Foreign Secretary trilateral meeting with Poland and Ukraine

Press release

Readout from Foreign Secretary James Cleverly’s trilateral meeting with his Polish and Ukrainian counterparts at UNGA tonight.

A spokesperson from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office said:

The Foreign Secretary James Cleverly held his first trilateral meeting in his role with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau at the UN’s General Assembly in New York on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, to underline the importance of working together to counter Russian aggression. He stressed that UK support to Ukraine is steadfast and that we will continue to work with Poland in assisting the Ukrainians’ fight for freedom.

Mr Cleverly recognised Poland’s huge contribution and the extraordinary welcome the country has shown to millions of Ukrainian refugees. He said that Ukraine’s territorial gains highlighted how we must all redouble our efforts to provide military, economic and diplomatic support for Ukraine.

The Foreign Ministers discussed the UK-Poland-Ukrainian Joint Commission to support Ukraine’s defence and security and uphold our shared values of freedom and democracy.  They also spoke on the work and investment required to rebuild Ukraine’s infrastructure and economy.

Following the Russian President’s latest address, the three agreed on the importance of standing united in condemning the Russian government’s reprehensible actions and supporting Ukraine to defend its territorial sovereignty.

Published 21 September 2022

PM meeting with President Joe Biden: 21 September 2022

Press release

The Prime Minister met US President Joe Biden at the UN General Assembly in New York today.

The Prime Minister met US President Joe Biden at the UN General Assembly in New York today.

The leaders condemned Putin’s recent belligerent statements on Ukraine. They agreed his actions highlight the need for allies to continue their economic and military support to Ukraine. The Prime Minister updated President Biden on her recent announcement that the UK will recommit to at least the same level of defensive support for Ukraine next year.

Both leaders discussed the increased threat posed by autocracies to our values and the international system. The Prime Minister updated President Biden on the UK’s plans to update the Integrated Review to ensure the UK is fully equipped to tackle the evolving challenge from countries like China and Russia.

The leaders stressed the need to end over-reliance on authoritarian states in terms of our energy, technology and manufacturing supply chains.

They agreed to redouble bilateral efforts to reduce energy dependence on Russia and to increase the amount of renewable and other forms of energy flowing from democratic states. Both leaders reiterated their commitment to reaching Net Zero, and the UK outlined the UK’s plans to be a net energy exporter by 2040, in large part thanks to renewable energy.

The Prime Minister and President Biden also discussed a number of global challenges which the UK and US are working closely together to resolve, including efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

On the Northern Ireland Protocol, the Prime Minister and President Biden both agreed that the priority must be protecting the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement and preserving the gains of peace in Northern Ireland.

Published 21 September 2022

PM meeting with Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth: 21 September 2022

Press release

The Prime Minister met the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Pravind Jugnauth, at the UN General Assembly in New York.

The Prime Minister met the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Pravind Jugnauth, at the UN General Assembly in New York.

The Prime Minister and Prime Minister Jugnauth welcomed recent steps to strengthen the UK-Mauritius relationship, including through the new Security Dialogue and Strategic Trade Partnership.

The leaders had a useful discussion about the future of the British Indian Ocean Territory, covering the ongoing dispute over sovereignty.

They also agreed on the importance of likeminded democracies working together to uphold freedom around the world.

Published 21 September 2022

Safe return of Ukrainian prisoners of war: Foreign Secretary’s statement

Press release

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has issued a statement on the safe return of Ukrainian prisoners of war.

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said:

I welcome the safe return of Ukrainian prisoners of war and one civilian, including five British nationals. Prisoners of war from other countries held by Russia-backed proxies have also been returned. This brings to an end many months of uncertainty and suffering, including the threat of the death penalty, for them and their families, at the hands of Russia.

Tragically that was not the case for one of those detained and our thoughts remain with the family of Paul Urey.

I would like to express my gratitude to President Zelenskyy and his team for their efforts to secure their release, and to HRH Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman and his team, for their assistance. I continue to call on Russia to comply with International Humanitarian Law and not exploit prisoners of war and civilian detainees for political purposes.

Published 21 September 2022

Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll and proclamation of His Majesty King Charles lll: address to the House of Assembly of the Turks and Caicos

Mr Speaker, and Honourable Members of this House of Assembly.

Mr Speaker you have kindly offered me the opportunity to make a statement to the House.

This will be the first time I have done so since my Inauguration. The circumstances that prompt it would never be wished for, but given our late Queen has left us and our new King is proclaimed, it is an opportunity I am most grateful for.

Members of the House will be aware I served Her Majesty, both in uniform and in wider public service, for 40 years.  As a result I have my own strong feelings about Her Majesty’s death and, more importantly, her most remarkable of lives.

On this though I will keep my counsel, not least because I know there are Members of this House of Assembly who have met Her late Majesty more often than I have, and more importantly this is your House, and I would not presume for my own words and thoughts to lead your tribute.

I will therefore only reflect on yesterday, when the King accompanied by his Queen Consort, spoke to the combined Houses of Parliament in Westminster Hall.  This monumental structure, built in 1097, is where our late Queen’s coffin will shortly Lie-in-State, and where the Premier and myself will go to pay our last respects to her on behalf of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

On our late Sovereign her son, now Charles III, said to Parliament yesterday:

We gather today in remembrance of the remarkable span of The Queen’s dedicated service to her nations and peoples. While very young, Her late Majesty pledged herself to serve her country and her people and to maintain the precious principles of constitutional government which lie at the heart of our nation.

This vow she kept with unsurpassed devotion. She set an example of selfless duty which, with God’s help and your counsels, I am resolved faithfully to follow.

He went on:

As I stand before you today, I cannot help but feel the weight of history which surrounds us and which reminds us of the vital parliamentary traditions to which members of both Houses dedicate yourselves, with such personal commitment for the betterment of us all.  Parliament is the living and breathing instrument of our democracy.

The Speaker of the House of Commons, in addressing the King, said:

We know you hold the greatest respect, the precious traditions, the freedoms, and responsibilities of our unique history and our system of parliamentary government and we know that you will bear those responsibilities which fall to you with the fortitude and dignity, demonstrated by Her late Majesty.

For my part, I would only say that this relationship between Parliament and Crown, and the seamless transfer of power between both a past and a present monarch, and a past and present prime minister, in the same week, is built on many of the traditions and courtesies we extend to each other, and more to the point the courtesies that you extend to each other, in this Chamber. It is at moments like this that tradition is not only important in providing comfort, but also delivering certainty.

Mr Speaker, I am grateful for the courtesy you pay our late Sovereign in convening the House for this sad but special occasion.  She was many things but at her very core she was a committed Christian and will, I know, both rest in peace and rise again in glory. And so I wish her son, and our new King Charles III, a long and successful Reign.  He had the most exemplary of women, both as his mother and as his Queen, to show him the way.

May God Bless these Turks and Caicos Islands, may God receive his faithful servant, Queen Elizabeth II, as she was faithful to us, and may God Save the King.