1990 for his service in the Army.

On learning of his award, Barry Hamilton said:

I am greatly honoured and humbled to receive an award from the Queen in the New Years Honour’s List. Since leaving a long military career it has been my intention to help and assist the expat community using skills developed in the British Forces.

Having been previously honoured by the Queen during my military service it is unbelievable to be awarded again. I would like to thank my wife Annie, family, friends, Gordon Clive VP FAST and all FAST members for their support and assistance, this honour really belongs to them.

Dstl scientists and military advisers receive New Year’s Honours

Dr Phillippa Spencer has been awarded the Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE), in recognition of her support to the UK’s decision makers by her application of maths to deliver consistent, assured data to prevent the loss of life through exposure to COVID-19, Novichok and Ebola.

Philippa said:

I am genuinely overwhelmed by the honour. The award recognises not only me, but an incredible team of people who provide vital support to so many collective efforts. I am beyond happy to have been nominated.

Dr Joanne Thwaite has been awarded the Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE), which recognises her service to the NHS during COVID-19, in particular her selfless dedication carrying out repeated and sustained deployments to Hospital laboratories where she supported NHS staff dealing with an unprecedented increase of workload. Using her scientific skillset Joanne worked within diagnostic laboratories, from the very onset of the pandemic.

Joanne said:

I am humbled and excited to be nominated for this honour which also represents the dedication and professionalism of a team of other Dstl specialist microbiologists. I am proud to be a part of that team and that I could help NHS colleagues deliver life-saving care at this time of acute national health response

Dstl Military Adviser Lt Col Gareth Walker Royal Engineers (RE) also receives an OBE in recognition of his performance in command of 66 Works Group with responsibility for Defence’s specialist water, fuel and materials infrastructure capabilities. During a two and a half year period he led vital military support to natural disasters in the British Caribbean and extreme flooding events in the UK, as well as myriad operations and tasks worldwide.

I am absolutely delighted to be receiving this most prestigious award, and am incredibly grateful to those that nominated me. It is a privilege and honour to work in this amazing organisation that is home to some of the most talented people I have worked with. Dstl engineers, scientists and analysts are dedicated to developing and improving capabilities that are vital to the UK’s defence and security, and it is exciting to be part of a team that is redoubling its efforts to meet the future challenges and threats that we face.

We also congratulate Warrant Officer 1st Class (WO1) Ian Conolly, who has been awarded the Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours list. Ian works as the Senior Acoustic Analyst within the Underwater Group at Dstl Portsdown West. The MSM is a very old medal, first established in the 1840s; there is a strict limit on the number of annual awards and it is now only awarded to non-commissioned officers who have provided unbroken “good, faithful and meritorious service.” The Royal Navy may recommend its award to no more than 49 recipients annually.

Dstl’s Chief Executive Gary Aitkenhead, said:

I offer my sincere congratulations to all those awarded. It gives me great pride to see our people recognised in this prestigious way. The awards are deserved recognition of dedication, professionalism and technical excellence.

British exporters recognised in New Year’s Honours List 2021

Today, International Trade Secretary Liz Truss MP is congratulating UK exporters, business leaders and DIT staff who have been recognised with Honours for their exceptional and outstanding service to international trade, investment, and exporting.

Those honoured this time around represent a diverse range of businesses, from sourcing PPE for the pandemic, green energy, trade policy negotiations and to services exports in the creative industry such as cross-cultural theatre productions.

The New Year’s Honours List also recognises the work and dedication undertaken by those who worked during the pandemic to keep the country safe.

International Trade Secretary Liz Truss said:

All those being honoured have made a terrific contribution to the UK over the past year, whether it be leading the fight against coronavirus or helping champion free and fair trade across the world. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their hard work.

More trade and investment is vital to delivering the jobs and economic growth we need to recover from the pandemic and build back better. Our innovative and go-getting exporters are critical to that, and we will continue to support them as they look to sell more of their wares overseas this coming year and beyond.

Antonia Romeo, Permanent Secretary at the Department for International Trade, said:

I am extremely proud of DIT colleagues recognised for their hard work for the Department on international trade issues.

It is also excellent to see so many British exporters and business leaders recognised in the 2021 New Year Honours List, showcasing the success of British exports abroad.

Many congratulations to them, and to all recipients.

Exporters and business leaders in the New Year’s Honours List 2021 include:

  • Kirsty Hamilton; Associate Fellow, Chatham House (OBE)
  • Stuart Paul Gibbons; Managing Director, Le Mark Group (OBE)
  • Sharon Pursey; Co-Founder, SafeToNet (OBE)
  • Steve Crane; Chief Executive Officer, business Link Japan and Executive Director of Export to Japan (OBE)
  • Matthew Hurn; Chief Financial Officer, Mubadala Investment Company, Chairman, Association of Corporate Treasurers, Middle East (OBE)
  • Ella Spira, Co-founder, Sisters Grimm (MBE)
  • Piertra Mello-Pittman, Co-Founder, Sisters Grimm (MBE)
  • Laura Bounds, Managing Director, Kent Crisps (MBE)
  • Manoj Varsani, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Hammock (MBE)
  • Paul Jonathan Morris, Founder and Chief Executive Addmaster UK Limited (MBE)
  • Zoe Taylor, Chief Executive Officer, Sparkol (MBE)
  • Daniel Leigh Brooks, Chief Executive Officer, Virtual Human Resources (MBE)

Staff from the Department for International Trade (DIT) have also been recognised in the 2021 New Year Honours list, including:

  • Matthew Davies; Deputy Director, Trade Agreements Continuity Programme (OBE)
  • Deborah Clarke; Country Director, Department for International Trade Malaysia (OBE)
  • Ruchi Nanda – Lately Account Manager, Trade, Investment and Business Support (MBE)
  • Jasmine Baker – Head of Insurance and Asset Management British Embassy Beijing (MBE)
  • Chris Dunn – Head of Infrastructure and Environment (China), Energy, Infrastructure, Creative and Sports Directorate (MBE)

Exporters recognised in this list include Laura Claire Bounds, who manages three businesses: Kent Crisps, Kentish Oils and Kentish Condiments. Her businesses already export to twelve countries around the world, including in the Middle East. Laura started exporting in 2015 and has worked tirelessly with DIT in getting the brand into overseas markets, particularly in Asia.

Laura Claire Bounds, Managing Director, Kent Crisps, said:

To have been awarded an MBE is an absolute privilege, especially when it relates to the work done for a county that I am so proud to be a part of.

Kent Crisps is made up of a small but extremely passionate team, without whom I would not have had this opportunity. I hope that this proves to others that we all can make a difference, and that with hard work & determination, anything is possible.

Pietra Marie De Mello-Pittman and Ella Louvaine Spira are other impressive UK exporters listed in the New Year Honours List 2021. They are the co-founders of Sisters Grimm, a productions company which creates cross-cultural collaborations in art, music and dance. The business is a creative partnership of former Royal Ballet ballerina Pietra Mello-Pittman and Grammy-nominated composer Ella Spira.

Pietra and Ella have worked with DIT to expand Sisters Grimm into new worldwide marketplaces such as Voices of the Amazon, working with Brazilian partners and Sakura in Japan. Their productions have been presented on the biggest stages across the globe.

Pietra Marie De Mello-Pittman and Ella Louvaine Spira, Co-founders of Sisters Grimm, said:

Being honoured with an MBE is a wonderful recognition of the role we play bringing talent together internationally. We feel such a passion and a drive for representing other cultures, and seeing our shows reach audiences all over the world.

It is an honour to be recognised not only in contributing to the creative industry but also for services to international trade. As female founders from mixed heritage backgrounds, we have had to overcome challenges to not only create a business model around the arts, but to be recognised as internationalists.

The impact that the arts can have on society should never be undervalued – they allow people to make sense of their emotions in a space they often don’t give themselves. In these dark and difficult times for live entertainment we mustn’t lose sight of how the arts have the ability to join people together.

Commander Strategic Command Commendations (December 2020)

News story

General Sir Patrick Sanders, Commander Strategic Command awards Commander Commendations.

General Sir Patrick Sanders has awarded Commander Commendations to personnel across the organisation for their outstanding service.

Individual Awards

  • Royal Navy Commander M Moules
  • British Army Lieutenant Colonel JA A’Lee
  • British Army Lieutenant Colonel P Driver
  • British Army Lieutenant Colonel A M Lewis
  • British Army Lieutenant Colonel H MacMillan
  • British Army Lieutenant Colonel T Young
  • Royal Air Force Wing Commander K R Cranswick
  • Royal Air Force Wing Commander M J West
  • Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander T Wardley
  • British Army Major M S R Coles
  • British Army Major R C Da Gama
  • British Army Major A M Docherty
  • British Army Major C Groves
  • British Army Major A Gurung
  • British Army Major S Harlen
  • British Army Major P Jackson
  • British Army Major S J G Lea
  • Royal Air Force Squadron Leader (Now Wing Commander) S A Cage-Brimelow
  • Royal Air Force Squadron Leader A J Manley
  • Royal Air Force Squadron Leader A G M Reid
  • Royal Navy Lieutenant J Welch
  • British Army Captain J Fraser
  • British Army Warrant Officer Class 2 M Luxford
  • British Army Warrant Officer Class 2 P J Marshall
  • Royal Air Force Warrant Officer A D Green
  • British Army Warrant Officer Class 1 J A O’Connor
  • Royal Navy Chief Petty Officer A Latham
  • Royal Navy Chief Petty Officer J Thornhill
  • British Army Staff Sergeant J P Foden
  • Royal Air Force Flight Sergeant L McCormick
  • British Army Sergeant R M Wallace
  • Royal Air Force Sergeant (Now Acting Flight Sergeant) G R Moore
  • British Army Corporal C Neilson
  • Civil Service T Atkins
  • Civil Service P Basford
  • Civil Service N D Moggridge
  • Civil Service S Patel
  • Civil Service J Riddell
  • Civil Service K Rushton
  • Civil Service F Stirling-Brown
  • Civil Service/Contractor R N Wilcocks
  • Civil Service/Contractor C M McVeigh.
  • Civil Service D Bowen
  • Civil Service J Coombs

Team Awards

  • Team Award: Germany Enabling Office – LEC Human Resources Team Members
  • Team Award: JHG Ops Cts Team
  • Team Award: Military Donning and Doffing Team
  • Team Ward: Royal Navy Plymouth Trust Radiography Team.

Published 30 December 2020

Strategic Command personnel recognised in New Year’s Honours List