Provisional fishing quota published

Underwater image beneath fish swimming towards the surface

The UK government has published provisional catch limits for fishermen in the UK.

The UK government has today (14 January) published provisional catch limits for fishermen in the UK to ensure fishing continues uninterrupted until annual fisheries negotiations with the EU, Norway and Faroe Islands conclude.

The UK government, following consultation with the Devolved Administrations and Marine Management Organisation, has set provisional catch limits in line with the UK/EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement. These are generally calculated using a percentage of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) advice for each stock. Where needed, a higher allocation has been made for seasonal fisheries.

These provisional catch limits apply until the end of March. However, they will be regularly reviewed and will be updated as and when annual negotiations conclude.

The annual negotiations will take place now the UK and EU have concluded the Trade and Cooperation Agreement. Under that agreement, the UK will see year on year increases in our share of the total allowable catch, moving from just over half of the quota stocks in our own waters now, to two thirds of the stocks in our waters after five and a half years.

Fisheries Minister, Victoria Prentis said:

For the first time in 40 years we enter into annual fisheries negotiations as an independent coastal State.

As a responsible independent coastal State we are taking measures to ensure that we fish sustainably, and that our fishermen can continue to operate smoothly while those annual negotiations take place.

As the UK/EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement states, UK vessels will be permitted to fish in EU waters and EU vessels in UK waters. However, from 1 January, UK and EU vessels must not fish in each other’s waters without a licence. A list of vessels licensed to fish in the 12-200nm zones of UK and EU waters has been published by the UK Single Issuing Authority. Licences to fish in the 6-12nm zones will be issued once the eligibility criteria has been agreed.

Until agreement is reached with Norway and the Faroe Islands, UK vessels are not permitted to fish in their waters and vice versa.

Policy paper: Fishing opportunities for British fishing boats in 2021.

Published 31 December 2020
Last updated 14 January 2021 + show all updates

  1. The press release now reflects that provisional catch limits have now been published.

  2. First published.

Mel Nebhrajani receives C.B. in Queen’s 2021 New Year’s Honours List

News story

Litigation Director (and former DHSC Legal Director) appointed Companion of the Bath

Mel Nebhrajani

Happy New Year. Along with a general optimism that this year will be better than last, it’s a pleasure to ring in the new by congratulating GLD’s Mel Nebhrajani, former Legal Director of the Department for Health and Social Care Legal Team, who has been appointed a Companion of the Bath (C.B.) in the Queen’s 2021 New Year’s Honours List.

The citation for her award states it is in recognition of her services to the Government Legal profession, especially during the COVID crisis.

Mel said:

“I was stunned when I was told I was being appointed Companion of the Bath – it was so unexpected – but I am also utterly thrilled and proud. I want to thank all those who have supported me without whom this would never have happened. It is truly an honour!”

Mel has undertaken legal work over a number of years and in several different legal teams, deftly handling a range of important issues. She has demonstrated leadership over a sustained period, particularly during the COVID crisis, in which she played a key role in co-ordinating legal issues across Whitehall.

Her work in the networks across GLD, particularly on race and as champion of the parents network, has been a leading light in promoting these issues across the civil service and in helping people across GLD.

GLD Interim Permanent Secretary and Treasury Solicitor Peter Fish said:

“Mel has demonstrated great skill, commitment and compassion in every area of her work. I am proud to congratulate her on this achievement.”

We join with Peter in congratulating Mel and wishing her continued success.

Published 31 December 2020

Hornsea Project Three Offshore Wind Farm given development consent

The Hornsea Project Three offshore wind farm offers an approximate capacity of up to 2,400MW and is located off the coast of Norfolk. This is within the area known as Zone 4, under the Round 3 offshore wind licensing arrangements established by The Crown Estate.

The application was submitted for consideration on 14 May 2018 and accepted for examination on 8 June 2018. It is the 98 project to be decided under the Planning Act 2008 regime and is the 61st energy project examined by the Planning Inspectorate to gain development consent.

Following a six-month examination during which the public, statutory consultees and interested parties were given the opportunity to give evidence to the Examining Authority, a recommendation was made to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) on 2 July 2019.

Following a request for further information and comments from interested parties, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy issued a letter stating that he was minded to approve this application subject to further information from the applicant and Interested Parties on a number of specific issues.

To allow time for the Applicant to submit further information by 30 September 2020 and to allow for consultation on the further information with Interested Parties, the Secretary of State set a new deadline of 31 December 2020 for his decision on this application.

The Planning Inspectorate’s Chief Executive, Sarah Richards, said:

When examining the application and making their Recommendation, the Examining Authority took full account of views from communities, particularly those near the North East coast of England who might be affected by this proposal, alongside national policy and evidence of the need for the project.

The decision, the recommendation made by the Examining Authority to the Secretary of State and the evidence considered by the Examining Authority, is publicly available on the National Infrastructure Planning website.

Journalists wanting further information should contact the Planning

Inspectorate Press Office, on: 0303 444 5004 or 0303 444 5005 or email:

Scots recognised by Queen’s New Year Honours

Press release

The Scottish Secretary congratulates Scotland’s honours recipients

Commenting on Her Majesty’s New Year Honours list, Scottish Secretary Alister Jack said:

“The Honours list demonstrates the wealth of talent and commitment in Scotland’s science, education, sport and public life. We should all be proud of our country’s outstanding achievements in these fields.

“Her Majesty has also recognised the dedication, compassion and kindness of so many ordinary people up and down the UK. As we all know too well, 2020 has been a year like no other. So many Scots have gone above and beyond in supporting friends, neighbours and their wider community during the pandemic. These are not people who seek the limelight, so I’m very glad that so many of those local heroes have been recognised by Her Majesty.

“My heartfelt congratulations go to the many Scots who have been honoured by Her Majesty.”

Published 31 December 2020

Government encourages people to stay home on New Year’s Eve

Press release

Everyone in England is being be encouraged to stay at home to see in the new year safely.

  • With New Year’s Eve approaching, the government has launched a campaign urging people to act like they have the virus and to stay at home
  • The public will be reminded of the rapidly rising rate of coronavirus infections, asymptomatic transmission, and pressures facing NHS hospitals
  • The campaign is running across radio, print media and out of home advertising

Everyone in England is being be encouraged to stay at home as part of a public information advertising campaign urging the public to see in the new year safely.

‘See in the new year safely at home’ is running across radio, print media and out of home advertising until 31 December. 

It comes at a time where current data shows COVID-19 cases are at an all-time high.

The advertising reiterates people should not meet up with friends or family indoors, unless they are in the same household or support bubble, and they should avoid large gatherings of any kind.

The adverts remind the public how easily COVID-19 can be spread. 1 in 3 people who have COVID-19 have no symptoms and as such the public should act like they have the virus to avoid spreading it without realising. The new strain of the virus spreads even faster than before and NERVTAG’s early analysis suggested it could increase R by 0.4 or greater. 

Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock said:

With our NHS under pressure we must all take personal responsibility this New Year’s Eve and stay at home.

I know how much we have all sacrificed this year and  we cannot let up. Over 600,000 people have now been vaccinated and we are close to beating this virus.

Now more than ever, we need to pull together to save lives and protect our NHS. If we continue to do our bit by staying at home, we can get through this together.

NHS Test and Trace is reaching 97.5% of contacts within 24 hours, and more than 3.9 million people have been reached and the government is calling on people to do their bit and further prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

  • Find all local restrictions and laws
  • Download images of the campaign
  • The weekly average case rate for England has increased by over 66% compared to 2 weeks previously (the weekly average at 15 Dec compared to the weekly average at 1 Dec)
  • In London, the case rate has nearly doubled over the last week, with the new variant accounting for 60% of infections in London

Published 31 December 2020