UK appoints new British Defence Attaché to strengthens defence relationship with the Guatemalan army

Colonel Stewart initiated his new role as the UK’s Defence Attaché to Guatemala. He takes on the role with over 20 years of operational experience in the USA, the Middle East, Europe and Africa.

During this initial visit, Colonel Stewart and the British Ambassador, Nick Whittingham, met with the Guatemalan Minister of Defence, Major General Henry Yovani Reyes Chigua. Colonel Stewart reiterated the UK’s eagerness to work alongside Guatemalan counterparts while enhancing cooperation between armed forces.

Colonel Stewart also met with the Commander of the Guatemalan Air Force, Colonel Juan Carlos Ponce and visited the Air Force Defence Unit along with Colonel Roderico Stoardo Guzmán Barrera, head of the Unit. Colonel Stewart discussed new opportunities for cooperation, training and exchange programmes between the UK and Guatemala.

Colonel Stewart also paid a visit to Ms Claudia Herrera, Director of the Coordination Centre for Disaster Prevention in Central America and the Dominican Republic (CEPREDENAC), an organisation that promotes and coordinates international cooperation and the exchange of information, experiences and technical and scientific advice on disaster prevention, mitigation, care and response.

The British Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) mission is to protect the security, independence and interests of the UK at home and abroad, working closely with allies and partners. Colonel Stewart is also the UK’s observer for the Conference of the Central American Armed Forces (CFAC), he will be residing in Mexico and he will visit Guatemala on a regular basis.

During his visit to Guatemala Colonel Stewart said:

Guatemala is a strategically important country for the entire region and I look forward to working closely with the Armed Forces of Guatemala in partnership and friendship. I was very impressed by the military professionalism and innovation I witnessed and I have also taken inspiration from the drive, determination and skill displayed with regard to humanitarian assistance at CEPREDENAC. Guatemala is a stunningly beautiful country with a great culture and I am excited to explore it more.

Hillsborough: independent forensic pathology review established

News story

The Home Office has established an independent review of the forensic pathology response to the Hillsborough disaster.

Forensic science expert Mr Glenn Taylor

The review will consider what went wrong with the original pathological report and ensure similar mistakes are not made in the future.

The review reflects recommendations made in Right Reverend James Jones’ report The patronising disposition of unaccountable power, a report to ensure the pain and suffering of the Hillsborough families is not repeated, which identified failings in the pathological reporting of the deaths at Hillsborough Stadium on 15 April 1989.

The review will be chaired by forensic science expert Mr Glenn Taylor.

The review began on 1 July 2022, following the conclusion of the final criminal trials relating to the Hillsborough disaster.

Mr Taylor is expected to report his findings to the Home Secretary next summer.

It will consider what went wrong with the original pathological report from the disaster to ensure that similar mistakes will not be made in the future.

As set out in the Terms of Reference published today, the review will:

  • recognise the failures in pathology following the Hillsborough disaster
  • make an assessment as to whether there is risk of similar failings being made again in the event of a similar mass fatality
  • assess the adequacy of safeguards currently in place in terms of clinical governance and pathology provision in England and Wales
  • look at accountability of practitioners and how it has changed since the original inquests
  • consider if there are lessons learnt from the Hillsborough disaster which can built into the development of Home Office register forensic pathologists and wider provision of pathology services

Mr Taylor is a retired forensic scientist who was in charge of a local authority laboratory. He has extensive experience in major incident planning and oversight of coronial services on behalf of local authorities.

The review has been commissioned by the Pathology Delivery Board (PDB) and is overseen by the Home Office. The PDB is responsible for the provision of forensic pathology services to police and coroners for suspicious death and homicide cases in England and Wales.

Published 5 October 2022

Government Office for Technology Transfer: events and conferences

News story

Details about Government Office for Technology Transfer events and conferences.

Two events are being held to formally launch Government Office for Technology Transfer (GOTT).

GOTT launch – London

Location: : The Royal Institution of Great Britain, London. Nearest tube Green Park.

Date: Tuesday 18 October 2022.

Time: 1pm.

Registration: Book now on Eventbrite.

This event will:

  • explore innovation in the public sector, its importance and GOTT’s role in driving that agenda
  • give attendees an opportunity to network and make connections

It will also include speakers from government and the wider public sector.

GOTT launch – Manchester

Location: Science and Industry Museum, Manchester.

Date: Thursday 20 October 2022.

Time: 3pm.

Registration: Book now on Eventbrite.

GOTT is proud to be headquartered in the North West. This event will celebrate public sector innovation in the region and:

  • establish GOTT as a North West based hub for government tech transfer
  • focus on investment and public sector spinouts
  • tap into the regional growth and levelling-up agenda

There will also be a panel of speakers, including industry experts and investors.

For more information, email

Published 5 October 2022

First launch from the UK

The first ever orbital satellite launch from the UK is happening soon, marking a new era in the UK’s space history.

Launches are part of the UK’s commercial spaceflight programme, meeting goals set out in the government’s National Space Strategy.

All launches are subject to receiving a licence from the Civil Aviation Authority

Read more about our vision for establishing and promoting launch from the UK.

How the launch will work

The LauncherOne rocket launching from Virgin Orbit’s Cosmic Girl plane in the US. Credit: Virgin Orbit.

The first launch will take place from Spaceport Cornwall in the south-west of England. It will be what is known as a ‘horizontal launch’.

A specially modified Boeing 747 from Virgin Orbit called Cosmic Girl, with a rocket attached under its wing, will take off from a runway. In flight, the LauncherOne rocket will launch from the wing, taking multiple small satellites into orbit.

The plane will then return to the Spaceport, able to launch more satellites in future.

Launch UK

Spaceport Cornwall is situated at Newquay Airport, near the coast of Cornwall. The 747 will fly out over the sea and launch its rocket far away from populated areas.

Why launch from the UK

The UK has a growing space sector, which employs 47,000 people. UK space companies have a strong track record in satellite manufacturing, spacecraft design and data applications. In fact, Glasgow builds more satellites than anywhere outside the United States. Soon we’ll be able to launch them from the UK too.

The UK is also located relatively far north, which means it’s perfect for launching satellites into polar and Sun-synchronous orbits, which go over the north and south poles. These orbits are ideal for satellites that monitor the Earth and provide telecommunications.

With a long coastline and many islands, the UK offers a range of suitable locations for launching rockets safely out over the sea – away from settlements and people.

What are we launching

DOVER Pathfinder satellite under construction with structure and solar panels. Credit: Open Cosmos.

Several small satellites will be launched into orbit on the first UK launch.

The satellites will do many different things, including improving navigation and communications.

Several of the satellites have been built in the UK, including a research satellite from RHEA Group, which was built by Open Cosmos in Oxfordshire.

The first Welsh satellite will also be on the launch, from Cardiff-based Space Forge. It will test the process of using the unique microgravity environment of space to manufacture special materials that are much more difficult to make on Earth.

What benefits will it bring

Launch services are worth a potential £3.8 billion to the UK economy over the next decade.

UK spaceports will need new skills, supply chains and supporting services, creating high-skilled jobs and opportunities across the country. For example, Spaceport Cornwall and the Centre for Space Technologies expect to create 150 jobs.

Through initiatives such as our LogoLiftOff! and Nanosat Design competitions, the UK Space Agency is also harnessing launch as a platform to encourage young people to pursue STEM subjects in order to help grow the UK’s future space talent pipeline.

Safety and the environment

Safety, security and protection of the environment are top priorities for the UK government.

We have progressive regulations for launch which make it safe for the public and protect the environment, while allowing new technologies to be used as they are developed.

The government is very careful about the impact launches have on the environment and won’t allow launches to happen before a detailed assessment of their environmental effects has been done.

Rocket launches do release some CO2 and other by-products, but they take place infrequently and the satellites being launched bring significant benefits.

Half of the data we need to monitor climate change can only come from satellites – so it’s vital to get them into space.

UK rocket manufacturers are also working to make rocket launches better for the environment, including turning unrecyclable plastic waste and even beeswax into rocket fuel!

How to get involved in the launch

There are lots of ways you can take part in the launch.

You can:

  • come along to our event at the Science Museum in London on 15 and 16 October 2022 to see a full-scale replica of the LauncherOne rocket!
  • check out educational resources from Spaceport Cornwall.
  • watch the launch live via a Virgin Orbit livestream (more info to come closer to launch)

After first launch

There are several other spaceports currently planned or under construction in the UK. These are in England, Scotland and Wales.

Putin’s illegal war of choice is failing: UK statement to the OSCE

Thank you Mr Chair.  On 30th September, Putin announced the attempted illegal annexation of the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia.  The United Kingdom unreservedly condemns this outrageous and illegitimate act. It represents yet another attack on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We will never accept the regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia as anything other than sovereign Ukrainian territory.

Mr Chair, the announced attempted illegal annexation is just another act of desperation by a Russian leadership under pressure to fabricate a success to sell to their people as a price worth paying for the thousands of Russian service personnel who have been sent to their deaths to fight Putin’s illegal war of choice.

On 1 October, Russian forces in the Donetsk Oblast town of Lyman withdrew in the face of Ukrainian advances.  Lyman is a significant loss for Russia.  Militarily, it was Russia’s eastern logistics hub and also commanded a key road that crossed the Siversky Donets River behind which Russia was attempting to consolidate its defences.  But the loss of Lyman is symbolically important for Russia too – situated within a region that Russia supposedly aimed to “liberate”; attempted to illegally annex; and that Putin promised would be Russian territory forever two days earlier. It is a clear demonstration of the stark mismatch between the Kremlin’s rhetoric and reality.

As Ukraine consolidates its advances further in the east and near Kherson in the south, it will become painfully apparent to the Russian people that Putin’s contrived fanfare of celebrations and concerts, which accompanied his announced attempts to illegally annex territory, were just part of another lie in his attempt to hide the disastrous truth of his appalling and failing illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Mr Chair, as we have all seen, the Russian people are already realising that the announced “partial mobilisation” is also part of that sham – a desperate attempt to turn the tide of a failed invasion by sacrificing ordinary Russian citizens.  On 29 September, just over a week after the mobilisation was announced, President Putin addressed his National Security Council and admitted that “a lot of questions are being raised during this mobilisation campaign, and we must promptly correct our mistakes and not repeat them.”  This rather quick public acknowledgement of problems highlights the dysfunction of the mobilisation over its first week. Including that local officials have almost certainly drafted many Russian citizens who are outside the announced scope of the mobilisation.  Numerous images and video of chaotic mobilisation centres support Putin’s own assessment that his mobilisation is not going well.

Mr Chair, the mobilisation of these Russian citizens will not turn the tide of this war in Putin’s favour.  The thousands of ordinary citizens sent to war – poorly trained, poorly equipped and poorly led – will not succeed where Russia’s professional army – with tanks, paratroopers and artillery – has already failed.  And mobilisation is an admission that this is a war, you do not mobilise your population to fight a limited military operation, special or otherwise.  You mobilise a population to fight a war – in this case Putin’s failing illegal war of choice.

Mr Chair, on 30 September, Russian forces almost certainly struck a convoy south-east of the town of Zaporizhzhia where local authorities report that 25 civilians were killed.  The munition involved was likely a Russian long-range air defence missile being used in a ground attack role.  We have unfortunately seen the use of high-value air-defence and anti-ship missile systems rerolled to strike ground targets, including civilians and civilian infrastructure before, such as the attack on the Kremenchuk shopping centre in June.

The strike on the convoy last week was an appalling, callous and cowardly attack at a location routinely used by civilians to assemble before travelling to areas of Ukraine under temporary Russian control to deliver aid and pick up relatives.  That this strike happened on the same day President Putin signed the illegal annexation agreement for Zaporizhzhia and claimed that Russia would now protect those civilians is particularly deplorable.

The deliberate targeting of civilians is not only abhorrent, but also a blatant violation of international law. The atrocities we see being committed day after day will not be forgotten and those giving or following illegal orders will be held to account.

Mr Chair, Russia’s continued aggressive nuclear rhetoric and signalling is also irresponsible. It is designed to distract and deter us from supporting Ukraine.  It achieves neither. We continue to call on Russia to de-escalate, starting by ceasing its assault on Ukraine and withdrawing its forces.   We urge Russia to tone down its rhetoric regarding nuclear weapons. Russia should seek to reduce tensions and the risk of miscalculation, not increase them.

Mr Chair, the Russian Government’s attempt to redraw the map of Europe in blood, and conquer an independent and democratic State by force of arms is an attack on the security and freedom of Europe. The United Kingdom, along with many others, repeatedly warned that this would be a massive strategic mistake and would come at a severe cost.

Mr Chair, as exemplified by the visit of our Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace, to Kyiv last week; our support to Ukraine will remain steadfast until the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence of Ukraine is fully restored.  The UK is one of the leading donors of military aid to Ukraine, committing £2.3 billion in 2022 and, as the Prime Minister announced at UNGA 77, this amount will be matched or exceeded in 2023.  Just weeks ago we committed to donating more than 120 logistics vehicles in the latest tranche of gifted military equipment.

The UK has also trained more than 27,000 members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine since 2015, including over 5,500 of new recruits in the UK this year, with help from allies and partners.  The training teaches troops key skills such as weapons handling, first aid, fieldcraft, patrol tactics, vehicle-mounted operations and trench and urban warfare, which will give them a crucial edge on the battlefield over Russia’s professional and mobilised soldiers.

The UK stands in solidarity with Ukraine, including through the ongoing provision of military assistance, as Ukrainians defend their homeland and fight for the simple right to a free, peaceful and prosperous future. Thank you.