UK National Statement to the IAEA 66th General Conference 2022

Mr President,

Congratulations on your appointment as President of this Conference.

It is an honour to be here today, and I would like to express His Majesty’s Government’s gratitude for the phenomenal work of the Director General and the Secretariat over the last year. Their commitment, resilience, and professionalism in responding to threats to the security and stability of our world has shown, once again, the value of the Agency to the global community.

Mr President, The United Kingdom firmly believes that the peaceful uses of nuclear technologies are essential to resolving some of the most pressing challenges of our time. First, this means boosting our energy security through safe and secure nuclear power to address climate change and food insecurity.

Yet we cannot ignore those who threaten this vision. The United Kingdom continues to condemn the Russian Federation’s unlawful invasion of Ukraine and its reckless actions against nuclear facilities, including at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power plant. Russia’s wicked actions threaten the safety of millions and undermine the use of nuclear technology. The United Kingdom supports the IAEA’s work to ensure the safety and security of nuclear facilities in Ukraine, including at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power plant. However, we are clear that the only way to resolve the nuclear safety issues in Ukraine is for the Russian Federation to end its unprovoked invasion, and unconditionally withdraw all its troops and personnel from Ukraine’s nuclear facilities and its internationally recognised borders.

While Russia acted alone to block consensus at the recent Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, the United Kingdom will play its part to advance our commitments under the NPT. This includes the Sustained Dialogue on Peaceful Uses, where we – alongside 30 other partners – aim to continue expanding access to nuclear technologies, to allow more countries to benefit from them, through medical, environmental and energy applications.

It is also deeply concerning, Mr President, that Iran has chosen not to seize the critical diplomatic opportunity to restore the JCPoA and instead continues to escalate its nuclear programme. The JCPoA cannot in any way be used to release Iran from its legally binding safeguards obligations that are essential to the non-proliferation regime and international security. The only way the issues can be resolved is through Iran providing technically credible explanations to the Agency’s outstanding questions.

Mr President, despite these threats to the global non-proliferation architecture, we must not lose sight of the opportunities of advanced nuclear technologies. That is why, earlier this year, the British Energy Security Strategy set out our intention to boost deployment of civil nuclear up to 24GW by 2050, including through the development of Small Modular Reactors. Meanwhile, we are improving our plans for decommissioning and developing a geological disposal facility to dispose of our most hazardous radioactive waste safely and securely.

We are also leading global efforts to make Fusion Energy a reality. By investing in the best research, we plan to build a prototype fusion power plant that will put energy on the grid by 2040 – demonstrating Fusion Energy’s commercial viability.

Furthermore, Mr President, it is more important than ever to have resilient international supply chains for uranium and nuclear fuel. The United Kingdom has many decades of experience of making fuel for our own reactors and for export to the rest of the world. We will continue to build on this, ensuring that our supply chains and capabilities are ready to help fuel this energy secure future.

We must also recognise, Mr President, that challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic to Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine have highlighted the importance of working together to strengthen our nuclear safety, security and safeguards frameworks.

The Agency can count on His Majesty’s Government’s full support in its efforts to strengthen these systems, including through our cooperation with the US and Australia on AUKUS naval nuclear propulsion. We are working closely with the IAEA to ensure that the precedent set by Australia’s acquisition of submarines strengthens the global non-proliferation regime. As our leaders said in last week’s statement, the AUKUS partners are fully committed to establishing an approach that meets the highest non-proliferation standards.  We welcome Director General Grossi’s report to the September IAEA Board of Governors meeting on this issue, in which the Director General reported his satisfaction with our engagement.

We also remain committed to working with Contracting Parties to strengthen IAEA Conventions, particularly through the valuable Peer Review processes, and maintaining robust emergency response arrangements.

An effective and robust safeguards system remains an essential enabler for the peaceful uses of nuclear. We urge those countries that have not yet done so to ratify Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements and Additional Protocols. Only fully implemented and ratified agreements, matched with high security standards for nuclear material and sites will deserve the public’s confidence in nuclear technologies and provide the assurance that they are safe, secure and safeguarded.

I would also like, Mr President, to applaud the IAEA’s significant contribution to science and research and the Director General’s unwavering commitment to nuclear for development. I am happy to pledge £3.4 million to the Technical Cooperation Fund.

The technologies under development today are needed to solve the most pressing global development challenges of our time, and it is our responsibility to deliver these to those who need it most.

Finally, let me emphasise Mr President, the UK will continue to give the Secretariat, and the Director General, our wholehearted support.

Thank you very much.

Jacob Rees-Mogg
Secretary of State at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

Top US Space Force scientist visits Dstl

Press release

Dr Joel Mozer and his team met Defence Science and Technology Laboratory staff and toured the HERMES satellite ground control station at Portsdown West.

Dr Mozer is the Chief Scientist and Director Science, Technology and Research for the US Space Force (USSF). The visit on 8 September 2022 was his first to the UK’s Ministry of Defence since taking up his role in 2019.

Dr Mozer develops long-term military requirements for the Space Force and interacts with other international communities to address cross-organisational science and technical issues

During the visit – which was hosted by Athos Ritsperis, Dstl’s Deputy Space Systems Programme Manager for Science and Technology and Professor Richard Allington from the Defence Science and Technology Futures Programme – Dr Mozer and his team were provided with an overview of both programmes and introduced to senior technical staff from Dstl and UK Space Command.

Dstl’s Athos Ritsperis said:

This was a hugely important visit which included discussions on joint academic engagement and potential exchanges of both technical and Project Delivery staff. As part of the visit we showed our visitors the Dstl HERMES satellite ground control station, which is getting ready to manage its first Dstl Mission, due to launch from Spaceport Cornwall later this year.

Dr Mozer said:

I very much enjoyed my visit and feel that we have a very strong potential to collaborate on many fronts. I look forward to further engagements with with Dstl.

The space environment is an area of growing importance for defence science and technology. Opportunities for greater UK/US collaboration will enable vital knowledge-sharing including the application of futures techniques and a better understanding of trends, context and future science and technology possibilities.

Published 26 September 2022

DASA seeks innovations to help develop the first generation of Directed Energy Weapons

News story

This new Innovation Focus Area aims to find novel ideas that will shine a light on the future of Directed Energy Weapons across Land, Sea and Air domains

3D artist impression rendering of a naval ship utilising a directed energy weapon against adversarial air targets + 3D artist impression rendering of land vehicle utilising a directed energy weapon
  • DASA has launched an Innovation Focus Area called, Making Science Fiction a Reality: Future Directed Energy Weapons
  • Funding provided by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
  • £500k in overall funding available for proposals which present ideas to contribute to the first generation of deployed Directed Energy Weapons

The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is pleased to launch an Innovation Focus Area (IFA) called Making Science Fiction a Reality: Future Directed Energy Weapons. This IFA is seeking innovations that will help contribute to the development of the first generation of deployed Directed Energy Weapons across Land, Sea and Air domains.

This IFA is run on behalf of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl).


£500k in overall funding is available for this IFA, with £50k-£200k expected to fund each proposal.

Do you have an innovation which could help develop the first generation of Directed Energy Weapons? Read the full IFA and submit your proposal.

Developing the first generation of Directed Energy Weapons

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are systems capable of discrete target selection that emit laser or Radio Frequency (RF) energy as the primary means to cause disruptive, damaging or destructive effects on equipment or facilities.

The vision of the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) is to make Directed Energy Weapons a realistic choice for our armed forces, which can contribute to a decisive edge and sustain strategic advantage.

This IFA seeks proposals that enhance the performance and/or reduce the size, mass and volume of the system and subsystem areas associated with laser and RF Directed Energy Weapons. For example, innovations that improve:

  • laser and RF Source technology
  • system automation
  • advanced power and cooling technologies that can be ultimately integrated onto military platforms
  • beam control
  • target detection
  • battle Damage indication
  • test and evaluation

For more on the competition scope, read the full IFA document.

Submit a proposal

Do you have a solution or novel approach that may help Dstl and DE&S understand the next steps to develop and introduce Directed Energy Weapons into service across Land, Sea and Air domains?

Read the full competition document to learn more and submit a proposal.

Published 26 September 2022

Our next big construction site, the Replacement Analytical Project

News story

One of our largest and most important infrastructure projects reaches its next phase.

A new construction village on the Sellafield site along with the project team

The project team at the new construction village on the Sellafield site.

Construction work has started on the Replacement Analytical Project (RAP) at Sellafield – which will be the new home for laboratories that analyse materials from across the Sellafield site.

This is the first stage of significant site works at the National Nuclear Laboratory’s Central Laboratory facility on the Sellafield site.

A new construction village has been put in place outside of the facility to support the incoming project teams that will work on this major infrastructure project.

RAP’s head of project Alan Bladon said:

Hundreds of people work on both the engineering design and construction of this major project and to see physical site works begin is something they can be very proud of. It takes a huge collaborative effort to deliver infrastructure projects of this scale and years of complex planning to get to this point.

This is a critical project to ensure the continued safe and compliant delivery of Sellafield’s purpose and for construction works to commence gives great confidence in the successful delivery of the project over the next eight years.

The project is being delivered by the Programme Project Partners (PPP) at Sellafield and will equip the facility with the modern tools and laboratories to analyse samples of materials from across the site. It’s doing this by adapting and building on the existing capability.

The PPP infrastructure delivery model was mobilised in 2019 with the purpose of transforming major project delivery at the Sellafield nuclear site.

Over the next 6 months, parts of the central laboratory will be stripped out completely to make way for the first step towards installation of a new Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) analytical services laboratory, this will be one of three new capabilities to be put in place.

The project will see completed installation of new laboratories and state of the art equipment by 2029.

Programme and Project Partners

The partnership brings together:

  • KBR
  • Jacobs
  • Morgan Sindall Infrastructure
  • Doosan
  • Sellafield Ltd and a wider supply chain

And will deliver a 20-year pipeline of major infrastructure projects, each of these projects play a vital role in ensuring Sellafield can safely empty ponds and silos, manage the waste and store it safely for decades to come.

Published 26 September 2022

UN Human Rights Council 51: UK statement for the Item 4 General Debate

Thank you, Mr President,

The former High Commissioner’s report found that possible crimes against humanity have taken place in Xinjiang, China.  It found evidence that Muslim women are being forcibly sterilised.  That Uyghurs are not allowed to practice their religion or speak their own language. That people are being detained and tortured– merely because they belong to a minority group.  We cannot ignore such severe and systematic breaches of human rights.  This Council must not, cannot, stay silent.

We have oft spoken in this Chamber of Putin’s flouting of international law through his military aggression against Ukraine.

The sham referendums currently being held in Ukraine can have neither legal effect nor legitimacy. Russia can’t change the borders of another sovereign state. It’s a clear breach of the UN Charter.

We have also repeatedly heard the harrowing reports of Russia’s violations of human rights in Ukraine, including of those subjected to Russia’s so-called filtration operations. Aggression overseas is accompanied by repression at home as those brave Russians who dare to speak out against Putin’s war are detained in their thousands.

Mr President,

The death of Mahsa Amini in Iran, following her arrest, has shocked the world.  We call on Iran to carry out independent, transparent investigations into her death and the excessive violence used against subsequent protests.

In Ethiopia it is crucial that the truce is reinstated and that peace talks begin to avoid a repeat of the atrocities including extrajudicial killings and sexual violence seen earlier in this conflict.

Finally, ahead of COP 27 – we urge Egypt to ensure that independent civil society, human rights defenders, and the media can operate freely.  The success of the conference – as we saw in Glasgow – depends on vibrant civil society participation.

Thank you