DWP Secretary of State outlines plans to boost labour market

During her first keynote speech, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions today (Thursday 13 October) implored businesses to play a greater role in tackling inactivity in return for government action on vacancies, in a bid to kickstart economic growth.

Speaking with business leaders and stakeholders at the Policy Exchange, Chloe Smith MP outlined her vision for the Government’s mission to deliver higher paid, higher quality jobs, grow the economy, unleash the potential of the labour market, drive prosperity and deliver opportunity for everyone.

Determined to lead the Department for Work and Pensions as Britain transitions into a new era of prosperity, she impressed on businesses the importance of their role in driving growth and urged them to play their part in reducing economic inactivity by investing in their workforce’s progression and health.

Her plea to industry included: attracting; investing in; and supporting and retaining British workers within an accessible and inclusive workforce.

Her speech comes as new labour market figures released this week show the unemployment rate is at a near record low, and the number of people on company payrolls remains high.

However, the Secretary of State stressed that the millions of unfilled posts across the country represent unfilled potential, and her focus is on helping people of all working ages and circumstances back into work and having the opportunity to progress.

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Chloe Smith MP, said:

In return for the Government helping businesses fill their vacancies, we are expecting employers to invest in their workforce’s progression and health. And doing so is a crucial step to ensure we don’t face similar labour market challenges in the future.

We can pull out all the stops to help businesses fill their vacancies, we need employers to help people to start and stay and succeed.

Businesses can play their part in reducing inactivity and growing the economy by making the labour market more accessible and inclusive.

As part of her speech, the Secretary of State reflected on her experience with cancer. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and she talked about how her personal journey made her realise the importance of supporting people who become sick into work.

Further to her call to businesses, the Secretary of State outlined how the department is going further to encourage more movement in the labour market by:

  • Reforming work incentives and support within the welfare system helping more unemployed people move into available jobs, and for those already in work, to increase their earnings.

  • Preventing the flow of people moving into economic inactivity helping people return to the workforce with the support of dedicated Work Coaches by securing the role that’s right for them and supporting people to remain in work – so they can experience the benefits of our drive for growth.

Here is a transcript of the speech, exactly as it was delivered: A gold mine for growth and opportunity

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UK announces support to help Uganda manage Ebola outbreak

World news story

The support includes £2.2m – UGX9.3bn – for UN agencies working with the Government of Uganda in the Ebola response.

Mubende Referral Hospital

Mubende Referral Hospital Treatment Centre

The British High Commission in Kampala has announced that the UK will provide £2.2m to WHO, UNICEF and WFP to support Uganda’s response to the current Ebola outbreak. This will consist of:

  • £400,000 to the World Health Organization (WHO), to enhance case investigation and contact tracing at the local level, support laboratory diagnosis, and strengthen co-ordination of the response
  • £900,000 to UNICEF, to help prevent transmission of the disease through both strengthened engagement with local communities, and improved sanitation and hygiene provision in key installations – such as community health facilities and schools – in the affected areas; and
  • £900,000 to the World Food Programme (WFP), to support transport, logistics and storage for the overall UN response – including transportation of medical supplies and PPE, provision of cold chain equipment, and supporting the establishment of Ebola Treatment Units

In addition, a UK Government expert has deployed to support WHO in Uganda, at their request, with expertise on case management. Others – including from the UK Public Health Rapid Support Team – are expected to deploy imminently. All deployments will be agreed with the Government of Uganda.

HE Kate Airey OBE, British High Commissioner to Uganda said:

Time is of the essence when responding to this type of outbreak. The UK is helping the Government of Uganda and its partners in their response, by providing both funding that can help scale up delivery on the ground, and experts who bring experience of previous Ebola outbreaks in other countries. The UK will stand with the Government and people of Uganda in tackling this outbreak.

The support package builds on previous assistance the UK has provided Uganda. Between 2018 and 2020 the UK contributed nearly £10m – over UGX40 billion – to support Ebola preparedness in Uganda in response to a major outbreak in DRC and a small number of cases in Uganda itself.

This has supported the Government of Uganda’s current capability in responding to the current outbreak. For example, ambulances previously purchased by the UK via the WFP, and subsequently donated to the Uganda Red Cross, are being used in the current outbreak.

Published 13 October 2022

Refusal to extend the truce threatens to dismantle the foundation built for a negotiated peace settlement in Yemen

Thank you, Mr President. And let me thank Special Envoy Grundberg and ASG Msuya for their powerful briefings, and for the tireless work they and their teams are making on behalf of the Yemeni people.

After six months of relative peace, it is deeply disappointing that the truce in Yemen has not been extended.

The Houthi introduction of new maximalist demands in the final days of negotiations hindered the ability of the Special Envoy to broker agreement.

As we’ve heard today, this seriously jeopardises the tangible benefits that the truce has brought to the Yemeni people. In the past six months Yemenis have been able to live more safely and travel more freely than at any time since the war began, four times more oil has flowed into Hudaydah than the whole of last year, and tens of thousands of Yemenis have been able to fly out of Sana’a to visit loved ones and receive vital medical treatment. The protection of these measures must be a priority.

The United Kingdom calls on the parties to continue implementing these measures, and to return to the negotiating table to expand these benefits, as outlined in the UN’s proposal. This includes the payment of nurses, teachers and other civil servants their hard-earned salaries for the first time in years; the opening of roads around the country, including in Taiz; more commercial flights to more destinations; and further easing the flow of fuel into Hudaydah.

There is even more to lose. Refusal to extend the truce threatens to dismantle the foundation built for a negotiated peace settlement. A resolution to this terrible war depends on it.

But the door for an extended truce remains open. It is clear from Special Envoy Grundberg’s briefing that the UN is dedicated to achieving this outcome. The UK reiterates its full support to these efforts.

I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome ASG Msuya’s trip to the region. It is imperative that the international community learns lessons from the recent inter-agency humanitarian evaluation not just in Yemen, but globally. We praise the continued work of humanitarians to deliver lifesaving support. But only an end to the conflict will the deliver the lasting relief the Yemeni people need

At this fragile moment, it is encouraging that there has not yet been a return to war. We urge all parties to refrain from provocations. The costs of an end to the truce would be devastating.

Now is the time for the parties to show leadership, to act on behalf of the Yemeni people, and to continue on this path towards lasting peace.

Thank you.

Book now for our 2022 Forward Thinking conference

News story

The theme for this year’s event is ‘Insolvency response for uncertain times’.

Online tickets are now available

The Insolvency Service invites you to the Research and Technical Conference at Nottingham Trent University on Friday 18 November 2022.

The Forward Thinking conference facilitates a link between academia, the insolvency sector and policymakers. Papers will be presented on the theme of ‘Forward Thinking: insolvency response for uncertain times’.

Papers will be presented by key figures from academia and industry including:

  • Dr Katharina Möser, University of Birmingham
  • Professor Yvonne Joyce, University of Glasgow and Eileen Maclean, Insolvency Support Services
  • Ben Luxford of R3 and Stewart Perry from Fieldfisher LLP
  • Philip Hertz, Melissa Coakley, Giles Allison and Robert Davey from Clifford Chance
  • Dr John Tribe, University of Liverpool
  • Professor Peter Walton, University of Wolverhampton and Professor Andrew Keay, University of Leeds
  • Dr Stephen Baister, Board Director of Manolete Partners

Online attendees are encouraged to comment and post questions for each session, so get involved and book your free online tickets now: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/forward-thinking-insolvency-response-in-uncertain-times-tickets-438888646757.

If you wish to join us at Nottingham Trent University, there are a limited number of in-person tickets available.

The papers and presentations from last year’s Conference on ‘insolvency strategies for a post-pandemic economy’ held at Aston University, Birmingham, can be viewed here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-insolvency-service-forward-thinking-conference.

An Academic Research and Technical Conference presented by The Insolvency Service and Nottingham Trent University.

Published 13 October 2022

A gold mine for growth and opportunity


This Government’s mission is to grow the economy, to drive prosperity and deliver opportunity for all.

And for me, this is about jobs. Delivering our agenda is all about tackling economic inactivity and putting the incentives in place to make sure we help as many British people into work as possible.

In practical terms, that means providing the tools, support and incentives to ensure people can start, stay and succeed in work – so that whatever a person’s age or career stage, everyone has the chance to fulfil their potential and build greater security for themselves and their families.

Everyone’s talents must be included in growing our economy – and everyone should have the chance to grow.

We need to be clear about what we mean when we talk about opportunity for all.

It’s the difference between someone having a job or not.

Having a pay rise, or not.

Getting the education they need – and any skills needed later in life – or not.

Suffering from barriers like limited childcare choices – or knowing the kids are OK and you can go for it.

We need to break down the barriers which can hold people back –

And smash the glass ceilings limiting ambition and advancement.

So opportunity means successful incentives and support to move off benefits and into work.

Opportunity means making work pay.

It’s by helping people increase their own spending power, improve their wellbeing and enhance their life choices that this Government’s Growth Plan will deliver in the practical real world.

The power of work to deliver opportunity – and the sense of purpose and pride that it provides – is something that has been important to me throughout my whole life, starting indeed at my education. Which, like the Prime Minister, took place was at a comprehensive school, in fact – in her constituency of rural South West Norfolk!

It’s also a fundamental principle that’s guided me for 13 years as a Norfolk Member of Parliament for Norwich North and most recently, in my previous role as the Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work.

Now as Secretary of State for Work and Pensions I am absolutely determined to use all those experiences, first and foremost to tackle our labour market shortages, but of course also to protect the most vulnerable in society.

As the Prime Minister has set out, in this country, you should be able to go as far as your talents will take you.

No one should be left behind.

No one should feel like they are at a dead end.

Nobody should be written off from achieving their potential.

Recent Challenges

Over the last two years as a country we have faced significant obstacles. We saw real challenges to lives and livelihoods during the pandemic and we now have the economic headwinds that have stemmed from Putin’s acts of aggression in Ukraine.

Of course I am primarily here today to talk about my department’s role in achieving growth, I’d also like to start my reflecting on how proud I am of DWP’s work in supporting the most vulnerable during the cost of living crisis that’s followed from these events.

For example, my teams have played key roles in ensuring that the Cost of Living payments have gone out, which offer targeted support for around eight million low-income households, and most recently, the one-off disability payment to six million people.

The Government is also shielding households and businesses from high energy bills through the Energy Price Guarantee, which will mean a typical household energy bill shouldn’t be more than around £2,500 this winter and next per year, enabling the typical household to save an average of £1,000 a year on their energy bills.

These interventions are necessary and important – but the best way, the surest and most sustainable way, to increase people’s living standards and put them on a track to success is to help them into a good job.

That’s why we have to get Britain working, moving and growing again.

We’re going to get going through renewing our focus on helping people to move into and – crucially – to progress in work.

Labour Market

Like the British people themselves, our labour market has remained resilient through the pandemic and beyond.

In fact, Tuesday’s Labour Market Statistics show that the number of people on company payrolls is at a record high and unemployment is at its lowest rate since 1974.

There is no doubt that this is good news.

And it reflects the focus that we have placed on protecting, creating and supporting jobs, including the efforts of our work coaches and jobcentres all around the country to get people into work – and I think a few might even be in the audience here today.

But challenges remain and we must not stop there. We have very high numbers of vacancies still – 1.2 million and over.

Those unfilled posts represent unfulfilled potential – for people of course, and for the economy as a whole. My mission is to help businesses up and down the UK to fill the vacancies that would otherwise mean they can’t grow.

At the same time, we have many thousands of people looking for work, but who are not moving into work.

We have also seen a rise in the number of people who are economically inactive –

Meaning they are neither employed nor unemployed – and some who have left the world of work altogether.

Now this combination of circumstances is holding back people who deserve a chance.

It’s holding back opportunity.

It’s holding back British employers.

And it’s holding back economic growth.

Improving the labour market – going for Growth

So today, I would like to set out the three areas that I, and my department, will be focused on to help get the labour market moving –

and to realise its potential as a gold mine for growth and opportunity.

Firstly, by reforming work incentives and support within the welfare system will help more unemployed people move into available jobs, and for those already in work, to increase their earnings.

Secondly, by stopping the flow of people moving into economic inactivity will help people return to the workforce by securing the role that’s right for them and the support that people may need to remain in work – so they can get the benefits of that drive for growth.

And third, by forging a new deal with employers – we will do our bit by helping businesses to fill their posts quickly, particularly in sectors with the tightest labour markets,

but in return, we want businesses to play their part in growing the economy.

Which can include investing in and supporting and retaining workers within a flexible and inclusive workforce, improving occupational health practices so that they don’t fall into being unwell.

Reforming work incentives and support within the welfare system

So first, I’ll to turn to the welfare system.

We have a good track record of getting people into jobs. The Way to Work campaign, for example, got half a million people into jobs in just six months.

Of course, some people are not able to return to work, and we will always support them with dignity and with compassion.

And as Secretary of State, I am absolutely determined and passionate that our claimants are given excellent support – and that our welfare works for them.

That’s also why we have recently made changes so that people nearing the end of their life can focus on sharing the valuable time they may have left with the loved ones who matter most to them – rather than worrying about finances.

For those who can work, though, we need to make sure we’re doing enough. We need to make sure people have the right incentives and support in place to move into work or increase their earnings, so that they no longer have to rely on Universal Credit.

Around half the people on Universal Credit who are required to search for work have been claiming for over two years.

With over 1.2 million vacancies, it is right that we are firm but fair in ensuring people are engaging effectively with the support available to take up the opportunities that are there.

So that’s why, as the Chancellor announced as part of his recent Growth Plan, we are strengthening the expectations on claimants, including about applying for jobs, attending interviews or increasing their hours – in return for receiving Universal Credit.

To really get the country really working and growing, it’s not enough just to move people into jobs. We need to help people move up – to up their hours, take a step up the career ladder, to up their pay.

We know that our Jobcentre programmes work, so to help our claimants, we are increasing the pool of people benefiting from our intensive work search support.

This means an extra hundred thousand claimants will benefit from crucial time with their work coach, helping them to increase their hours and thrive.

The Chancellor and I recently announced changes to raise the earnings threshold even higher from January. This will support our claimants to drive their career forward and will also put in place even stronger incentives for staying and succeeding in work.

We are also rolling out new practical advice and support across all our jobcentres, implementing one of the recommendations of the In Work Progression Commission.

These reforms will give claimants the best possible opportunity to move into work, boost their hours and grow their incomes.

Underpinning all of this is our programme to move claimants off the legacy benefits and onto Universal Credit.

This is vital because Universal Credit removes cliff edges and incentivises work through the taper rate. We have strengthened this work incentive already this Parliament by reducing the taper rate from 63% to 55% – putting more money into the pockets of the lowest earners.

The taper rate also allows employees and businesses to be more flexible about the hours that work for them – and ensure that the amount of benefits they get change according to the amount of income they earn.

Ultimately, though, the welfare system has always had a bottom line – if people don’t engage, if people don’t keep their promise in the Claimant Commitment – then they are not holding up their end of their bargain and benefits can be reduced.

Stopping the flow of people moving into economic inactivity

Turning to economic inactivity, how do we achieve what we’ve set out when it comes to in work progression and help stop that flow from employment to inactivity?

Through listening to businesses, we know that the tight Labour Market across the UK is making it more difficult to fill vacancies – as I’ve said there’s 1.2 million vacancies, a very large amount.

Coupled with this, there are now 9 million working-age people who are economically inactive, which is up by 630,000 since the start of the pandemic.

While we have lower rates of inactivity than the OECD average, they have not returned to pre-Covid levels like other countries have seen, reversing the downward trend in inactivity which the UK saw in the 2010s.

So my job is to help both claimants and employers her – and we’re doing all we can to match the right people with the right roles.

We’re helping businesses to fill their gaps and mobilising untapped talent.

We know that 1.7 million people – who are not active yet in the labour market, want to work. That is a waste of talent across the country.

Now economic inactivity is a rising is a rising trend. We cannot afford for more people to join it. It stands at 9 million.

As I say, but just this week new figures suggest a quarter of a million more people joined that number, so it now stands at well over a fifth of the working age population.

Let me turn to who makes up this number:

Almost 2.5 million people are students, a further 2.5 million people are long-term sick. This is in addition to the 1.7 million people who are looking after somebody, and almost 1.2 million working age people who have retired.

Now each person within those numbers, behind those statistics, will have their own story, but in each case they may be held back from securing a fulfilling job that they want.

And this is all despite the outstanding progress we have made in increasing labour market participation, particularly of disabled people.

For example, we not only met – but exceeded – our 2017 manifesto commitment to see a million more disabled people in work over 10 years – in fact, we saw that happen in just five years.

But it is not only getting disabled people into jobs, but making sure their workplace and society is as accessible as possible.

When I was the Minister for Disabled People, I saw how deaf people too often were left out, too often excluded in work, education or wider society.

And that’s why I was so proud to help lead the changes represented by the British Sign Language Act, along with my friends cross-party like Rosie Cooper MP.

But we need to do more to help disabled people, or those looking to return to work after suffering from a long-term health condition.

Perhaps it’s the moment to touch on my own return to work following a period of sickness.

In October 2020 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, particularly poignant this year again because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

I am stood here as one of the lucky ones, caught it early, able to get the treatment you need to go on I hope to live a long and healthy life. But I also understand what it is like to return to work after being ill, and I am committed to putting the measures in place to help others with what they may face.

So that’s why we’re investing £1.3 billion over three years in more targeted employment support for disabled people and people with health conditions.

I’ve come to see the extent to which the health and disability benefits system can itself be something of a barrier to employment because it genuinely focuses on what people cannot do, instead of what they can.

And I want to turn that on its head so we are focused on what people can do, so they are supported to take up the opportunities that are right for them, that they deserve, guided by the knowledge that employers need their talents.

With this can-do approach, I think we can achieve some more incredible things, together.

Older Workers

I want to turn next to older workers. Older workers have a wealth of experience that is crucial to our labour market. That experience is a key part of the diverse workforce that we need to be able to deliver growth.

The Government and business must work together to do all we can to support older people to stay in the labour market. Both recruitment and retention are very important.

In my department we understand the value that older workers bring, and provision already exists to help them be part of growth.

For example, our new and refreshed, 50 PLUS Champions network provides dedicated support to work coaches across all of the jobcentres in the country. Supported by these champions, DWP is expanding the delivery of the Government’s mid-life MOT, which encourages those 40 and above to take stock of their finances, skills and health – That’s both of us David as I’m now definitely 40 and above.

We’re building on this solid base of support, with even more help announced in the cross-government Growth Plan to support older workers to get jobs.

We are stepping up support for the over-50s, with millions of pounds of measures to help tackle joblessness, including referring those who are long term unemployed to our Restart programme so they get the support they need to find a job.

Forging a new deal with employers

As I set out briefly before, in return for the government helping businesses fill their vacancies, we are expecting employers to invest in their workforce’s progression and health. And doing so is a crucial step to ensure we don’t face similar labour market challenges in the future.

We can pull out all the stops to help businesses fill their vacancies, we need employers to help people to start and stay and succeed.

Businesses can play their part in reducing inactivity and growing the economy by making the labour market more accessible and inclusive. Many already do.

On top of helping prevent people from falling into unemployment due to sickness, this means recruiting people based on attitude and potential –seeing past disabilities and age.

It means making reasonable adjustments, which are the right thing to do, and also which help to retain workers and cost a fraction of the costs of recruiting replacement.

It means investing in the workforce in terms of training and supporting career options.

This will enable workers to progress into better-paid and better-quality jobs, while also enhancing growth and productivity.

This in turn delivers more jobs, higher wages and the economic growth to fund vital public services and allow us in turn, to put more money into the pockets of hardworking people.

A healthy workforce supports a healthy and growing economy.

Sickness absence has been found to cost employers an estimated £9 billion a year – and that was before the pandemic! We know this holds businesses back – which in turn, holds back growth.

To underline once more, out of that 9 million economically inactive group, around 2.5 million people are long term sick, which is up by 378,000 since before the pandemic.

Many employers are doing great work to support the health and wellbeing of their workforce.

But to truly address this issue and prevent even more people being inactive due to long term poor health and to prevent even more businesses facing shortages in what they can recruit and the talent that they need, more needs to be done.

So this is why we’ve set out plans to reform the occupational health market to support employers, particularly smaller ones, to purchase high quality and cost-effective occupational health services.

I think most businesses understand this and for really good reason.

I’m aware of the challenges for small businesses in particular, in delivering high-quality occupational health, but I want to help them by aiming high – every business will want to make great provision available for employees.

We know that one of the biggest causes of people being long term ill is mental ill health – and so to counteract this, I am delighted that there is some great examples of small companies who are really going the extra mile to look after their staff.

As an example you can see Sawdays, a Bristol-based travel company that employs 65 people. The company has a number of policies in place to support wellbeing, including up to four sessions of private counselling for anyone who may need it, a trained mental health first aider in each team, and contact with a mental health support specialist.

Another principal cause of people becoming long-term sick is Muscular Skeletal issues.

But, again, there are things employers can really do to help in that area.

For example – aware of the detrimental impact of spending many hours in front of the computer – the Cornwall-based print supplier Forms Plus have organised an ‘on your feet day’ where every hour staff get together to do two minutes of exercises.

When businesses put in place a holistic approach to looking after their staff – it increases the chances that common issues will be avoided, talent can be retained, people have a better opportunity to reach their potential and the company will thrive.

So I challenge all employers to join me in rolling out the best provision that they can.


So I am determined in conclusion, that DWP needs to play its full part in delivering a new era for Britain focused on growth. To go further and faster, we need to work across the Government and be led by the evidence.

By reforming welfare to create stronger incentives, extra support and clearer expectations on people to move into work and increase their hours because a good job is the best way to be resilient against changes in the Cost of Living.

By acting to reduce economic inactivity so we can help businesses to fill their vacancies and grow.

By ensuring that the health and disability system focuses on what people can do rather than on what they can’t so their talent is not wasted.

By continuing to protect the most vulnerable at a time of many pressures and anxieties.

With businesses working with us, we can play that full part together.

We can unleash the full potential of our labour market.

We are an aspiration nation.

We are going for opportunity, and we’re going for growth.

Thank you