Ceremonial and events guidance following the death of Her Majesty The Queen – Sunday 11 September 2022

News story

The following ceremonies and events are taking place today (Sunday 11 September 2022) across the country to allow people to pay tribute to the life of Her Majesty The Queen:


10:00 – The Coffin of Her Late Majesty the Queen departs from Balmoral Castle for the journey to the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh.

11:25 – The King’s Body Guard for Scotland (Royal Company of Archers) and the Guard of Honour will march from the Castle Esplanade to the Mercat Cross.

11:50 – The main procession will make its way from Parliament House to the Mercat Cross.

12:00 – The Lord Lyon King of Arms will read the Proclamation to the people of Scotland. This will be followed by a 21 gun salute from Edinburgh Castle.

12:30 – The Procession will then make its way to Edinburgh Castle where the Lord Lyon will read the second Proclamation.

16:00 – The Coffin arrives at Holyroodhouse.

For more information visit www.gov.scot


12:00 – Proclamations read in Cardiff Castle.

For more information visit www.cardiff.gov.uk

Northern Ireland

12:00 – Proclamations read in Hillsborough Castle.

12:00 – Gun Salutes in Hillsborough Castle.

For more information visit https://www.hrp.org.uk/hillsborough-castle/

Royal Residences

For information on laying floral tributes at Royal Residences, including in London and Windsor visit https://www.royal.uk/mourning-and-condolence-arrangements-royal-residences

Published 11 September 2022

Prime Minister Liz Truss’s call with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte: 10 September 2022

Press release

Prime Minister Liz Truss spoke with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

The Prime Minister spoke to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte this afternoon.

Prime Minister Rutte expressed his condolences on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and said that the people of the Netherlands had been shocked and saddened by her passing.

The Prime Minister thanked Prime Minister Rutte for his kind words and the leaders paid tribute to King Charles III on the day of his proclamation.

The Prime Minister and Prime Minister Rutte agreed on the importance of the UK-Netherlands relationship and looked forward to working together as close neighbours and likeminded partners.

Published 10 September 2022

Prime Minister Liz Truss’s call with President Emmanuel Macron of France: 10 September 2022

Press release

Prime Minister Liz Truss spoke with President Emmanuel Macron.

The Prime Minister spoke to President Macron of France this afternoon.

President Macron expressed his deepest condolences on the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The leaders agreed on the profound mark Her Majesty The Queen made not just on the UK but the world, and the Prime Minister thanked President Macron for his words.

The leaders agreed on the value of a strong UK-France relationship as we work together to tackle the energy crisis caused by Putin’s illegal war, as well as other security, defence and strategic issues.

They looked forward to meeting soon to discuss these issues.

Published 10 September 2022

Prime Minister Liz Truss’s call with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki of Poland: 10 September 2022

Press release

Prime Minister Liz Truss spoke with Prime Minister of Poland.

The Prime Minister spoke to the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, this afternoon.

Prime Minister Morawiecki expressed his condolences on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The leaders agreed that Her Majesty The Queen’s long reign and life of public service is as an inspiration to many.

The Prime Minister and Prime Minister Morawiecki agreed on the strength of the UK-Poland relationship, particularly as we work together to support the people of Ukraine.

Published 10 September 2022

Bank holiday announced for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral on Monday 19 September

  • Monday 19 September will be a bank holiday to coincide with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral
  • bank holiday to mark the last day of the period of national mourning

Monday 19 September, the date of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral, will be a national bank holiday.

This will allow individuals, businesses and other organisations to pay their respects to Her Majesty and commemorate Her reign, while marking the final day of the period of national mourning.

This bank holiday will operate in the same way as other bank holidays, and there is no statutory entitlement to time off. Employers may include bank holidays as part of a worker’s leave entitlement.

The bank holiday will take place across the United Kingdom.

The bank holiday will be a unique national moment, and we would encourage employers to respond sensitively to requests from workers who wish to take time off.

Does this bank holiday mean individuals can have the day off work?

This is a matter for discussion between individuals and their employer. There is no statutory entitlement to time off for bank holidays, but employers may include bank holidays as part of a worker’s leave entitlement.

The government cannot interfere in existing contractual arrangements between employers and workers. However, we would expect that many workers will be able to take the day off on the bank holiday. We also expect employers to respond sensitively to requests from workers who wish to take the day of the funeral off work.

Some employment contracts ask individuals to work some Saturdays/bank holidays. Can these individuals take this bank holiday off work?

This is a matter for discussion between individuals and their employer.

If an individual will have to work on the day of the funeral – can they take an additional day’s holiday another day?

This is a matter for discussion between you and your employer.

This is a matter for discussion between you and your employer. There are no statutory rules regarding extra pay on bank holidays.

If an individual has annual leave booked for the day of the funeral – will they be able to reclaim this leave?

This is a matter for discussion between you and your employer.

Will this bank holiday apply everywhere in the UK?

Yes, this bank holiday will apply in all parts of the UK.

Is this an official bank holiday, or does it have a special status?

This bank holiday is official and applies in the same way as all others.

Was King George VI’s funeral a National Holiday?

No, King George VI’s funeral was not a bank holiday, but the government wants to help give as many people as possible the opportunity on the day of the State Funeral to mark Her Majesty’s passing and commemorate Her reign.

Will there be a bank holiday for the Coronation?

No decision has yet been made. A decision will be made nearer the time.

Will the bank holiday to mark Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral be an annual holiday?

There are currently no plans for an annual holiday.

Will schools be closed on the day of the bank holiday?

Yes, schools will be closed, we are not asking them to remain open on the day of the bank holiday.

Please see UK bank holidays for further information about pay and time off on bank holidays.