The Secretary of State has appointed Professor Geoff Thompson MBE DL and Ama Agbeze MBE to the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Organising Committee

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Professor Geoff Thompson MBE DL has been appointed as Deputy Chair and Ama Agbeze MBE as a Board Member of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Organising Committee until 30 June 2023. Ama will serve as Chair of the Committee’s Athletes Advisory sub-committee.

Professor Geoff Thompson MBE DL

Geoff Thompson is a former five time world karate champion and sports administrator, which has seen him deliver social and human initiatives with specific emphasis on equality, diversity and inclusion. He is Founder of Youth Charter, a UK-based international charity and UN NGO. Geoff has also held a number of private and public board appointments including: London Legacy Development Corporation, Muhammad Ali Center and is Chair of the Independent Advisory Panel of the PFA.

He has delivered strategies within the bidding, hosting and legacy of major games including the Manchester 2002 and Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. Geoff was awarded an MBE for his services to sport.

Ama Agbeze MBE

Ama gained her first cap for the England Roses in 2001 and captained the Team England netball team to its historic gold medal at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games in Australia. She received an MBE for her services to netball in 2019.

An in depth knowledge of international sport combined with her legal qualification provided the basis, in recent years, for her taking roles as ambassador, trustee and/or board member to various charitable organisations and Commonwealth Games England. In the corporate space Ama delivers motivational talks focussing on leadership, development, team cohesion and striving for success. She has used her experience and platform to be a thought leader in racial equality, youth, and female empowerment. Ama also provides coaching centred around body positivity and participation.

These roles are not remunerated. The appointments have been made in accordance with the Cabinet Office’s Governance Code on Public Appointments. The appointments process is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. The Government’s Governance Code requires that any significant political activity undertaken by an appointee in the last five years is declared. This is defined as holding office, public speaking, making a recordable donation or candidature for election. Professor Thompson and Ama Agbeze have not declared any activity.

Published 16 February 2021

NDA appoints Lawrie Haynes as new Chair Designate for Dounreay

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David Peattie, Chief Executive Officer of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, has today announced the appointment of Lawrie Haynes as Chair Designate of Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd. (DSRL)

Lawrie Haynes

NDA appoints Lawrie Haynes as new Chair Designate for Dounreay

DSRL will become the newest Operating Company of the NDA when the current Parent Body Organisation, Cavendish Dounreay Partnership, transfers DSRL’s ownership to the NDA on 31 March 2021.

Lawrie brings extensive experience in senior executive and non-executive roles across a range of major private sector companies and high-profile public sector organisations.

He comes with a strong track record in the nuclear sector including his roles as President of Rolls-Royce’s Land and Sea Division, Chair of Magnox Ltd, Chief Executive of British Nuclear Group and Non-Executive Director at Network Rail.

David Peattie said:

Dounreay has a special place amongst our civil nuclear sites, and I’m delighted that Lawrie has accepted such a key role.

As one of the UK’s most important legacy civil nuclear sites, Dounreay is now transferring to NDA ownership, I am delighted that Lawrie has made this commitment.

He joins DSRL just as Mark Rouse is appointed as the new Managing Director, and as DSRL continue the process of appointing a new Executive Leadership Team. Lawrie’s experience will truly enhance that new team and further promote the fundamental role Dounreay has to play within the NDA family.

Lawrie Haynes said:

Dounreay is unique with an incredible history and tradition. The role and influence it has had within the communities of Caithness and North Sutherland cannot be underestimated, and I’m very proud to be given the opportunity to help shape its future and influence within the wider NDA Group as we deliver the site’s important mission.

Lawrie Haynes will continue in his role as Chair of Magnox Ltd and takes up his appointment as Dounreay Chair on 31 March 2021.

Published 16 February 2021

Appointment of non-executive member of the Independent Monitoring Authority

The Lord Chancellor, the Rt Hon Robert Buckland QC, has appointed Joyce Cullen as a non-executive member of the Independent Monitoring Authority for the Citizens’ Rights Agreements (IMA) with knowledge about conditions in Scotland relating to the matters in relation to which provision is made in the citizens’ rights parts of the Withdrawal and Separation Agreements (“the relevant matters”) for a tenure of 3 years. Her appointment commenced on 10 February 2021 and will run until 9 February 2024.

Joyce Cullen biography

Joyce Cullen has practiced as a litigation solicitor in private practice for 39 years. She was admitted as a Solicitor Advocate in Scotland in 1995. She has held a public appointment as Non-executive Director of the Joint Management Board of the Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Office of the Advocate General for Scotland, since 2015.

Ms Cullen was Chair of Brodies LLP from 2004 to 2013; Convenor of the Law Society of Scotland’s Employment Law Reform Sub-Committee from 2006 to 2018; Chair of the steering group of Elevate-Scotland from 2016 to 2019 and was appointed as Chair of the Board of Governors of George Heriot’s School in Edinburgh in 2020.

Independent Monitoring Authority for the Citizens’ Rights Agreements

The IMA is a brand-new public body, which has been established under the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020 (EUWAA). The IMA became operational at the end of 2020. The chair and members of the IMA will play a crucial role in establishing the IMA’s early direction and effectiveness, and in winning the confidence of its stakeholders.

Under the provisions set out in EUWAA, the IMA will have the power to receive complaints, launch inquiries and initiate legal proceedings. The IMA will also have a role in reviewing the effectiveness of the citizens’ rights legislative framework, for instance by reviewing draft legislation. The legislation also provides that it is important for the IMA to focus on general or systemic failures in the implementation of the citizens’ rights agreements, as well as receiving and investigating individual complaints. The IMA will have to publish guidance on how it will exercise its functions.

In terms of non-executives, Ms Cullen joins the chair and 3 other non-executive members on the IMA board (including those with knowledge of conditions relating to “the relevant matters” in Northern Ireland and Gibraltar). A further campaign to appoint a non-executive member with knowledge of the conditions in Wales relating to “the relevant matters” is also underway, with the appointment expected to be announced in March 2021.

Non-executive appointments to the IMA are not currently regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. However, the chair and members have been appointed following fair and open competitions run in line with the process set out in the Governance Code on Public Appointments.

Adevinta’s merger purchase of Gumtree raises competition concerns

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The CMA has found that Adevinta’s anticipated £6.5bn ($9.2 billion) purchase of eCG from eBay could lead to higher prices and less choice for consumers.

Image showing person using laptop and credit card

Adevinta and eBay Classified Group (eCG) both operate online classified advertising platforms in the UK. These websites – Adevinta’s Shpock and eCG’s Gumtree – allow people to buy and sell a broad range of used or new goods such as clothing, electronics and furniture. eBay’s marketplace,, is the largest platform for people to sell goods to one another in the UK.

With the sale to Adevinta, eBay will acquire a 33.3% voting stake in Adevinta and positions on the Adevinta board. This means that eBay will be able to participate in the management of Adevinta and could enable it to influence the business strategy for both Gumtree and Shpock.

In addition, having reviewed eBay’s internal documents at the time the decision was made to sell eCG to Adevinta, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) considers there would have been a realistic chance eBay would have sold Gumtree to a different purchaser without retaining its influence. This would have resulted in Gumtree becoming an independent competitor to eBay’s marketplace.

Following its Phase 1 investigation, the CMA is concerned the merger could lead to a loss of competition between Shpock, Gumtree and eBay’s marketplace, with only Facebook Marketplace remaining as a significant competitor. This could reduce consumer choice, increase fees or lower innovation in the supply of platforms that allow people to buy and sell goods online.

Adevinta and eBay now have until 23 February 2021 to offer legally binding solutions to resolve the CMA’s competition concerns. The CMA then has 5 working days to consider whether to accept the offer instead of referring the deal to an in-depth investigation.

Joel Bamford, Senior Director of Mergers:

It is important that people have choice when it comes to selling items they no longer require or searching for a bargain online, and that they can enjoy competitive fees and services.

There is a realistic chance that without this deal Gumtree and Shpock would have been direct competitors to eBay, which is by far the biggest player in this market. This is the latest in a series of merger probes by the CMA involving large digital companies, where we are thoroughly examining deals to ensure that competition is not restricted, and consumers’ interests are protected.

More information can be found on the Adevinta / eBay merger inquiry casepage.

  • For media enquiries, contact the CMA press office on 020 3738 6460 or
  • As part of the deal, eBay will receive $2.5 billion of cash and 540 million shares of Adevinta, representing 44% ownership of the pro forma company and a 33.3% voting stake
  • Online marketplaces are sites that aggregate product information from multiple sellers, so users can compare and purchase products online. Digital advertising platforms publish promotional material through online platforms such as social media, search engines, websites, and any other program that can be accessed digitally.

Published 16 February 2021

Adevinta’s purchase of Gumtree raises competition concerns

News story

The CMA has found that Adevinta’s anticipated £6.5bn ($9.2 billion) purchase of eCG from eBay could lead to higher prices and less choice for consumers.

Image showing person using laptop and credit card

Adevinta and eBay Classified Group (eCG) both operate online classified advertising platforms in the UK. These websites – Adevinta’s Shpock and eCG’s Gumtree – allow people to buy and sell a broad range of used or new goods such as clothing, electronics and furniture. eBay’s marketplace,, is the largest platform for people to sell goods to one another in the UK.

With the sale to Adevinta, eBay will acquire a 33.3% voting stake in Adevinta and positions on the Adevinta board. This means that eBay will be able to participate in the management of Adevinta and could enable it to influence the business strategy for both Gumtree and Shpock.

In addition, having reviewed eBay’s internal documents at the time the decision was made to sell eCG to Adevinta, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) considers there would have been a realistic chance eBay would have sold Gumtree to a different purchaser without retaining its influence. This would have resulted in Gumtree becoming an independent competitor to eBay’s marketplace.

Following its Phase 1 investigation, the CMA is concerned the merger could lead to a loss of competition between Shpock, Gumtree and eBay’s marketplace, with only Facebook Marketplace remaining as a significant competitor. This could reduce consumer choice, increase fees or lower innovation in the supply of platforms that allow people to buy and sell goods online.

Adevinta and eBay now have until 23 February 2021 to offer legally binding solutions to resolve the CMA’s competition concerns. The CMA then has 5 working days to consider whether to accept the offer instead of referring the deal to an in-depth investigation.

Joel Bamford, Senior Director of Mergers:

It is important that people have choice when it comes to selling items they no longer require or searching for a bargain online, and that they can enjoy competitive fees and services.

There is a realistic chance that without this deal Gumtree and Shpock would have been direct competitors to eBay, which is by far the biggest player in this market. This is the latest in a series of merger probes by the CMA involving large digital companies, where we are thoroughly examining deals to ensure that competition is not restricted, and consumers’ interests are protected.

More information can be found on the Adevinta / eBay merger inquiry casepage.

  • For media enquiries, contact the CMA press office on 020 3738 6460 or
  • As part of the deal, eBay will receive $2.5 billion of cash and 540 million shares of Adevinta, representing 44% ownership of the pro forma company and a 33.3% voting stake
  • Online marketplaces are sites that aggregate product information from multiple sellers, so users can compare and purchase products online. Digital advertising platforms publish promotional material through online platforms such as social media, search engines, websites, and any other program that can be accessed digitally.

Published 16 February 2021