New store is ready to take on boxes

News story

A key facility needed to store legacy waste has taken another step closer to receiving waste.

The test waste box being lowered into BEPPS-DIF

The test storage box successfully being lowered into the vault

The Box Encapsulation Plant Product Store – Direct Import Facility which will take on and store waste from our Pile Fuel Cladding Silo has successfully completed its first dry run of a storage box being transferred from road, to its long term storage vault.

It’s the Direct Import Facility part of the operation that will bring the 3 metre cubed boxes full of waste safely and securely into our stores.

This high-tech facility is the vital bit between the waste coming out of the Pile Fuel Cladding Silo and being stored in one of 4 product stores.

The current date for real waste to start coming through the facility is summer 2022.

The facility will import 3m3 boxes of waste into 2 vaults designed to provide storage for a century.

There are 2 routes into the facility – one directly from our Box Encapsulation Plant and the other by road directly into Direct Import Facility. It’s this vital road link which has been successfully tested.

The test storage box being transferred by road

Head of the project, Jeff Gaines said:

The test is to prove the Direct Import Facility and vault equipment will operate as one, to provide confidence ahead of our full plant performance demonstration. This testing was a ‘dummy run’, undertaking the first full cycle of a package from the road bay to the vault.

It was a complete success with no faults or failures. In addition, the project team welcomed our operators who were able to validate their instructions whilst getting some hands-on training on the equipment ahead of handover of the Direct Import Facility area to operations in March.

Published 14 February 2022

Plans approved for a new ‘aquagreen’ that will reduce flood damage in east Hull

Planning permission for the project at Castlehill has now been approved by Hull City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council and work is expected to start late spring.

A public consultation was launched in September 2020 on proposals for the ‘aquagreen’ – a versatile green space, south of the old Bransholme Dairy Farm, which will store excess water during a flood and then slowly release it back into the drainage system after the peak of the flood has passed.

Homes in North Carr and Sutton are currently at risk of flooding from water in the Holderness and Sutton Cross drains after heavy rain. The Holderness Drain is a man-made river channel. When it becomes full, water flows into Sutton Cross Drain, overwhelming the local drainage system and increasing the risk of flooding for homes in the area. This area narrowly avoided disaster in November 2019 when other parts of Hull were affected by flooding.

The ‘aquagreen’ is the second phase of the £28.5m Holderness Drain Flood Alleviation Scheme, and follows construction of the new East Hull Pumping Station.

The scheme has been made possible thanks to a close collaboration between a number of organisations:

Andrew Barron, Environment Agency flood risk advisor for Hull, said:

This is a really important step in the delivery of the Holderness Drain Flood Alleviation Scheme, which will reduce flood risk to hundreds of homes and businesses in the North Carr and Sutton areas. The scheme, which also includes a new pumping station, will contribute to making the Humber region more resilient to the effects of climate change.

Councillor Dean Kirk, Hull City Council’s portfolio holder for flood risk, said:

We are delighted that this important phase of the Flood Alleviation Scheme on Holderness Drain has received planning consent. The works at Castlehill will deliver many more benefits alongside the reduction in flood risk to homes and businesses.

These include job creation for local people through the materials and workforce supply chain in the construction phases, habitat creation, improved water quality, connecting communities with the heritage and nature of the site and amenity value.

Water is a key part of Hull’s heritage and this project will help enhance that link.

Councillor Chris Matthews, portfolio holder for environment and climate change at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said:

I am pleased to see this important project going ahead to reduce the risk of flooding to hundreds of homes and businesses in this area.

Our areas have, unfortunately, seen many flooding events in the past few years but we hope that, by working together on schemes like this, we can mitigate that risk.

James Leeming, Senior Project Manager at National Highways, said:

It’s vital we keeping our roads flowing freely and protect the communities who live alongside them, so this decision is a significant advance in the fight against flooding in this area.  We will continue to work closely with our partners along the A63 route to ensure the continued success of the Holderness Drain Flood Alleviation Scheme.

James Newman, Chair of the Hull and East Yorkshire LEP, said:

The Holderness Drain flood alleviation scheme has the potential to reduce the flood risk to hundreds of properties and large areas of land in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire.

We believe the Castlehill Scheme will not only improve the health and wellbeing of the local community, with the greater public access to woodland and grasslands, along with a network of paths, but it will also play an important role in the Government’s targets of working towards Net Zero.

This would not have been possible without this Legacy Project and I am delighted that we have been able to support this scheme.

This partnership scheme, led by the Environment Agency and supported by Hull City Council, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, National Highways and the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership’s Local Growth Fund Programme, will better protect around 1,000 properties and help to provide a long-term, more sustainable solution to the problem of flooding in this area. The Hull and East Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership secured £2.14 million towards the project through the Local Growth Fund as part of the Government’s commitment to the Northern Powerhouse.

The project is part of a record £5.2 billion investment by the Government in 2,000 new flood and coastal defences across the country between 2021 and 2027.

You can read a more detailed description of the changes to the plans in the full report, which can be downloaded from the Holderness Drain website:

Holderness Drain Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) – Information Page – Environment Agency – Citizen Space (

If residents have any questions they can email the project team at:

To find out about flood risk in your area and to sign up to the Environment Agency’s free flood warning service, visit or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188.

New safety rules for enclosed spaces on board vessels

Press release

Seafarers will be better protected as new UK rules come into force to tighten up safety for those who work in enclosed spaces on board vessels.

Preparing the space for entry

The updated legislation goes further than that currently required under international maritime law and is part of the ongoing commitment by the UK to seafarer welfare.

Enclosed spaces include chain lockers, cargo holds, duct keels and water tanks – or any area that has been left closed for any length of time without ventilation.

Six people have died over a ten-year period from 2009 to 2019 in UK ports while working in such spaces, which has led to this legislation being introduced. Although carrying out assignments in enclosed spaces is a necessary part of working on ships, the MCA is committed to reducing the risks and will continue to review how best to protect people in those environments.

The changes will replace previous legislation, requiring ships to protect workers from the risks of entry into enclosed spaces through measures such as regular safety drills and providing atmosphere testing equipment.

Given the serious risk to seafarers’ health and safety, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency has also extended the new measures to a wider range of vessels than just those covered by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). Fishing vessels will now also be required to put in place safe systems of work for enclosed space entry.

The regulations come into force for vessels which come under SOLAS on 14 May 2022 while for all others it will apply from 14 May 2023. The dates have been chosen to give the ships for which the regulations are new the time to become compliant.

Katy Ware, Director of Maritime Services said:

We remain committed to protecting the safety of those who spend their lives working at sea. There is a serious risk to seafarers’ health and safety by going into these enclosed spaces, even though it is sometimes a necessary part of their work and we want to do all we can to reduce the risks.

The risks from working in enclosed spaces are well known across the shipping world and all of us know that more needs to be done to reduce the number of fatalities. These regulations will replace and extend current legislation which will go right across the merchant sector.

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency has also published MGN 659 (M+F) Entry into enclosed spaces, which further explains the requirements of the regulations, as well as publishing leaflets and posters (available free of charge from the webshop) to raise awareness of safe procedures for enclosed space entry.

Published 14 February 2022

Dstl ‘briefcase bomb’ donated to Royal Logistic Corps Museum

The Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) incorporates the Army’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal regiments whose bomb disposal experts are called upon to assist the police when suspected explosives are discovered, such as unexploded bombs dropped from enemy aircraft during world war two and devices planted by terrorists.

This task provided a great opportunity for a mechanical engineering and an electronics engineering apprentice to put some of their skills into practice.

The interactive briefcase displays a fake bomb and includes a circuit connecting up fake dynamite, a battery and a 7-segment timer. This deceptively simple circuit hides another underneath, which controls the interactive element of the exhibit. When a hinged lid is opened, the timer starts to count down to zero, and the user has 10 seconds to ‘defuse’ the bomb by pressing one of three buttons to break the circuit. If the circuit is broken, the timer stops, but if the incorrect button is pressed, the countdown continues to zero activating flashing lights and an explosion noise.

The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) is recognised as a global authority in explosives analytics using state-of-the-art facilities. Its experts give evidence in support of the criminal justice system in the UK as well as assisting international partners.

Joe, a Dstl engineer, said:

The briefcase bomb game tests quick logical thinking, mixed in with the time pressure of making the correct choice. It really puts you on the spot. I found it interesting to imagine myself in the player’s position and then design it with that perspective in mind.

Engineer Helen from Dstl added:

We really enjoyed the opportunity to produce an exhibit for the RLC Museum. The main aim of such outreach and collaboration projects is to inspire young people to pursue careers in science and engineering – and what a fun project to do it with!

RLC Museum Director, Simon Walmsley, said:

I would very much like to thank Dstl’s apprentices and supporting staff who have made an outstanding product for the RLC Museum to use with visitors.

The device supports our STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Maths learning schemes. Selecting the correct button (cutting a wire) to render the device safe, requires a quick analytical thought process and also a basic knowledge of electrical circuitry, all under time pressure. Not everyone gets it right…

One of the stories the RLC Museum captures is explosive ordnance (bomb) disposal, particularly in Northern Ireland during OP Banner. We have a number of exhibits supporting this story and having the ability to help the visitor understand this trade and the pressures Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Operators are under, by using this mobile interactive device is fantastic. Being mobile, this device can be used at the front of the museum and at external events in the summer.

New chief executive at Defence Science and Technology Laboratory

News story

Dr Paul Hollinshead OBE today takes the reins of Dstl, the science inside UK defence and security

Dr Paul Hollinshead

Dr Paul Hollinshead

Paul has led complex large science and technology programmes in the defence and civil sector for more than 20 years.

He joins Dstl from the Defence Nuclear Organisation where he was director warhead.

Paul, who started his UK Government career at Dstl’s predecessor the Chemical Defence Establishment, Porton Down, as a higher scientific officer 34 years ago, said:

It is the privilege of a lifetime to be asked to take stewardship of Dstl – the very place I started my career.

Dstl is a world-renowned science and technology organisation and plays a pivotal role in keeping this country safe and prosperous.

I look forward to working with brilliant Dstl colleagues to ensure the UK benefits from the best scientific advice and technological solutions.

Dstl chairman Adrian Belton said:

I’m delighted to welcome Paul to Dstl. He brings a tremendous amount of experience in science and technology across government as well as defence and security that will be invaluable to Dstl at an incredibly exciting time.

I look forward to working with him.

Paul’s first day in the job is today, Monday 14 February 2022.

He replaces Doug Umbers who has been interim chief executive since Gary Aitkenhead left the organisation in April last year.

Doug returns to his role as Dstl Chief Operating Officer.

More information about Paul’s varied career can be found in his biography.

Published 14 February 2022