UK government secures additional 40 million doses of Valneva vaccine

  • Deal means the UK has now secured early access to over 400 million total doses of vaccines for 2021 and 2022
  • 100 million doses of Valneva vaccine have now been secured
  • UK Government boosts Scotland vaccine production powerhouse at Valneva’s site in West Lothian, supporting 100 highly-skilled jobs

The UK Government has today (Monday 1 February) signed a deal for a further 40 million doses of Valneva’s promising vaccine candidate.

The latest deal will bolster long-term vaccine production in Scotland and brings the total UK vaccine portfolio to 407 million doses over the next two years.

The decision to purchase 40 million extra doses is based on the UK’s strategy to take a wide approach, using different technologies and viral targets to ensure the UK has the best chance of securing access to successful vaccines as quickly as possible. It will also give the UK future flexibility should we need to revaccinate any of the population.

The UK Government has invested a multi-million sum in Valneva’s manufacturing facility in West Lothian, which began manufacturing vaccine doses last week and is already raising Scotland’s profile in the international fight against Covid-19.

The site is already supporting 100 new highly-skilled local jobs for scientists and technicians.

Valneva’s coronavirus vaccine candidate is currently in phase I/II trials and will still need to meet the necessary safety and effectiveness standards and receive regulatory approval from the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) before it is rolled out at the end of the year.

However, if it is approved, manufacturing at risk now will mean that the UK can roll the vaccine out across the country quicker.

Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said:

This latest deal is yet another weapon in our national arsenal against this terrible disease, and will ensure we have sufficient supplies to protect the British public in 2021 and beyond.

Backed with major investment from the UK Government, Valneva’s site in Scotland will be a vaccine production powerhouse, working flat out to ensure we can quickly deploy jabs across the UK if their candidate is approved, while supporting top quality, local jobs.

Thanks to our incredible UK Vaccine Taskforce, we have now secured a bumper portfolio of over 400 million vaccines, putting our country in an exceptionally strong position to defeat this virus once and for all.

Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi said:

This deal provides a further boost to the UK’s already-strong vaccine portfolio, and I am enormously proud of all the work which has gone in to securing a vaccine for the UK as soon as possible.

If approved, Valneva’s vaccine will not only help tackle Covid-19 here in the UK, but aid our mission to ensure there is a fair supply of vaccines across the globe.

No one is safe till the whole world is safe.

The Secretary of State for Scotland Alister Jack said:

This deal is an endorsement of the UK Government’s strategy of investing in vaccine development and in the skills of the Scottish life sciences sector.

I pay tribute to the team in Valneva’s new Livingston manufacturing plant. If the vaccine is authorised by the health regulator, their expertise will play an important role in making the world safer from this virus.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said:

The UK has developed and invested in some of the world’s most promising vaccines – supporting global efforts to fight this virus.

The Valneva vaccine showcases the best of Scottish expertise right at the heart of our UK vaccine endeavour, demonstrating the strength of our union and what the UK can achieve when it works together. If the vaccine is authorised by the health regulator, it will be rolled out across the four nations as quickly as possible.

Interim Chair of the UK government’s Vaccines Taskforce Clive Dix said:

Valneva’s manufacturing site in Scotland is already up and running, ready to supply their promising vaccine as soon as it has proven to be safe, and effective and is approved by the MHRA.

To best ensure we have enough successful candidates to ensure maximum coverage of the UK population, the Vaccines Taskforce has invested in seven of the most promising vaccines. The further 40 million doses secured through today’s deal significantly bolsters our portfolio and gives us future flexibility should we need to revaccinate any of the UK population.

I want to thank everyone involved in the development of this vaccine for the hard work that has helped us reach this point and also to pay tribute to those UK citizens who have volunteered to take part in the important clinical trials of this vaccine.

If it is approved, 60 million doses could start to be delivered to the UK by the second half of 2021, with the remaining 40 million being delivered in 2022.

Valneva’s Livingston site will have the capacity to produce up to 250 million doses annually for shipment across the UK and around the world.

The UK Government is committed to supporting equitable access to vaccines worldwide. The UK is the largest donor to the COVAX facility, the global mechanism to help developing countries access a coronavirus vaccine, and has committed £548 million in UK aid to help distribute 1.3 billion doses of coronavirus vaccines to 92 developing countries this year.

To date, the UK government has invested over £300 million into manufacturing a successful vaccine.

Public asked to take action ahead of United Nations Climate Change Conference

World news story

On 29 January, the British Ambassador to China, Dame Caroline Wilson, officially launched the Together for Our Planet campaign in Beijing.

  • The UK and China will lead global action to protect the planet this year as hosts of the UN Conferences on climate change (COP 26) and biodiversity (COP 15);
  • The UK’s inclusive Presidency of COP 26 will harness the commitment of the public as well as Governments and businesses around the world;
  • An international campaign launched today in Beijing will promote 10 steps everyone can take to play their part.

The international campaign is supported by the United Nations and WWF and will promote ten steps members of the public can take to tackle climate change.

British Ambassador to China, Dame Caroline Wilson said:

Climate change poses an existential threat to humanity and the world we live in. To combat it we must all come together for our planet.

UK and China climate experts will lead global action this year but we also need to engage our people in how they can make a difference.

From tackling food waste to driving electric this campaign will raise awareness of the simple steps we can all take to cut emissions. Join us in acting now.

The 10 steps have been selected with experts from the UN Environment Programme based on three criteria: impact on personal carbon pollution, power to influence society, and capacity to involve as many people as possible. The 10 steps to COP26, include:

  • January – Reducing Food Waste. Reduce the amount of food that is wasted or thrown away at home.
  • February – Repair and Reuse. Repair belongings rather than always buying new.
  • March – 5-Minute Shower. Save water by taking shorter showers, turning off the tap when brushing teeth, installing a low-flow toilet, and many other ways.
  • April – Speak up at Work; Talk to Friends. Come together with colleagues, friends and families to make change at a bigger scale.
  • May – Eat Seasonal. Eat food produced at its natural time of the year to reduce the need to transport food products long distances.
  • June – Walk and Cycle More. Travel by bike or foot wherever the circumstance allows.
  • July – Dial it now. Turn down the heating at home by a degree or more, or turn up air conditioner by a degree or more.
  • August – Green your Money. Consider choosing investments, funds, and using financial services that operate finances responsibly.
  • September – Wear Clothes to Last. Buy fewer new clothes and wear them for longer.
  • October – Drive Electric. Consider making your next car purchase an electric vehicle.

At the launch event, Dame Caroline Wilson joined a panel discussion with British chemist Dr David Evans, Chinese key opinion leader Meng Chang, and Chief Program Officer of WWF China Zhou Fei, to discuss how individuals can apply the ten climate actions from the campaign.

Chief Program Officer of WWF, China Zhou Fei said:

We are pleased to be part of this campaign where a joint climate change vision is celebrated. WWF shares COP26’s goals, as we have been calling for the world to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030, and any stakeholder’s commitment to align climate and biodiversity targets is encouraged.

Public events will be hosted online and offline throughout 2021 to engage people in our planet’s future and to provide more information on how they can get involved. These will include screenings of David Attenborough documentaries, green finance investment training and social media challenges.

As an organisation, British Embassy and Consulates in China will start to apply the 10 steps internally to further reduce the organisational carbon footprint and encourage its staff to live a greener lifestyle. Since 2018, UK Government in China has banned all single use plastic across all office areas and has a popular recycling programme in place.

Notes to editors:

  • The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 1 – 12 November 2021. The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The UK is committed to working with all countries and joining forces with civil society, companies and people on the frontline of climate change to inspire climate action ahead of COP26. More info about Together for Our Planet Campaign, please visit the official website:

  • WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) is one of the world’s largest and most respected independent organizations dedicated to the conservation of nature, founded in Switzerland in 1961.WWF has been active in China since 1980, when it was invited by the Chinese government as the first international NGO to work on nature conservation. To stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, WWF’s mission is conserving the world’s biological diversity; ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.

Published 1 February 2021

Government proposes further support for flood resilience measures

Householders in flood-hit areas who install property flood resilience measures – such as flood barriers, air brick covers and flood resistant coatings on walls – could soon be able to obtain discounted insurance premiums, under proposals being consulted on by the government today (Monday 1 February).

Under the new plans, insured households that experience flooding would not only claim money to cover the damage caused, but could also receive additional funds to build back better and make their homes more resilient.

The government has also published a Call for Evidence to look at changes to the flood funding formula to benefit frequently flooded communities, and ways to increase the uptake of property flood resilience measures so that homes and businesses are better protected.

In total there have been at least 23,000 publicly funded installations of property flood resilience measures since 2009. However, the government is seeking ways to increase uptake across the country, alongside providing record funding for new flood and coastal defences.

Environment Secretary George Eustice said:

My thoughts are with all of those affected by Storms Bella and Christoph.

In Northwich last week I saw for myself the impact that flooding has on homes, businesses and communities. I am determined to get more support to people hit time and again by floods.

These plans aim to give households in flood-hit areas additional support to protect their properties.

Floods Minister Rebecca Pow said:

During Storm Christoph 49,000 properties were protected by our defences. I recognise that this is of little comfort to those who have been flooded and that there is more to do.

The plans will give people in flood-hit areas more help to build back better and reduce the risk to homeowners in the future.

Combined with a record £5.2 billion government investment over the next six years in new flood and coast defences, hundreds of thousands properties will be better protected.

The consultation covers changes to the Flood Re scheme, a joint industry/government initiative, designed to reduce insurance costs for thousands of households by passing on the flood risk element of home insurance to Flood Re and charging a set premium to households based on council tax bands. Since its launch in 2016, over 300,000 households have benefited from Flood Re, with four out of five households with prior flood claims seeing reductions in their insurance premiums by more than half.

Additional measures being considered also reducing the cheapest subsidised premium for contents insurance provided for by Flood Re (£52), as evidence from Amanda Blanc’s Independent Review of Insurance, commissioned by the government, suggest these could still be too high for households on low incomes.

The Call for Evidence will explore how we can strengthen our flood and coastal defence investment programme through better assessment of local circumstances, including how potential changes to the funding formula could provide further benefit to frequently flooded communities. It will also looks at further ways to increase the uptake of property flood resilience measures to enable householders and businesses to better prepare for flooding.

The documents being published today are the latest example of the progress being made by the government on a wide range of flood risk management measures set out in the flood and coastal erosion risk management policy statement, published in July 2020.

The plan is the most comprehensive in a decade and includes investment of £5.2 billion to create around 2,000 new flood and coastal defences to better protect 336,000 properties in England by 2027.

Flood Re consultation

The joint government and industry Flood Re Scheme is designed to improve the availability and affordability of flood insurance for UK households at high flood risk. The proposed changes aim to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the scheme and to accelerate uptake of Property Flood Resilience measures, including:

  • The ability for Flood Re to offer discounted premiums to households that have fitted property flood resilience measures, such as airbrick covers or non-return valves
  • Permitting the payment of claims to include an additional amount to build back better, in a more flood resilient way
  • Exploring whether there’s more that the Flood Re scheme could do to accelerate uptake of PFR, including whether the scheme’s currently available funding could contribute
  • Exploring whether Flood Re premiums should be further reduced
  • Technical changes to improve the scheme’s efficiency

Local factors in managing flood and coastal erosion risk and property flood resilience: Call for Evidence

This Call for Evidence is seeking evidence on how local factors can be taken into account in the government’s flood and coastal defence investment programme and how we can increase the uptake of property flood resilience.

Part 1 is seeking evidence to identify additional ways in which specific local circumstances can be taken account of in the government’s future flood and coastal defence investment programme, including:

  • communities that have been frequently flooded in the past
  • communities that are more economically vulnerable, small communities
  • communities that may be in greater need of property-level measures to resist flood water

We are also exploring how we can ensure timely and wider financial contributions to assist with the pace of developing a flood scheme.

Part 2 covers the range of enablers which need to work effectively in order to increase uptake of Property Flood Resilience:

  • Funding and incentives
  • Planning policy, building regulations, and standards
  • Training and technical expertise
  • Evidence and data sharing
  • Communication, knowledge and understanding

Extra £40m to help victims during pandemic and beyond

  • Services report major increases in calls and webchat volumes during the pandemic
  • More specialist advisors to guide victims through the justice system
  • New campaign #ItStillMatters launched to raise awareness of sexual abuse services

It comes as charities have reported a 200% increase in calls and people accessing webchat services since the first lockdown, with some victims feeling at greater risk of harm or deciding to report abuse for the first time.

The new investment will allow support organisations to recruit more staff, keep helplines open for longer and adapt to remote counselling where necessary – ensuring help remains available for those who need it.

Crucially, £16m will fund the recruitment of more independent sexual violence and domestic abuse advisers across the country. They provide emotional and practical support for victims, while guiding them through the criminal justice process which many can find daunting.

A new government advertising campaign, #ItStillMatters, also launched today seeks to raise awareness of sexual violence services and ensure victims of rape and sexual abuse know where to get help – encouraging them to take the often difficult step of seeking support for the first time.

The funding also builds on an unprecedented £76 million pledged by Ministers in May to help the most vulnerable in society during the pandemic, as well as an extra £125 million for local authorities to provide support in safe accommodation for victims of domestic abuse and their children.

Justice Minister Alex Chalk said:

For many victims this pandemic has been an inescapable nightmare in which they often feel trapped and at greater risk of harm.

Their protection remains an absolute priority and this funding, backed by our new campaign, should mean no victim is left to suffer alone.

A sexual violence victim who worked with the charity SafeLine and wished to remain anonymous, explained the important role her Independent Sexual Violence Adviser played for her:

I honestly could not have gotten through this whole process without my ISVA, she just got me. She understood what I was going through and she knew how I needed to be told things and handled.

I remember her telling me to keep breathing and when I was in court, I could hear her breathing too and it reminded me that I was not alone. My ISVA never compromised on their aim to put me first. I would trust her with my life and I think if anyone is going through something similar, then they won’t go far wrong in getting the support required.

A male victim who also wished to remain anonymous and is supported by Breaking the Silence, said:

It was only after I could no longer bear the flashbacks that I finally decided to seek help. My initial fears and qualms about getting support were carefully managed, and I was eased into it. Although therapy brought out feelings of anger and hurt, the pain associated with the trauma gradually started to recede.

I met other men who had been through similar experiences, they helped me through my sense of isolation as I realised I wasn’t the only victim in my community. There were many challenges to overcome and I continue to receive support, but I’m now in a new relationship and the flashbacks have been eradicated almost entirely.

Safeguarding Minister Victoria Atkins said:

Sexual violence can devastate lives and it is important that people are aware that if they or somebody they know is suffering from this, they can leave their home to access support services.

We have invested millions to make sure vital services including helplines remain available to victims and if anyone is in immediate danger they should call 999.

We also want to hear from the public about violence against women and girls and have recently launched a national survey about these crimes. I want to encourage anyone with views on this topic to take part. Their voices need to be heard.

The £40m includes:

  • £20.7 million for local, community-based sexual violence and domestic abuse services, helping to reduce the amount of time survivors have to wait for support. Male specific services will see a 60% funding increase following a significant increase in demand for support from men and boys.
  • £16 million to recruit more independent sexual violence and domestic abuse advisers – increasing their numbers by around 400 meaning more victims of all ages can access this vital support.
  • £2 million for smaller specialist organisations helping BAME, LGBTQ+ or disabled victims.
  • £1.3 million for remote and online services – allowing more victims to access support while at home. £800k of this will go to Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors (FLOWS), a digital tool that helps victims of domestic abuse to apply for emergency protection from the courts.

Gabrielle Shaw, Chief Executive of NAPAC, said

The pandemic and associated lockdowns have impacted all of us. It has been particularly difficult for victims of sexual violence and domestic abuse who struggle to access support. This important campaign by government will raise awareness amongst victims and survivors that they are not alone, that taking that first step of reaching out for support is possible.

NAPAC is delighted that the government has backed up this campaign with £40m of new funding for victim services, £16m of which is specifically for sexual violence support services. This will aid the sector immeasurably in our work to support victims and survivors.

Neil Henderson, Chair and co-founder of the Male Survivors Partnership

The Male Survivors Partnership applauds the government for providing much-needed, additional funding for specialist services who support victims of sexual violence and domestic abuse. For those men, women and children living with the impacts of sexual and domestic violence, the impact of COVID has been devastating and will be long-lasting; this timely increase in funding will enable all specialist agencies to better respond to the needs of victims and survivors.

We also welcome and fully support the launch of a Government sexual violence awareness campaign aimed at helping more victims and survivors access critical support. High-quality, specialist support is available for men, women and children affected by sexual violence throughout England and Wales, but many victims and survivors don’t know how to access it. This campaign will hopefully change that and help enable more people to access the support they need to cope and recover from the abuse.

Katie Russell, national spokesperson for Rape Crisis England & Wales said:

As the extremely challenging conditions of the last ten months have exacerbated isolation, anxiety and complex physical, mental and emotional health issues for sexual violence and abuse victims and survivors, we’ve inevitably seen demand for our specialist services increase even further.

This new contribution towards our ongoing efforts to fulfil victims’ and survivors’ unmet needs is vital and very gratefully received, as is the Government’s recognition of our frontline work as essential.

We’re pleased too that the Government’s new campaign will echo and amplify our consistent message to those living with the impacts of all forms of sexual violence and abuse: you are not alone, we are still here for you.

The #ItStillMatters campaign includes a range of advertisements to raise awareness of the support that is available to victims of sexual violence. This follows the launch of ’Ask for Ani’ – a domestic abuse codeword scheme to help victims access support in thousands of pharmacies nationwide.  Through a discreet signal victims will be able to access emergency police response, help contacting a domestic abuse helpline or specialist support services.

Meanwhile, the courts continue to prioritise the most serious offences to keep the public safe, with the Government investing £110m on a range of emergency measures to keep the justice system moving, including by opening  39 Nightingale Court rooms across the country.

The Home Office is also asking the public to share their views on violence against women and girls in a Call for Evidence that will inform the Government’s upcoming strategy to tackle these crimes.

Notes to editors

  • Victims and survivors of sexual violence or abuse should visit to see the support on offer.
  • If you are a victim of domestic abuse and feel at risk of harm the Stay at Home guidance does not apply.
  • The Ministry of Justice will provide an extra £40m for victims of crime during 2021/22.
  • The £40m is in addition to a £99.5m funding commitment for victims’ services during 2021/22.
  • The funding will be available from April.
  • Combined call and webchat volumes for sexual violence helplines were 206% above the pre pandemic baseline (now 2,020 compared to 660) in the week commencing 28th December.
  • It follows £11m announced in November to help specifically with demands on services during winter and beyond.
  • The #ItStillMatters campaign follows a commitment made in the government’s Hidden Harms Summit ‘Action Plan’ – delivering in commitments to raise awareness amongst victims and survivors of the support available in taking the often first difficult step towards seeking support.
  • The campaign has been developed in extensive consultation with partners including Rape Crisis, Survivors UK, Imkaan and the Male Survivors Partnership. We also tested the campaign with male and female survivors.
  • The recent Spending Review settlement will boost funding for the court system by £337m to deliver swifter justice for all
  • We’re investing record amounts, with £153m to improve court and tribunal buildings – the biggest single investment in court estate maintenance for more than 20 years – and we’re spending £110m on a range of emergency measures to tackle the impact of COVID-19, including the recruitment of 1,600 additional staff.
  • Court listing and prioritisation is a function of the independent judiciary.

UK announces humanitarian aid for Balochistan to help recovery from COVID-19

World news story

British High Commissioner Dr Christian Turner CMG announced £3.5 million UK humanitarian aid for Balochistan during his first visit to Quetta today.

Christian Turner Quetta visit

Rates of malnutrition and food insecurity in Balochistan were already high before the COVID-19 global pandemic, but the virus has affected livelihoods and made the problem worse.

UK aid will help over 41,000 women and children get vital nutrients they need, through a therapeutic food programme. It will support community outreach workers to identify and help malnourished children, pregnant women and new mothers.

British High Commissioner Christian Turner CMG said:

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the global economy hard, and this has had a knock-on effect on food security in Balochistan. UK aid announced today will provide life-saving nutrition and humanitarian aid to vulnerable women and children when they need it most – giving the next generation the best start in life.

UK investment will be split between the World Food Programme (WFP) and International Rescue Committee (IRC). Part of the package will also help with humanitarian cash transfers to help with food and essential living costs. In total, UK aid will help over 164,000 people in Balochistan.

During his visit, the British High Commissioner met the Chief Minister of Balochistan, Jam Kamal Khan, and discussed a variety of matters including the Balochistan economy. He also met Chris Kaye, country director for WFP. Finally, Dr Turner also gave his condolences on the terrorist attack on January 2nd, in which 11 miners were killed.

Notes to editors:

  • As part of the UK’s wide-ranging package to help Pakistan tackle COVID-19 and help people suffering from the wider economic effects, we are working with both the World Food Programme (WFP) and International Rescue Committee (IRC);

  • The nutrition programme will help over 41,000 people (over 9,700 boys, over 10,500 girls and over 21,500 pregnant and lactating women in Balochistan).

  • In Balochistan, with humanitarian cash transfers, the UK is targeting Jhal Magsi and Chaghi districts, and will reach over 18,000 households (or over 122,000 people).

  • Studies have shown that without enough of the right nutrients, children can suffer from stunting or wasting, when their bodies and brains don’t develop the way they should. This can have an impact on entire populations, contributing to a cycle of poverty;

  • WFP will support Government Lady Health Workers (LHWs) at the community level and community outreach workers to screen and identify malnourished children and malnourished pregnant and lactating women. IRC will work with communities to identify highly vulnerable households providing them with a cash transfer to help cater to their food and livelihood needs.

For further information

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Published 31 January 2021