Upper Tamar rivers to benefit from fishery and habitat improvements

Press release

Three tributaries of the River Tamar in Devon are about to be improved thanks to a new partnership project supported by the Environment Agency.

Clear river lined with trees on river bank

The health of Tamar’s tributaries are key to helping fish numbers recover

Working alongside the Westcountry Rivers Trust and local angling associations, Environment Agency officers are helping to boost fish numbers on the Rivers Deer, Claw and Carey through a targeted programme of habitat and ecological improvements.

The project is part-funded with £38,000 from the Environment Agency’s Fisheries Improvement Programme (FIP) which reinvests rod licence money into projects which benefit anglers and fish stocks. The FIP money has been matched by partners including local fishing associations.

Bruce Stockley at Westcountry Rivers Trust said:

Numbers of salmon and trout have dropped significantly on the Tamar over recent years.  By working in partnership with farmers and landowners we can make it a place where fish can thrive again.

Rob Price, Catchment Coordinator for the Environment Agency said:

This work is part of an integrated approach addressing a range of environmental pressures facing the Upper Tamar water bodies. We are working closely with our catchment and Defra partners.

We have held a number of mapping workshops and shared information and expertise to help the Westcountry Rivers Trust and angling associations target much needed habitat improvements and will remain on hand to provide advice to the lead partner.

Work on the project is due to start this month and will include tree planting, bank repairs to reduce erosion, sediment management and replenishing important fish spawning gravels.

Both the Claw and Carey were found to be in poor ecological condition following assessments carried out in 2019. The River Deer was classified as being in a moderate condition. All 3 water bodies were assessed as failing fish under the Water Framework Directive.

Rob Price said:

Planned enhancements over the next 3 years should have a positive influence both on ecological performance of these rivers and the number of anglers utilising them.

Published 17 February 2021

Our award-winning apprentices

Two Sellafield Ltd apprentices were successful at the Gen2 Awards and a further two were shortlisted this week.

Steffan Lomas was the winner of the Learner of the Year Award at Energus. This award is given to the most outstanding apprentice at each centre. This is someone who has shown outstanding commitment and ability, has the best positive attitude and behaviours and is an advocate for learning and an example to others.

Steffan is in the second year of his Electrical and Instrumentation apprenticeship. He said:

It was a huge surprise to be entered for and to win this award. I didn’t know I’d been nominated until someone rang me to tell me. There are lots of amazing apprentices at Gen2, so it was a real honour to win.

I’ve not yet visited Sellafield, but I am looking forward to getting there in June or July this year.

Charlotte Chan was the winner of the Learner Extra Mile Award. This award is designed to highlight the Gen2 learner who has gone the ‘extra mile’ during the last 12 months.

Charlotte said:

I wasn’t expecting to win, so that was great news. I am really positive about my work and my apprenticeship, so I think that must have been something that the judges liked, as well as the charity fundraising, I’ve undertaken this year.

I am only in the first year of my craft apprenticeship, but despite the strange times, am really enjoying it. We’re been given lots of interesting work and research to keep us busy.

These awards were presented by Trudy Harrison, MP for Copeland.

Rhianne O’Neill and Kate Martin were both shortlisted for the Learner Journey Award. This award is designed to highlight the Gen2 learner who has had the greatest ‘learner journey’.

All of the Gen2 applications were submitted by the trainers and lecturers for their learners.

At the same time, two Sellafield Ltd apprentice firefighters were showcased at the SFJ Awards.

Both Macy Baker and Nathan McCarry were promoted as firefighter champions by the organisation.

Macy said:

The best part of my apprenticeship has been seeing how much my colleagues and I have progressed from knowing very little basic skills to now being able to complete complex tasks and drills successfully and seeing how much we have learned.

I hope to continue progressing in my role by applying for extracurricular exams and courses to gain even more skills and become more confident in certain aspects of the job I haven’t had as much time to focus on.

I would advise anyone thinking about doing an apprenticeship to just go for it, even though it may seem difficult, if you put the time and hard work in you will succeed!

Nathan said:

I found the apprenticeship really good, particularly meeting new people, gaining different skills, qualifications, and learning about different aspects of firefighting.

I’d like to continue to get qualifications on more advanced roles in the job such as rope rescue and also get my HGV licence to allow me to drive the appliances.

You can read their full stories on the SFJ Awards website.

Donna Connor, Sellafield Ltd head of education, said:

I am delighted for all of our award-winning apprentices. I know they are all very worthy of their success. They are doing an amazing job, progressing their learning and skills development in incredibly difficult times. >

They really are the testament to the company. It’s great to know with have this calibre of apprentice coming through the system, ready to help deliver our mission.

Near miss at Coltishall user worked level crossing

News story

Investigation into a near miss at Coltishall user worked level crossing, Norfolk, 21 January 2021.

Forward facing CCTV image from the train as it approached the crossing (courtesy of Greater Anglia)

Forward facing CCTV image from the train as it approached the crossing (courtesy of Greater Anglia)

At around 17:21 hrs on 21 January 2021, a passenger train narrowly avoided colliding with two cars at Coltishall user worked crossing, near Norwich. At the time of incident, the crossing, which is on a public road, was seeing higher than normal levels of road traffic due to the temporary closure of a nearby main road.

CCTV evidence shows that the first car cleared the crossing around three seconds before the train passed and that the second car, which was approaching the railway from the same direction as the first, stopped clear of the crossing as the train approached. No one was injured and no damage was caused by the incident.

Coltishall user worked crossing is fitted with telephones. Vehicle users are directed by signs to use these telephones to obtain permission from the signaller before opening the crossing gates and crossing the railway. RAIB has been unable to find any evidence that a request to use the crossing was made by the drivers of the cars involved in this incident.

Our investigation will aim to determine the sequence of events that led to the incident. It will consider how the crossing was being managed by Network Rail, including how risks associated with a user worked crossing on a public road were assessed and mitigated. It will also consider the presence of user worked crossings on public roads more generally and any other relevant underlying issues.

Our investigation is independent of any investigation by the railway industry or by the industry’s regulator, the Office of Rail and Road.

We will publish our findings, including any recommendations to improve safety, at the conclusion of our investigation. This report will be available on our website.

You can subscribe to automated emails notifying you when we publish our reports.

Published 17 February 2021

Business Secretary calls on businesses to continue supporting vaccine rollout

  • Kwasi Kwarteng today called on businesses to continue supporting the national vaccine rollout effort as companies pledged their own initiatives
  • Companies including IKEA, Timpson and the John Lewis Partnership are already stepping up, including offering paid time off for employees to receive their jab and volunteer, as well as offering workspace for vaccination centres
  • Support from business comes as the number of people vaccinated in the UK reaches 15 million

He paid tribute to leading business in the UK such as Marks and Spencer, Heineken and Boots who have made offers to repurpose vital workspaces, including warehouses, pubs and shops, to be used as vaccination hubs to support NHS staff in delivering the biggest vaccination programme in British history.

Business leaders are also allowing thousands of UK workers to take paid time off work to receive their jab, while also encouraging their staff, supporting crucial tasks such as checking patients in and guiding people at vaccinations sites across the UK.

The Business Secretary will make the call for even more businesses to get on board as part of a visit to Pall Biotech in Portsmouth. Pall specialises in the provision of critical equipment for biological manufacturing, supporting multiple vaccine developers including AstraZeneca, Novavax and Valneva with single-use consumables, which are essential for the vaccine development process.

Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said:

It has been awe inspiring to see businesses lending their hand over the past few months to our heroic healthcare workers and clinicians – all playing their part to support the biggest vaccination programme in our nation’s history.

Businesses and their workers have shown an indomitable spirit and leadership that will help us to defeat this virus, and I urge all businesses, no matter how big or small, to join us and do what they can as we reach the next stage of the rollout.

I want to thank British businesses for their ingenuity and collaboration which will help guide us towards the light at the end of the tunnel, which is getting brighter by the day.

Among the businesses supporting the vaccine rollout is UK retail group the John Lewis Partnership which has donated space at their Waitrose Head Office to be used as a local vaccination hub and are encouraging their 78,000 Partners to sign up as volunteers for vaccination centre and are offering full pay to those who take time off work to receive the vaccine.

Andrew Murphy, Executive Director at the John Lewis Partnership said:

Having worked with the Department of Health & Social Care to pilot and carry out over 60,000 workplace rapid tests since November, we are really proud to be supporting the rollout of the vaccination programme.

Timpson, the UK’s leading shoe repair, locksmith and key cutting company, recently confirmed that its 5,400 employees across 2,150 sites nationwide would be eligible for time off from work at full pay in order to receive the vaccine.

Deliveroo has teamed up with BP and restaurant chains such as Wagamama, Pizza Hut and Nando’s to deliver free meals to volunteers at vaccination centres. Hundreds of thousands of meals have been donated and delivered to hubs in Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Oxford and Sheffield.

Clive Glover, Director, Cell & Gene Therapy, Pall Corporation:

We are an industry well-known for innovation and scientific endeavour, but what we’ve achieved over the past twelve months has been extraordinary. Everyone involved—from the life sciences businesses like Pall Corporation that support production, to the biopharmaceutical companies, to the UK Government—we all have elevated our collective efforts to meet the COVID-19 vaccine challenge.

Pall is proud to be a part of this massive undertaking and will continue to support the effort any way we can to help ensure a successful vaccine rollout across the UK and around the globe.

Vaccine Minister, Nadhim Zahawi said:

The rollout of our vaccine programme is our route out of this pandemic and I am incredibly grateful to UK businesses for rallying to support this monumental effort. “Businesses have once again proven themselves to be up to the challenge of fighting COVID-19, both in supporting their own employees to receive the vaccine and in offering up practical resources to get vaccine centres operating up and down the country.

The ingenuity and collaboration we have seen from businesses is nothing short of remarkable and I thank them sincerely for all that they are doing to help in the UK’s roadmap out of this pandemic.

Major retailer Marks and Spencer, which employs 70,000 people in the UK, have said it wants to do ‘all it can to help’ with the vaccine rollout and has offered the use of its empty properties as vaccination centres, as well as guiding colleagues on how to volunteer.

Sacha Berendji, Retail Director at Marks and Spencer said:

Our colleagues have been helping to deliver essentials to the nation throughout the pandemic, as well as doing a huge amount in their own time to support the NHS and local communities.

On top of this, we know they want to help roll out the much-needed vaccine so we’re pleased to do our bit in supporting involvement in the NHS Volunteer Responders campaign.

To further support the vaccine effort we have also offered the use of our vacant property and queuing tunnels which can be used to protect people queuing in winter weather.

It follows the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday that the UK has surpassed its mid-February target of vaccinating over 15 million of the country’s most vulnerable people with their first coronavirus vaccine dose.

Notes to editors

  • Still images of today’s visit available on request by contacting the BEIS Press Office on 020 7215 1000
  • For broadcast footage please contact BBC South Today at 023 8037 4540.

Full list of companies supporting and their pledges:

John Lewis

John Lewis has donated space at their Waitrose Head Office to be used as a local vaccination hub. The company is also actively encouraging their 78,000 Partners to sign up as volunteers to support the vaccination programme rollout, and offering full pay to those who take time off work to receive the vaccine. The Partnership was also one of the first UK businesses to rollout rapid lateral flow testing and now has 63 sites across England regularly testing its John Lewis and Waitrose Partners.


Timpson, the UK’s leading shoe repair, locksmith and key cutting company, recently confirmed that its 5,400 employees across 2,150 sites nationwide would be eligible for time off from work at full pay in order to receive the vaccine.

Marks and Spencer

Major retailer Marks and Spencer, which employs 70,000 people in the UK, has kept its food halls open since the start of the pandemic. As the next stage of tackling the virus gets underway, the company says it wants to do ‘all it can to help’ with the vaccine rollout and has offered the use of its empty properties as vaccination centres, as well as guiding colleagues on how to volunteer.


HEINEKEN UK, which owns around 2,500 pubs nationwide, is offering the use of empty pubs as potential vaccination centres, as well as its head office in Edinburgh.

James Crampton, Corporate Affairs Director, HEINEKEN said:

The NHS vaccination programme has provided us with a light at the end of the tunnel.

As well as encouraging and allowing our 2,300 colleagues to take time off to receive their vaccination in the coming months, HEINEKEN colleagues want to continue to support their communities and many have already been volunteering to help the NHS and other local charities.


Pharmaceutical company, Boots, which has been supporting coronavirus testing since the start of the pandemic, with over 700 staff at around 50 testing sites across the UK, has also opened 3 vaccination hubs to help with the vaccine roll out.

Seb James, Managing Director, Boots said:

We’ve opened three vaccination hubs so far and are extremely well placed to support the roll out of the vaccine quickly and safely. We stand ready to do more to support the NHS and the government.


IKEA, which employs more than 11,000 people across its 21 UK stores, has continued to support staff throughout the pandemic, putting an extensive set of safe working procedures in place and ensuring that all workers are paid 100 per cent of their contracted hours, regardless of the restrictions in place. The company is now stepping up plans to support the vaccine rollout.

Peter Jelkeby, Country Retail Manager and Chief Sustainability Officer, IKEA UK & Ireland said:

The vaccine roll-out is an exciting milestone, enabling an eventual return to the togetherness we need and crave. In supporting our co-workers to get vaccinated, our return to normality, to our customers, and most importantly to our loved ones, is a step closer. And for that opportunity we’re incredibly grateful.

Barratt Developments

Meanwhile, Britain’s biggest housebuilder, Barratt Developments, has had 6,500 construction workers on the frontline since the pandemic began to deliver its 15,000 new homes target. The company has ensured that employees are equipped with the right information about the safety of vaccines and are actively encouraging volunteering at local vaccine centres.

David Thomas, Chief Executive, Barratt Developments said:

We want to play our part in the national effort to vaccinate against COVID-19.

As well as ensuring our people have the information and the time they need to receive the vaccine themselves, we are encouraging our employees to volunteer and to help the NHS roll out the vaccines where they live.


Deliveroo has teamed up with BP and restaurant chains such as Wagamama, Pizza Hut and Nando’s to deliver free meals to volunteers at vaccination centres. Hundreds of thousands of meals have been donated and delivered to hubs in Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Oxford and Sheffield.


Taxi service Uber have been providing free rides for those who need it to receive their vaccination. They’re offering trips to 42 of the mass vaccination centres around the country.


An Asda store in the West Midlands became the first supermarket to administer the Covid-19 jab in January. It has now transformed part of a shop in Watford to help deliver over 1,000 vaccines a week.


Scottish craft brewer Brewdog have offered the use of their bars as vaccination centres, with staff helping out as volunteers.

Portsmouth Football Club have pledged to offer staff time off work to receive the vaccine when they’re offered it, as well as encouraging fans to take up the offer.

Mark Catlin, Chief Executive, Portsmouth Football Club said:

Like the rest of the country, Portsmouth Football Club are in awe of the incredible work being undertaken by the NHS to vaccinate the most vulnerable members of our community.

We are always proud to partner with our National Health Service – whether that’s promoting their request for blood plasma donations via our social media channels or providing a location for blood donor sessions.

Thanks to their incredible work, the light at the end of this long tunnel grows ever closer.

We urge fans of all clubs to step forward when they are offered the vaccination. We also pledge to commit to our staff having the time they need when it’s their turn to receive the vaccine.

The Secretary of State has reappointed Professor Dame Elan Closs Stephens DBE as Member for Wales on the BBC Board

News story

Professor Dame Elan has been reappointed as the Member for Wales on the BBC Board from 20 January 2021 to 20 July 2023.

Professor Dame Elan is the Pro Chancellor of Aberystwyth University. She serves currently as the Electoral Commissioner for Wales. She is the Chair of the Welsh Government’s Public Leaders Forum for Government sponsored arms length bodies. Dame Elan has a particular interest in cultural and communications policy and in governance. She has served on many cultural bodies including the BFI and the British Council. She served for two terms as Chair of S4C and became the Wales member of the BBC Trust. She has been a member of the Wales Permanent Secretary’s Board where she was Chair of Corporate Governance. Dame Elan is a native Welsh speaker and is a strong advocate for the language having served as Vice Chairman of the Welsh Language Board. She is also keen to further career opportunities and training for young people within the creative industries.

The base fee for this role is £33,000 per annum. A committee chair fee of £5,000 is paid on top of the base fee for chairing one of the permanent committees of the Board, reflecting the additional time and responsibility required. Dame Elan also Chairs the BBC Wales Committee.

This reappointment has been made in accordance with the Cabinet Office’s Governance Code on Public Appointments, the process is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. The Government’s Governance Code requires that any significant political activity undertaken by an appointee in the last five years is declared. This is defined as holding office, public speaking, making a recordable donation or candidature for election. Dame Elan has not declared any activity.

Published 17 February 2021