Bronwyn Curtis OBE reappointed as a non-executive member of the Office for Budget Responsibility

News story

The Chancellor has reappointed Bronwyn Curtis OBE as a non-executive member of the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR).

Bronwyn oversees the governance and independence of the OBR with Sir Christopher Kelly. Together, they will support the Budget Responsibility Committee in taking forward the strategic aims of the OBR.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, said:

I am pleased to reappoint Bronwyn Curtis OBE as a non-executive member of the Office for Budget Responsibility.

Bronwyn has brought invaluable expertise to the role and her extensive experience has helped to maintain the independence, strength and credibility of the UK’s fiscal framework and the OBR as an institution.

The Chair of the OBR, Richard Hughes, said:

I am pleased that Bronwyn has agreed to serve another term as one of our two non-executive members and that the Chancellor has approved this. Bronwyn brings a wealth of expertise and experience as a private sector economist and has been an invaluable source of advice and guidance though these challenging times.

Bronwyn Curtis OBE said:

I am delighted to be re-appointed to the Oversight Board of the Office for Budget Responsibility. As we emerge from the pandemic, the role of the OBR will be increasingly important in ensuring the Government, and the wider public, have a reliable and independent source of expertise on the future of the public finances. It is a privilege to be part of the oversight of the OBR as it steps up to the challenge.

Bronwyn’s second term will be for 3 years, running from 8 June 2021.

Further information

  • Bronwyn Curtis OBE has served as a non-executive member of the Office for Budget Responsibility since she was appointed in 2018
  • Before joining the OBR she had a distinguished career as a global financial economist serving in senior executive positions in both the financial and media sectors. She has served as Chairman of the Society of Business (now Professional) Economists and a Council/Board Member of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research.
  • She has also held a number of roles on boards of academic institutions and is a patron of ProBono Economics. Bronwyn has worked as a consultant to the World Bank and UNCTAD on commodity projects in West Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.
  • Bronwyn Curtis OBE has confirmed that she has not undertaken any political activity in the past five years and has no conflicts of interest.

Published 24 March 2021

Julia Black and Jill May reappointed to the Prudential Regulation Committee

News story

Julia Black and Jill May have been reappointed by The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, as external members of the Prudential Regulation Committee (PRC).

Julia Black will serve another three-year term, running from 30 November 2021 to 29 November 2024. Jill May will also serve another three-year term, running from 23 July 2021 to 22 July 2024.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, said:

Julia Black and Jill May have made important contributions to the work of the PRC over the course of their first terms. I am therefore very pleased to announce these reappointments, which will ensure the PRC continues to benefit from their expertise.

Further information

  • Professor Julia Black (CBE) is Director of Innovation and a Professor of Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a leading academic in regulation. Julia is a Fellow of the British Academy, and chair of its Audit Committee. She is also an independent Board member of UK Research and Innovation.

  • Jill May was a Panel Member of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) from April 2013 to March 2018 and a Non-Executive Director of the CMA from 2013 to 2016. Her executive career was spent in banking, where she worked in corporate finance for SG Warburg & Co Ltd from 1985 to 1995 and senior positions in Group Strategy at UBS where she was a Managing Director from 2001 to 2012.

About the Prudential Regulation Committee

The Prudential Regulation Authority supervises banks, insurers and major investment firms.

The PRA’s most important decisions are taken by the Prudential Regulation Committee, chaired by the Governor of the Bank of England. Five members are Bank staff, including the Governor and four Deputy Governors. The Prudential Regulation Committee has a majority of external members, including the Chief Executive of the Financial Conduct Authority and six others selected for their experience and expertise in financial services.

Published 24 March 2021

Civil Procedure Rule Committee: Annual open meeting 14 May 2021

News story

Are you interested in observing the rule making process?

The open meeting of the Civil Procedure Rule Committee will take place on the above date via Microsoft Teams.

Guests will be observers only and not be able to participate in the Committee’s business or contribute to items in the agenda. However, there will be an opportunity at the end of the meeting for guests to ask pre-submitted questions to the Committee.


Due to limitations with the conferencing software, space is limited and all those that apply may not be invited, so we are asking potential guests to complete a short applicaton form (ODT, 13.8KB) and return it by 4pm on Monday 12 April 2021 to the secretariat at the following email address:-


Applications to attend close on 12 April 2021 at 4pm

Format of the meeting

The nature of the Committee’s work means that, at the time of this announcement, we cannot confirm the topics that will be under discussion, however, an agenda will be available for the meeting.

Published 24 March 2021

Minister for Defence Procurement’s speech at the RUSI Combat Air Power Conference

2021 marks 30 years since the end of the first Gulf War. For those of us watching on our TV screens it remains the defining image of UK air power in action. We watched as our strike fighters, in tandem with our allies, gave a terrifying demonstration of precision and power. In barely six weeks the RAF had flown thousands of sorties, achieved total dominance of the skies over the Gulf and drove out Sadaam’s forces and liberated Kuwait.

But, as our recently published Integrated Review underlined, technology and the threats we are facing have moved on. In the intervening decades, the likes of Russia and China have studied our strengths in the air and begun developing the capabilities to not only counter but surpass us.

So, we’ve witnessed Russia deploy advanced systems and develop their Anti-Access and Area Denial (A2AD) capabilities, from surface-to-air missiles to electronic attack.

We’ve seen China build multiple highly effective systems that challenge Western warfighting. Producing J-20 fifth generation fighters, Y-20 heavy transport aircraft, armed stealth UAVs, not to mention the world’s most modern surface to air missiles.

And both countries are now exporting advanced air technologies to many North African, Middle Eastern and Asian nations. Russia has sold S-400 surface-to-air missile systems and China are selling rapidly upgradeable software-enabled radars.

Even a cursory examination of geopolitical events reveals the battlefield has changed dramatically. Iran have used drone swarms. The Houthi’s have used anti-aircraft missiles. And all forces, whether forward deployed or on the home front, are conscious of the risk of discovery by Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR). That’s just what’s in store us today. More disturbing are the threats coming down the track.

By 2040 we imagine our air fleets will need to operate in highly contested environments where our enemies can disguise all traces of their approach. An adversary with high-end systems who can draw on Artificial Intelligence to fuse data to pinpoint their targets in an instant with minute precision. An adversary who can target us with a range of surface-to-air and hypersonic missiles that have greater manoeuvrability, greater lethality and a greater range than ever before.

And the danger is as likely to come from space as it is from cyber space. Nor should we expect it to be solely directed against the military but against our logisticians, our suppliers, our information specialists.

If we fail to outmatch these targets and they continue at this pace, we could find ourselves locked out of the skies. The freedom of the air cannot be taken for granted. We have to preserve our freedom to protect ourselves and cannot accept large parts of the world becoming potentially out of bounds.

But to safeguard our skies, highly capable threats need highly capable systems to counter them. So how should we respond? For your answer, I refer you simply to our recently published Integrated Review and the Command Paper. I don’t doubt those tuning in will already know these important documents off by heart. So, let me simply highlight some salient details.

We have launched the next phase of our programme to design and deliver Tempest and I am proud to say that, over the next four years, we will invest more than £2bn as Government into a world-leading future combat air system to keep us and our allies safe alongside us, leveraging additional investment from our first rate international and industrial partners.

For me, Tempest is about three things:

First, it’s about capability. In the past we put platforms first. But Tempest is much more than just a jet. This is a sixth-generation system.

A system with a virtual brain that can embrace artificial intelligence, deep learning, novel sensors and communications technologies. A system that can gather, process and exploit magnitudes more data than today. A system able to rapidly and seamlessly connect operations and share information not just in the air, on land and over the sea but in space and the cyber sphere.

This is about a system that can tap into a network of capabilities including long-range weapons, space-based sensors and directed energy and high-speed weapons. It is a system built with the open architecture that allows for constant upgrades.

And over the next five years we will be testing out a suite of new, novel technologies to turn concept into reality.

From Combat Cloud Architecture that can master a mass of data to outthink an enemy, to an uncrewed aerial aide which can fly ahead of, alongside, or on its own to lend our future fighter jet a hand.

Our £30m contract to design and manufacture the prototype for an uncrewed fighter aircraft, known as Mosquito, is supporting more than 100 jobs in Belfast. In 2023 we will be looking to conduct a flight-test programme for the demonstrator.

And it’s not just the hardware but the software that will make a difference. We are developing an open mission system architecture, known as PYRAMID, to ensure software can be rapidly adapted to meet technological advances and evolving threats while saving time and money.

We are targeting this system coming online from 2035. Over time, it will replace the Typhoon as it reaches the end of its service life.

Secondly, Tempest is about ensuring we have the industrial capability of the future.

Our combat air sector is already the envy of the world. It generates £6bn a year and employs over 46,000 workers across the four nations of the UK.

But, at a time when UK civil aerospace industry is having to adapt to the difficult challenges created by COVID-19, we are now creating an unprecedented opportunity.

The chance for the biggest names in the aerospace business to come together with our brilliant SMEs and universities to develop a sixth-generation combat air enterprise. The chance to create more jobs and develop future skills. And the chance to spread prosperity the length and breadth of the UK. The very embodiment of this Government’s desire to level up.

This is a programme benefitting over 300 companies nationwide which has already given more than 1,800 of our brightest and best the chance to shine with STEM apprenticeships. And through events, scholarships and apprenticeship schemes, we’re engaging, supporting and funding what we’re calling “the Tempest generation”.

This is a programme that has spawned a growing aviation eco-system comprising multiple contracts with companies and academia.

We know that, in the past few decades, despite our successes, the Western way of procurement has not kept pace with our adversaries. So, our challenge will be to accelerate innovation and, once again, be pioneers in aviation.

‘Digitising’ the industry is part of that challenge. BAE’s ‘Factory of the Future’ in Warton is already highlighting how digital twinning could contribute to the design and manufacture of Tempest systems.

By virtually designing a digital version of a physical aircraft, they’ve been able to use their high-performance computers to put it through its paces and work out how it performs. Getting this right will slash costs and testing time to a game-changing extent. This is transformational.

But I have no doubt the brilliant brains of scientists and engineers across the country have what it takes. They have already achieved a world first – an electrical embedded starter generator able to provide a future fighter aircraft with unprecedented levels of electrical power and thermal load.

There’s a third and final aspect to Tempest that I wish to highlight today

It is not merely about strengthening our industry but bolstering our international ties.

This programme gives us a chance to work with like-minded allies to share technology, experience and R&D costs. To enhance our understanding and interoperability. And to build something that is world beating.

We’ve already made significant progress with our partners Sweden and Italy. Partners who bring credible industries and great strength-in-depth design, manufacture and sensor technologies.

And we’re now exploring the important corporate opportunities with Japan.

Each partner will bring a host of benefits and expertise to the table.

I’ve already touched on ‘digitising’ the industry – Saab, the industry lead for our partner Sweden, have done some great work in this field. Through digital testing of their Gripen-E, they have drastically reduced the hours and cost it would have taken to test a physical system; they’re now calling it the world’s most cost-effective fighter jet. I’m sure we’ll be looking to learn a lot from them about the huge benefits that can be delivered by this kind of digital simulation.

Combine the technical experience of Sweden with our long-standing Combat Air partnership with Italy which has gone from strength-to-strength with Eurofighter and F-35, and potentially the world-leading manufacturing technologies being developed by Japan, on top of the world-beating qualities that I have explained the UK has to offer, and that really is a winning formula.

And we’re open to other partners coming on board

Thirty years ago, the UK and its western allies appeared unchallenged in the air domain. Today our adversaries have caught up. But a major national and international endeavour is now underway.

Working with industry and with our international allies, we are aiming high. A state-of-the-art system fit for tomorrow’s world. A system that matches our ambition to invest in high-tech skills, jobs and businesses. And a system that will ensure, decades from now, whenever the next conflict arises, we will stay in control of the air, winning the air-fight and protecting our peace and prosperity for generations to come.

Government launches new Projects Academy

Today, 24 March, Lord Agnew, Minister for Transformation and Efficiency, set out plans to transform the way the government trains and accredits project delivery professionals.

The Government Projects Academy will sit as a faculty on the Government Learning Campus, promoting a culture of learning and targeted training to nurture and hone the skills of civil servants.

The Academy will provide a single, virtual hub for professional standards, accreditation and training for Project Delivery Professionals working across government. Along with a clear set of roles, competencies and skills, the Academy will provide professionals with a ‘licence to practice’ and access to a redesigned learning curriculum to support them in their roles and accreditation.

Alongside the Academy, Lord Agnew also announced the new Government Project Delivery Framework (GPDF). The GPDF sets out the core requirements to be met at key stages by major projects, programmes and portfolios in government, incorporating best practice guidance, such as the newly published Cost Estimating Guidance.

Speaking at the Government Project Delivery Conference 2021, Lord Agnew of Oulton said:

To initiate a step change in delivery of major government projects we must ensure that projects are set up for success with the right people and systems in place.

The Government Project Delivery Framework clearly sets out what is required from projects and the new Academy will ensure our project delivery professionals have the skills to realise our ambition to achieve world class project delivery standards.

Fiona Spencer, Director of Function, Profession & Standards at the Infrastructure and Projects Authority, said:

Projects and successful outcomes are delivered by people: so we need to ensure we have the right people, with the right skills and capability, working on government projects.

The IPA is committed to investing in people right across Government in moving closer to our ambition for world-class delivery.

Further information

  • The Government Projects Academy will be open to all civil servants and public servants working in government projects.