Investigation updates: fishing vessel Nicola Faith

Rhodri Morgan alongside

Update, 30 March 2021

Statement from MAIB:

We are delighted that the Welsh Government Fisheries Patrol Vessel, Rhodri Morgan, is today joining the search for the missing fishing vessel the Nicola Faith.

The Rhodri Morgan will be mobilised with a towable multi-pulse side scan sonar. We are extremely grateful to the crew and technicians onboard for their collaboration.

In addition, mounted on a second vessel, Natural Resource Wales are also operating a high definition side scan sonar which has been used by the MAIB for a number of days.

MAIB remains focused on getting answers for the families and learning what went wrong so that steps can be taken to prevent this happening again.

Update, 19 March 2021

The MAIB will extend the search for the fishing vessel Nicola Faith, which went missing off the coast of Colwyn Bay on 27 January. Although three bodies have been recently found, which are thought to be the crew of Nicola Faith, the MAIB is keen to find the wreck to understand the causes and circumstances of the sinking.

With poor weather forecast in the coming days, additional search assets with enhanced capability will be deployed over the weekend, with plans to continue once the weather improves. In addition, the search area planned to be covered has been expanded.

The MAIB, which has been co-ordinating the search effort, is extremely grateful to Natural Resources Wales which has volunteered their sonar equipment and additional technical expertise to the search. MAIB is also in discussion with Welsh Government about the use of the Rhodri Morgan, one of their fishery patrol vessels. Tomorrow the search will also be joined by David Mearns, whose participation has been paid for by a crowdfunding campaign led by the families. MAIB has shared detailed information with David Mearns about the most likely areas the vessel could be found to ensure the best use of this extra resource.

Andrew Moll, Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents said:

This was a truly tragic accident which has left a community with many unanswered questions. I and my colleagues at the MAIB share their urgent need for answers and to fully understand what went wrong. The search effort continues with renewed vigour this weekend and we are pleased that David Mearns has joined this effort.

To date more than 30 square miles of seabed have been searched using specialist equipment. We have been able to identify the vessel’s primary operating area and this has been searched with a considerable amount of overlap. The specialist equipment that is being used is extremely sensitive and the search has been hampered by poor weather in recent weeks. We remain hopeful that this immense effort will bring news the families hope for very soon.

Earlier this month the vessel’s liferaft was found off the coast of Kirkcudbrightshire by HM Coastguard and was identified by the MAIB as being from the Nicola Faith.

The families have been kept fully updated on the search.

Published 19 March 2021
Last updated 30 March 2021 + show all updates

  1. We have issued a further update on the progress of the investigation into the loss of fishing vessel Nicola Faith.

  2. First published.

Civil news: means and merits update for CCMS users

News story

A change to the layout and style aims to improve the user experience for means and merits work in the Client and Cost Management System (CCMS).

Two laptop computers on a table in a house.

Providers carrying out means and merits work will shortly benefit from new features in the Client and Cost Management System (CCMS).

The roll out is due to take place on Wednesday 24 March 2021 at 7pm.

The styling changes mean navigation and presentation will look visually different with the aim of making the system easier for assessment work in CCMS.

It is important that users of the system take note of the deadline and complete any outstanding means or merits assessment prior to the upgrade work on Wednesday evening.

As the data in these sections may not be retained on the system.

What is different?

Among the changes users will notice are:

  • back and next buttons placed more intuitively
  • typefaces will be bigger and clearer to read
  • partially completed assessments can be restarted where you were last working

The ability to restart partially completed assessments applies when ‘proceedings and costs’ or ‘opponents and other parties’ are unchanged.

Remember also that you have the option of revisiting your answers to completed questions before completing the assessment.

This is explained in a new Quick Guide.

Is the content changing?

The aim of these styling changes is to improve the user experience and to allow scope for future improvements to the system to be implemented.

Content and questions will remain the same after the software update is released.

Further information

The new legal aid training website has a Quick Guide on ‘CCMS means and merits assessments new look and feel’.

Published 19 March 2021

UN Human Rights Council 46: Item 9 General Debate

Thank you Madam President,

The United Kingdom’s position on racism is clear: there is no place in society for racism, either at home or abroad. That is why we are resolute in our commitment to eliminating racial discrimination, and to tackling all forms of racism, xenophobia and related intolerance.

At home, we are deeply concerned that the evidence shows that people from ethnic minorities are disproportionately at risk of contracting Covid-19 and dying from it. That is why we are taking action to improve our understanding of the disparities in order to protect those at greatest risk.

In this past year, the United Kingdom has funded six innovative research projects to better understand the links between Covid-19 and ethnicity, and provided information, including working closely with ethnic minority communities, to support those receiving a vaccine and to anyone who has questions about the vaccination process.

We are proud to be leading the way on Covid-19 vaccine rollout and have been holding regular meetings with faith leaders and ethnic minority organisations to share further advice about vaccines. Our communications include information in multiple forms of media, translated into 13 languages including Bengali, Chinese, Filipino, Gujarati, Hindi, Mirpur, Punjabi and Urdu. We have also shared advice in hundreds of national, regional, local and specialist titles to reach every individual in the UK.

Internationally, we remain dedicated to participating actively in anti-racism-related UN mechanisms. As we approach the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March and going forward our efforts will continue to focus on the practical steps that states can take to combat racism. We are committed to working with other countries to share good practice and re-energise our joint efforts on this agenda.

Thank you.

X-Forces Enterprise founder recognised in FSB Volunteer Champion Awards 2021

FSB’s Volunteer Awards this year of course were held virtually and therefore there was a strong turnout from across the country, covering all sorts of volunteering roles. Ren received The Policy Award particularly for the work she did around one monumental UK Government policy change which comes into effect in April 2021. Everyone at X-Forces Enterprise (XFE) is particularly proud of this news for Ren and all she does in support of the Military-in-Business community.

Ren said:

It is always nice to receive this sort of accolade, it is particularly nice to receive it from FSB as we value the work they do and the contributions they make so highly. Thank you to everyone involved.

Craig Beaumont, Chief of External Affairs at FSB said:

It is of course always wonderful to acknowledge the activity of FSB volunteers from across our 165,000 members; hundreds of small business owners who give us their time, expertise and passion around a crucial policy topic or a local area.

Her work originates in armed forces led businesses and she is passionate about the strengths and attributes these individuals have; however, the most recent policy change we have championed together impacts far beyond armed forces owned businesses, reaching to any of the UK’s 1 million small employers, who from April 2021, recruit from the armed forces veteran community.

In June 2019, X-Forces and FSB published ‘A Force for Business: Service leavers and small business’.

Reflecting on the impact of the report, Craig said:

This was the launch pad for the campaign to get a 12-month employer National Insurance relief for veteran recruitment explored within Government, and then adopted in party manifestos for the General Election in December 2019. In 2019, The partnership proved to be the perfect pincer movement – FSB talking to the Cabinet Office, X-Forces talking to the Ministry of Defence. Having lobbied our hearts out, we are delighted to see this now delivered from early April 2021.

Johnny Mercer MP, Minister Defence People and Veterans said:

This policy change is great evidence of what we can do collaboratively across the armed forces community to find new and innovative ways to make the UK the best place in the world to be a veteran. I’ve known Ren for a long while now, since before I became Minister, her commitment to serve this community is a benchmark for many and I’m so delighted for her that those efforts are being recognised through this Award.

Craig Beaumont recognises the importance of the policy launch at a time of huge pressure for business.

Craig said:

At a time of huge pressure on businesses and on employment due to COVID 19, this can’t come at a more opportune time to help small employers to create jobs in our veterans community. This is a great victory for veterans and small businesses, and it’s thanks to the ground work and persistent diligence of Ren as a brilliant FSB volunteer. Alongside X-Forces Enterprise and our own policy team, it really is a dream team. Ren – thank you, and congratulations from all of us at FSB!

Ren Kapur has been Armed Forces Champion for FSB since 2017. You can read more about the 12-month employers NIC tax relief. You can see the report and images from the whole Awards ceremony through the FSB website.

Consultation on Marine Protected Areas

News story

Formal consultation on four of England’s 40 offshore Marine Protected Areas ends on 28 March.


There is still time to put forward your views on the draft assessments and management measures proposed for:

  • Dogger Bank Special Area of Conservation
  • Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge Special Area of Conservation
  • South Dorset Marine Conservation Zone
  • The Canyons Marine Conservation Zone

The Government has ambitious plans for a ‘Blue Belt’ of marine protected areas around the UK’s seas. Following the UK’s exit from the European Union, new powers to implement evidenced-based marine management measures will help ensure our seas are managed sustainably, protecting both the long-term future of the fishing industry and our precious wildlife and habitats.

Any new measures for the first four MPAs will be in place this year. The intention for the next phase is to assess all remaining MPAs and apply the appropriate measures within three years. This will be done in consultation with the fishing industry and other stakeholders. Scientific evidence and advice will support the assessments.

Marine Protected Areas are designated areas of the ocean which include habitats and species essential for healthy, functioning marine eco-systems. The purpose of a Marine Protected Area is to protect and enhance rare, threatened and representative habitats and species from damage caused by activities that take place within it.

These first four Marine Protected Areas were chosen as a priority to help protect their vibrant and productive undersea environments, and include the Dogger Bank Special Area of Conservation, which has the largest shallow sandbank in British waters and supports commercial fish species such cod and plaice, as well as sand eels that provide an important food source for kittiwakes, puffins and porpoises.

The Dorset Coast Forum will be hosting a virtual engagement event on Thursday, 25 March, to share information about our work in Studland Bay Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) and to discuss next steps and proposed management measures.

The area is designated for its sensitive seabed features including seahorses and seagrass meadows and is also popular among recreational users.

Find out more on attending the session and how to have your say.

Published 19 March 2021