Animal medicine seizure notice: Parcel addressed to premises in Dunadry, Antrim

News story

Details of seizure notice served following a parcel stopped at a Belfast Depot.


The following veterinary medicines were identified by a courier company based at a Belfast depot. The products were then detained and subsequently seized by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).

This parcel was addressed to residential premises in Antrim and was shipped from Singapore, the parcel contained:

  • 1 box containing ten 140g sachets of AbPrazole granules

This product is intended for use in horses and is not an authorised veterinary medicine in the UK.

The medicines were seized under Regulation 25 (Importation of unauthorised veterinary medicinal products) of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013.

Published 4 February 2022

Charles Hay launches two GREAT Scholarships and Grant for sports education and women in sports leadership

Distinguished guests, members of the media, ladies and gentlemen,

As the UK and the world starts to recover from the impact of the pandemic, 2022 has kicked off with new hopes and new optimism.

For the UK, this year will be a Year of Celebrations – with three showstopper events taking place across the UK – starting with the UNBOXED festival taking place in March, The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June, and Birmingham hosts The Commonwealth Games in July and August.

Birmingham 2022 is set to be the biggest, most diverse and inclusive Commonwealth Games yet held.

  • Birmingham 2022 is expected to welcome 6,500 athletes and officials from 72 countries and territories in the Commonwealth
  • it will be the first major multi-sport event to award more medals to women than men
  • it will have the most extensive para-sports programme in Commonwealth Games history
  • it will be the first ever carbon-neutral Commonwealth Games, reducing carbon footprint through reusing assets and using innovative technologies to cut waste

Ahead of the Games, the Queen’s Baton goes around 72 countries and territories competing in the Games, baton bearers represent the communities and the baton relay represents the coming together of different communities across the Commonwealth.

I participated in the Malaysian leg of this relay in Putrajaya yesterday, and found it truly inspiring to see Malaysians from all walks of life taking part in the relay.

As diplomat, creating connections and building relationships is a huge part of what I do. Naturally, I appreciate the opportunities created and doors opened through major sporting events like Birmingham 2022. Sports truly connects people.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Sports education and partnerships are essential in laying the foundation for relationship building through sports. In conjunction with the Queen’s Baton Relay, I am delighted to see the British Council hosting a first-of-its-kind Sports Education Month in Malaysia. I know that the British Council has already hosted its Smart Talk webinar series with changemakers and alumni in the sports sector, as well as a Premier Skills football clinic for youth in Bachok, Kelantan.

Today, it gives me a great pleasure to announce that two (2) new GREAT Scholarships on Sports Education will be made available to Malaysians to pursue post-graduate studies in sports education.

Each scholarship is worth a minimum of £10,000 covering tuition fees for a one-year taught post-graduate course at Liverpool John Moores University. The GREAT Scholarships is jointly funded by the UK government’s GREAT Britain Campaign and the British Council with participating UK higher education institutions.

I am also pleased to launch the UK-Malaysia Institutional Partnership grant for Women in Sports Leadership. It is partnership grant for UK and Malaysian universities to study the development of female leadership in sports – an area where women are under-represented, both in the UK and Malaysia, but also in many other countries. Women occupy much less of the sporting workforce in roles such as coaching, managing, performance and development directors, and other senior leadership positions.

A grant of up to £30,000 will be awarded to a higher education institution from West Midlands which has a proven track record in sports development especially in women in leadership, working in partnership with a Malaysian university on a joint initiative to enhance the equal representation of women at the leadership levels of the sports industry.

Through this award, we hope to build on the UK’s experience and expertise as a world leader in quality and inclusion and strengthen UK and Malaysia’s commitment to gender equality in sports leadership through higher education.

These great initiatives will complement existing education collaborations between the UK and Malaysia. Of course, education is not the only sector being promoted in conjunction with the Games. Birmingham 2022 provides great opportunities to showcase the UK’s business and tourism sectors too.

As Commonwealth Chair-in-Office, the UK is open to forge international connections. We are working with partners to expand investment, improve the business environment and boost intra-Commonwealth trade, especially in sectors like future mobility, data-driven healthcare, creative technologies, modern business services, the sports economy, e-commerce and tourism.

Before I conclude my remarks, I like to congratulate the British Council on the launch of its great initiatives. I also like to thank the Olympic Council Malaysia for successfully staging exciting activities to welcome the Queen’s Baton in the last few days.

As the Baton continues to make its way across the rest of The Commonwealth to Birmingham, I know the anticipation will grow as we look forward to watch and support our athletes as they compete at Birmingham 2022.

Thank you.

50 years: A new era of Brit Bangla Bondhon

On this day, 50 years ago, the UK and Bangladesh established our diplomatic relationship. On behalf of the UK, I congratulate the people and the government of Bangladesh on this historic anniversary of a new era of Brit Bangla Bondhon.

As British High commissioner in Bangladesh, I am proud that the UK played such a key role in Bangladesh’s founding story. Before Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman set foot in his liberated homeland, his historic trip to the UK in January 1972 and his meeting with UK PM Edward Heath forged a new friendship and accelerated the recognition of Bangladesh as an independent nation. This historic moment encouraged Commonwealth countries to recognise Bangladesh. I also recall Her Majesty’s Government’s humanitarian relief contributions to a rising Bangladesh before, during and after the liberation war. In fact, The UK was one of the largest donors for humanitarian relief support to the people of Bangladesh in 1971, reflecting strong public support in the UK for the liberation cause. All this laid the foundations for a unique and lasting relationship between the UK and Bangladesh.

With the establishment of a British High Commission in Dhaka, the then UK Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Douglas-Home visited Bangladesh in 1972. Since then, the UK has been a committed partner of this country in research, health services and community development, disaster risk reduction, poverty alleviation, improving education, increasing life expectancy for women and children, and womens’ empowerment. And all this has helped the country’s remarkable progress over the last 50 years.

As Bangladesh continued to grow as an independent nation through the mid-1970s, the UK began to diversify its cooperation. We helped with capacity building for Bangladesh military staff, police, and government officials. In 1977, the UK supported Bangladesh in setting up a Military Staff College at Savar. In 1978, the then UK Prime Minister James Callaghan visited Bangladesh. Many Bangladeshis made the UK their home, and after five decades, with around 600,000 people of Bangladeshi origin living in the UK, the relationship between the British and Bangladeshi peoples is deeper and stronger than ever.

Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II came to Bangladesh in 1983, when she travelled by train to visit a model village 35 miles south of Dhaka. Since that event, several Royal family members including HRH The Prince of Wales, HRH The Princess Royal, and Prime Ministers including John Major, Tony Blair and David Cameron have visited Bangladesh to witness a rising country. Through this time, the relationship has deepened, reflecting keen UK interest as Bangladesh has pursued recovery from poverty, floods, and devastating cyclones. The country has moved forward, a role model of positive transformation while continuing to grapple with political and governance challenges as a vibrant, independent nation.

I am happy to reflect on Bangladesh’s transformation from “one of the world’s poorest countries” into “one of the world’s fastest-growing economies” and the UK’s part in that story. Today, the world looks with admiration at what Bangladesh has achieved in its first half century: an RMG powerhouse; a leading contributor to peace and security, especially as a provider of troops to UN peacekeeping missions, and one of the most influential global voices on climate change, as we have just seen at COP26 in Glasgow. The UK is proud to be a friend of Bangladesh through all this.

Modern links between the UK and Bangladesh include trade and investment, the British Bangladeshi contribution to the UK National Health Service, education, development, defence, culture, cricket and curry! We share a mutual vision of a modern 21st century partnership bound by strong historical ties.

We look forward to strengthening these bonds of kinship and culture through the dynamism of our strong people to people links, for the next 50 years and beyond. Brit Bangla Bondhon!

Further information

British High Commission Dhaka
United Nations Road
Dhaka – 1212


Follow the British High Commissioner to Bangladesh on Twitter: @RCDicksonUK

Follow the British High Commission Dhaka on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin

Health and Social Care Secretary to launch new 10-year ‘national war on cancer’

  • A new call for evidence to inform an ambitious 10-Year Cancer Plan to make the country’s cancer care system the ‘best in Europe’
  • As the NHS tackles the COVID-19 backlog, renewed focus will be placed on innovative cancer treatment and early diagnosis as part of a national war on cancer
  • Cancer remains the biggest cause of death from disease in the UK and the COVID-19 pandemic has had a serious effect on care and services, with people not coming forward for checks

In a speech at the Francis Crick Institute, Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid will today (4 February) “declare a war on cancer” and launch a call for evidence to underpin an ambitious 10-Year Cancer Plan for England.

The Health and Social Care Secretary will set out his vision to make England a world-leader in cancer care as we learn to live COVID-19 – with renewed attention paid to innovative treatment and early diagnosis to radically improve outcomes for cancer patients.

Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid is expected to say:

Let this be the day where we declare a national war on cancer. We have published the call for evidence for a new 10 Year Cancer Plan for England, a searching new vision for how we will lead the world in cancer care.

This Plan will show how we are learning the lessons from the pandemic, and apply them to improving cancer services over the next decade.

It will take a far-reaching look at how we want cancer care to be in 2032 – ten years from now. Looking at all stages, from prevention, to diagnosis, to treatment and vaccines.

We want to hear views from far and wide to help us shape this work. Please join us in this effort, so fewer people face the heartache of losing a loved one to this wretched disease.

Huge strides in cancer care have been made in recent years – in the last 15 years, one-year survival has increased by more than 10% and for patients diagnosed in 2015, their survival rate was 72% after one year.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had an impact. While dedicated NHS staff ensured cancer treatment was maintained at 94% of pre-pandemic levels and 95% of people starting treatment did so within a month, there were nearly 50,000 fewer cancer diagnoses across the UK during the pandemic, including 34,000 in England (March 2020 to November 2021).

The Health and Social Care Secretary will today set out his determination to go further, building on the progress of the NHS Long Term Plan with a set of new and strengthened priorities, which include:

  • increasing the number of people diagnosed at an early stage, where treatment can prove much more effective;
  • boosting the cancer workforce;
  • tackling disparities and inequalities, including in cancer diagnosis times and ensuring recovery from the pandemic is delivered in a fair way. For instance, the ‘Help Us Help You’ cancer awareness campaign will be directed towards people from more deprived groups and ethnic minorities; and
  • intensifying research on mRNA vaccines and therapeutics for cancer – this will be achieved through the UK’s global leadership and supporting industry to develop new cancer treatments by combining expertise in cancer immunotherapy treatment and the vaccine capabilities developed throughout the pandemic.
  • intensifying research on new early diagnostic tools to catch cancer at an earlier stage.
  • improving prevention of cancer through tackling the big known risk factors such as smoking.

Minister for Primary Care Maria Caulfield, said:

Half of us will have cancer at some point in our lives, and many more will have to support someone close to them who has it.

We want to have the best cancer care in Europe and this call to evidence will help us develop a plan to achieve this. We want to hear from you – cancer patients, relatives and NHS staff – to see how we can best move forward to deliver better care and treatment.

Cally Palmer, National Cancer Director for the NHS, said:

The NHS is committed to saving more lives from cancer by finding more cases at an earlier stage when they are easier to treat in line with our ambitions set out in the NHS Long Term Plan – it is this action that will ultimately help us to save thousands of lives sadly lost to cancer every year.

Despite the pandemic and thanks to the huge efforts of our staff, cancer services have remained a priority with well over two million checks in the last year alone and tens of thousands of people starting lifesaving treatment every month.

From one stop shops for vital checks and revolutionary treatment options like proton beam therapy – we will continue to go further and faster in our mission to save more lives and ensure England is world leading in cancer care.

A key part of the strategy will be building on the latest scientific advances and partnering with the country’s technology pioneers. The NHS-Galleri trial is evaluating a new test that looks for distinct markers in blood to identify cancer risk and has already shown how technology can transform the way cancer is detected. The test is being trialled across England, with thousands of people already recruited.

The government wants similar technologies to help form new partnerships and give the NHS early, cost effective access to new diagnostics. Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, for example, have the potential to help the health service radically improve its assessment of cancer risk.

The government is already investing billions to tackle the COVID-19 backlog, diagnostics and technology over the next three years to provide earlier diagnosis and treatment. It is also aiming to build a world class cancer workforce to help the NHS’ recovery by developing new roles along with training and upskilling the current workforce.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government focused on recovering services that had been hit hardest. This included the rollout of nearly 160 Faster Diagnosis Pathways (previously known as Rapid Diagnostic Centres), which aim to speed up diagnosis for cancer without the need for repeat diagnostic checks, and ensure patients with worrying symptoms can be quickly assessed by a GP. By 2024, the programme will be available across England for patients who display symptoms that could indicate cancer but don’t align to specific cancers, such as unexplained weight loss, fatigue or vague abdominal pain.

The government has also invested £2.3 billion to roll out Community Diagnostic Centres, which offer patients rapid access to clinical tests and life-saving checks close to their home. In their first full year of operation, they will deliver up to 2.8 million scans. By 2025, the NHS will be able to carry out 4.5 million additional scans. This will also help reduce waiting times by diverting patients away from hospitals, allowing them to treat urgent patients, while the Community Diagnostic Centres focus on tackling the COVID-19 backlog.

During the Omicron wave, the government struck a deal with the independent sector to create new wards and Nightingale hubs in gyms and education centres, giving NHS Trusts more treatment options for cancer patients.

Last year, the government offered free lung health checks at 23 locations across the country – with a further 20 new centres confirmed for 2022/23. The Faster Diagnosis Standard – 28 days from GP referral to diagnosis or all-clear – has also been implemented within NHS Trusts.

Today’s new call for evidence is seeking input from cancer patients, relatives and NHS staff to gain the deepest understanding of the issue possible and provide the best future for the country’s cancer care. The easiest way to participate is by visiting

The call for evidence will run for 8 weeks, after which the government will factor in responses into its new 10-Year Cancer Plan which is expected to be set out in summer.


  • Participants can respond to the call for evidence as an individual, or on behalf of an organisation. It closes at 11:45pm on 1 April 2022.
  • The Health and Social Care Secretary’s speech will be available to view via video link on the DHSC twitter channel, pending approval from the social media team.
  • The Long Term Plan was originally published in January 2019 and included several ambitions on cancer.

Take Back Control: Two Futures (or how to beat the climate emergency)

Introduction: the Environment Agency

First of all, thank you very much for the invitation to speak to you this evening. My name is James Bevan and I’m the Chief Executive of the Environment Agency. The clue to what we do is in the name: we protect and enhance the environment. We do that in manifold ways, including by regulating the businesses that can pollute it in order to protect our air, water and soils; by enhancing nature to create new habitats and restore damaged ones; by building and maintaining flood defences to protect lives and livelihoods, and by warning, informing and supporting communities when flooding threatens. But if you want a short summary of what we do it’s this: we create a better place. At the heart of doing that is tackling the biggest threat we all face – the climate emergency.

And it’s that emergency that I want to talk to you about this evening. I’m going to speak for around 20 minutes then open it up for your questions and observations, and I really am interested in hearing your thoughts.

Wolfson College

But let me start by praising the great institution that is Wolfson College and all of you who make it so. The vision of your first President, Sir Isaiah Berlin, that the College should operate in ways that were “new, untrammelled and unpyramided” is as relevant today as it was in 1966. Your progressive ethos is shown in how the College is leading the way amongst universities on the environment. You aim to be the first zero carbon higher education institution, with a 75% carbon reduction from your estate already on track to be achieved by the end of next month, and the goal of achieving Net Zero in 2030. You have the Earth Emergency Cluster to contribute your expertise to global discussions on the climate and ecological crises. And you have your Green Team – the staff and students on the ground who are the driving force behind these and other initiatives, and without whom they simply would not be happening. So Wolfson is the ideal place to discuss the climate emergency.

The climate emergency

You hear a lot about that emergency these days, much of it depressing. So tonight I’m going to try something different: I’m going to look into my crystal ball and give you two versions of the future. Both are possible. The first future we might end up with is both depressing and scary. The second is the opposite of that: it’s reassuring and uplifting. Realising that second, better, future is also entirely possible, provided we do the right things. And we can, because we have agency. So tonight I am going to tell you how we can beat the climate emergency by – to coin a phrase that has been much used in a different context – taking back control.


But before I polish up my crystal ball, a health warning about futurology. It’s a lot harder than it looks. I know this from my own bitter experience. Seventeen years ago, when your distinguished President Tim Hitchens and I were both diplomats, the Foreign Office sent me to Harvard for a year to improve my mind. They didn’t send Tim, on the grounds that his mind did not need it.

And while I was at Harvard in 2005, I wrote a paper on The World In 2020, in which – based on the best analysis and future studies then available – I sought to identify what that world would be like, in order to help the Foreign Office prepare for it.

I looked out that paper a few days ago when preparing for this speech. It turns out that – a bit like the BBC weather forecast – I got about 50% of my predictions right. One of those was the (frankly fairly safe) prediction that the world would stay unstable and unpredictable. It also included a prediction that I am a bit prouder of getting right, though not of the fact that it happened: that by 2020 the world would experience a major pandemic.

But among the many things I got wrong were that I failed to identify the greatest threat that we would face in the decade in which we now stand. I thought the future would be much like the past (another safe and often wrong assumption) and therefore that the greatest threats to us all would remain terrorism and nuclear weapons. Wrong – because as we now see, and few would dispute, the greatest of all threats – to our lives, our livelihoods, our world and our future – is neither of those. It’s the climate emergency.

So I offer these thoughts tonight with a degree of entirely justified humility. I should also add, in defence of what I got wrong in 2006, that most other people who try to predict the future get it wrong. Let me quote you a few others who did:

Western Union, the US telegraph company, in an internal memo written in 1876: “This “telephone” has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication”.

Lord Kelvin, the distinguished scientist and President of the Royal Society, in 1895: “Heavier than air flying machines are impossible”.

Hal Warner, of the then silent movie company Warner Brothers in 1927: “Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?”

Popular Mechanics, the US magazine, in 1949: “Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons”. And my personal favourite, the Decca Record company in 1962, rejecting a little-known pop group from Liverpool: “We don’t like their sound and guitar music is on the way out”. That was the Beatles.

There is always a choice: we have agency

Existential climate dread is now a thing, particularly among young people. One of the main reasons is that we feel we are powerless in the face of the threat. Studies have shown that fighter pilots experience less stress than train commuters. The reason is that while the fighter pilot may sometimes be in danger she is also in control, whereas the commuter awaiting a badly delayed train to get to the office in time for a meeting is not in control. The big fact about climate change is that we are actually in control of it. We decide what happens to our planet. We can choose the future we want.

Future A: do nothing – let events control us

Doing nothing in the face of climate change is itself a choice. So let’s call that Future A. We can carry on running our lives and our economies more or less as we have since the start of the industrial revolution, based on energy derived from carbon. In which case we will continue to put more and more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, causing more global warming.

The effect of that is well known because it’s already happening. It will mean that sea levels continue to rise, as the glaciers and polar ice caps melt. Since most of the world’s population live near or on the coasts, or in low lying areas, and since once land has been swallowed by the sea it’s gone forever, that is an existential threat. More global warming will also mean more extreme weather, as the rising heat drives more intense storms, rainfall, flooding, heatwaves, drought and wildfires. That will pose obvious immediate threats to lives and livelihoods, but also more subtle ones: to our food supply as it becomes harder to grow the things on which we all depend; to human health as climate change increases both the risks of disease and extreme weather puts more stress on human physical and mental wellbeing; to ecosystems as plants and animals find they cannot cope with the changes; to peace and stability, as growing resource scarcity drives a potential rise in conflict; and to justice and equity, as the people who are least responsible for climate change – the world’s poor – find themselves the most vulnerable to its effects.

Those effects are global but where we will feel them is local. So let me illustrate what this version of the future would mean for where we are today, Oxford.

Oxford is a lovely place. It was founded as a river crossing on the Thames and the string of braided watercourses which traverse the city give it much of its character. It has many agreeable homes, a lot of them built on drained marshland. It’s surrounded by beautiful countryside, has good quality of life, a strong knowledge and services economy, modern infrastructure, easy rail and road connections to London and the rest of the country, and an attractive combination of the traditional (punting, swimming in the Cherwell) and the modern (Wolfson College). You don’t need me to tell you it is also the oldest university in the English-speaking world and that it has some of the finest collections of buildings in the world, many dating from Anglo-Saxon times.

Every single one of those things is at risk if we don’t act on climate.

In that version of the future the city of Oxford itself is at risk, as more frequent and more violent flooding makes it less and less liveable and disrupts daily life more and more frequently. Homes and businesses are at risk, as it becomes harder and harder to keep the water out of places built on floodplain or drained marsh. By 2100 the countryside around Oxford and the abundant wildlife it contains is dying, as extreme temperatures, drought and climate-driven disease takes hold.

Quality of life is dropping, as pollution makes the air harder to breathe, water scarcer and more expensive, and the weather something to fear rather than a subject of polite conversation at bus stops. If you liked angling, you can forget about that because river temperatures are so high that most local fish species are extinct. The city’s infrastructure and its links to the rest of the country are collapsing as the stress of much higher temperatures and much greater and more violent rainfall starts to damage roads, rail and utility supplies faster than they can be repaired. The city’s economy is in freefall as a result of the associated disruption to supply chains and the fact that it’s both a lot harder and a lot less attractive for tourists and students to come here. Even the very buildings of Oxford are falling apart as a result of the kicking the more extreme climate is giving them. And the student class of 2100 cannot believe that anyone ever jumped off Magdalen Bridge into the Cherwell on May Morning because all that remains of the Cherwell is a puddle that won’t break your fall but will definitely break your ankles.

Future B: take back control – build the future we want

This may sound like bad science fiction. It isn’t. All of these things can happen, to Oxford and the rest of the world, and they will happen unless we take back control and tackle the climate emergency.

Some are already happening. The hottest temperature in the UK ever recorded – 38.7 degrees – happened in 2019 in a place that I gather has been a friendly rival of yours for something like the last 800 years, Cambridge. The highest rainfall every recorded in the UK fell in 2015 when a gauge at Honister Pass in Cumbria recorded 341mm of rain in 24 hours: that rain caused some of the worst flooding in living memory. 2020 saw the wettest February on record in the UK, with some areas experiencing a month’s worth of rain in 24 hours and some getting over 400% of their average monthly rainfall – causing the Met Office to have to introduce two new colours to their rainfall maps to show this, and also causing river levels to break records across the country. On 16 February 2020 the Environment Agency had 600 flood warnings and alerts in place, the highest ever.

But none of the extreme outcomes I have identified for the world of 2100 need to happen. We can build the future we actually want.

We can do that in two simple ways: by tackling the cause of climate change through putting less carbon into the atmosphere so that we reduce the speed and extent of climate change, so-called mitigation; and by tackling the effects of climate change by making our places, our infrastructure and our economy resilient to its impacts, so-called adaptation.

The Environment Agency is playing its part in this.

We are a major player on mitigation. We regulate most of the greenhouse-gas emitting industries in this country, and with those industries are progressively reducing their emissions. We run the UK Emissions Trading Scheme which caps and reduces the emissions from aviation, steel and other heavy industries. We are a major player on adaptation. We build flood defences that will better protect communities in the face of growing flood risk. We work with planners and developers to create places that will be more resilient to climate shocks. We manage drought risk. We work to restore and enhance nature: planting trees, creating new habitat for wildlife, restoring peat bogs, returning rivers to their natural courses after the Victorians engineered many into straight drains, opening up rivers to fish and so on – all of which both helps mitigate climate change, because trees and peat bogs trap the carbon that causes it, and helps adapt to its effects, because thriving nature is more resilient to shocks.

And, like you here at Wolfson College, we are trying to walk the walk ourselves, with a commitment to make the EA a Net Zero organisation by 2030.

Let me underline two really important points about tackling climate change.

First, if we get this right we can not just make things a lot less bad than they otherwise would be, but a lot better than they are now. We can build better places for people and wildlife, unlock sustainable inclusive economic growth, and create a fairer, more just world.

And second, each one of us has agency. We can take back control in our own daily lives. Food accounts for up to 30% of our individual carbon footprints: so eat local, seasonal food and less meat and dairy. Travel can account for another third of our carbon: so walk or cycle, take trains or buses rather than cars, and if you need to drive then use electric vehicles as much as possible. Heating our homes is the other major slug of carbon in our individual lifestyles: so keep your central heating at no more than 19 degrees C, get double glazing, insulate your walls and roof, switch to a renewable energy tariff and consider fitting solar panels.
Finally, if you want to make an even bigger difference, three little words: have less stuff. Resource consumption is the other big X factor in our individual carbon footprints, because every single thing we have has embedded emissions – the carbon emitted from its production and transport to us, and from its eventual disposal: so have fewer things, use them for longer, and share them with others.

If we tackle the climate emergency in the right way at all levels – global, national, local, individual – we will succeed. And if we do here’s what Oxford will look like in 2100 under Future B.

The city will be at ease with itself and its rivers. The risk of frequent flooding will still be there, but the threat it poses to Oxford’s people, places and economy will have reduced. That’s because the EA’s flood schemes – some hard engineering but a lot of them natural flood management, using trees and fields to store water – will have reduced the risk of property flooding materialising; and because – working with the planners and developers, we will have helped design a city which is more resilient to the effects of flooding when it does happen. The countryside around Oxford will be greener and bluer, and it will have more healthy and more abundant wildlife than it does now. Quality of life will be higher, with cleaner air, purer water, and better places for people to live, work and play. Fish will be more not less abundant in the local watercourses. While the weather will still be more exciting than it was – because the amount of carbon we have already put into the atmosphere means some further climate change is inevitable – it will not be life-threatening and the city’s upgraded infrastructure will cope easily. The city’s economy will be even stronger than it is now, not least because the knowledge economy – Oxford’s USP – will draw in more investment, jobs and talent because it is itself part of the solution to a changing climate. Tourists and students will still flock to the city, but will live in it and move around it in ways that don’t cause harm to the planet. The glorious buildings – including the modern architecture – that make Oxford what it is will still stand and inspire future generations. And while the Cherwell will be a thriving watercourse, it will still be just as dumb to try jumping off Magdalen Bridge into it as it ever was.

Reasons to be cheerful: why the future is already looking brighter

I’m an optimist about climate, because while humans have consistently shown they can do very dumb things, as a species we have also shown a consistent ability to think our way out of whatever scrapes we have got ourselves into.

And I have become a good deal more optimistic in the last five years. That’s because in that time we have seen a shift in how all the key players think about climate. Ordinary people all around the world are now seeing the damaging effects of a changing climate and demanding action. That is putting pressure on governments around the world to act, and they are: the commitments made at COP26 last November – if implemented – will get us much closer to the climate stable world we want. Meanwhile – whether or not their own governments are acting – businesses are doing it anyway, disinvesting from carbon and investing in renewable technology not just because it’s the right thing to do but because it’s the smart thing to do for businesses that want to continue to make money. Meanwhile ordinary citizens are taking back control by opting for low carbon lifestyles and pressing their own governments to act.

Last but not least, our scientists, researchers and academics – many of you and your colleagues around the world – are identifying new ways to tackle the climate emergency and its effects and build better economies and societies. So enough futurology. I prefer to go by what they say in Silicon Valley: “the best way to predict the future is to invent it”.


I and you started with Sir Isaiah Berlin. Let me finish there too. As most of you will know, in 1994, towards the end of his life, Sir Isaiah accepted an honorary degree from the University of Toronto, and prepared what he called a message to the 21st century which was read on his behalf at the ceremony. If we do the right things now, that message works too for the generation of 2100. So I will finish by quoting the final words of Sir Isaiah’s message about the 21st century, addressed this time to those who will follow us into the next one:

“I congratulate you on your good fortune; I regret that I shall not see this brighter future, which I am convinced is coming. With all the gloom that I have been spreading, I am glad to end on an optimistic note. There really are good reasons to think that it is justified”.