City Deal project showcases technology for athletes

UK Government Minister David TC Davies has visited the £132 million Swansea Bay City Deal Campuses project to see how the technology for Smart Garments has been developed and was used by athletes, including medal winners, in last year’s Tokyo Olympics.

The wearable technology was designed by Swansea University experts who invented a flexible heater using carbon-based stretchable graphene ink that can be directly attached to fabric. This keeps muscle temperature at a constant level which can improve an athlete’s performance.

He also learned about a ground-breaking partnership between Swansea University academics, the local Health Boards and industry that studies the demands of elite, professional cyclists with Type 1 Diabetes in order to gain a better understanding of glucose management and develop recommendations for others with the condition.

The Swansea Bay City Deal Campuses project is supported by funding from the UK and Welsh Governments as part of the Swansea Bay City Deal. The investment will be used to promote innovation and business growth in the expanding Medical and Sports Technology sectors and lead to more products, like Smart Garments, being developed.

The project is planned to generate over 1,000 jobs in the Swansea area and is predicted to be worth over £150 million to the regional economy by 2033.

It is led by Swansea University, in partnership with Swansea Council, Swansea Bay University Health Board, Hywel Dda University Health Board, a Regional Collaboration for Health (ARCH) Partnership and key private sector partners. Delivered in two phases, the project is located in Singleton and Morriston.

Phase one, which will utilise City Deal funding over the next three years, will deliver 2000m2 of dedicated research and innovation space within the Sketty Lane Sports Park at the Swansea University Singleton Campus. This will establish an environment which supports the development, testing and evaluation of medical, health, well-being and sports technologies, as well as commercial partnerships. In addition, phase one will also include the refurbishment of an existing building at Morriston Hospital. This site will create a 700m2 Institute of Life Sciences space for commercial and academic collaboration alongside clinical research and development.

Once the first phase is complete, it will unlock the development potential of major expansion at both sites over the next 12 years. This will further establish the area at the forefront of health, sports, and science, whilst driving economic development and adding value to the region. This is expected to include a 55-acre Innovation Park with space for SMEs and large companies in the booming Sports Technology and Medical Technology sector. At the Singleton Campus the second phase will allow for the creation of a centre of excellence within sport with world-class facilities for elite teams and community sports, along with sports technology and research.

Councillor Rob Stewart, Chairman of the Swansea Bay City Deal’s Joint Committee, said

We are delighted to welcome Minister David T C Davies to Swansea University with the approval of the Campuses Business Case. Led by Swansea University, this project will build on regional expertise in life science, well-being, and clinical innovation which will help prevent ill-health, develop better treatments and improve quality of life. It will also create over 1,000 well-paid jobs, boost the economy and help attract significant additional investment.

The Campuses project is the final one in the Swansea Bay City Deals’ portfolio to be approved, and we are very proud to achieve this significant milestone. We are now focusing on delivering the entire portfolio in order to build a more prosperous region for our residents as well as accelerating our economic recovery from the pandemic.

UK Government Minister in Wales, David TC Davies added

I very much enjoyed seeing the work that is already underway on this project. Everyone involved has huge ambition and drive, as well as some truly innovative ideas and it was a pleasure to meet all those working so hard to make it a success.

The UK Government is delighted to be funding this ambitious project, which will build on everything that I’ve seen, and will make Swansea University, along with their partners, leaders in 21st century Medical and Sports Technology.

As well as a huge boost to jobs and the local economy, the technology that will be developed will improve the health and wellbeing of people both in Swansea and beyond.

Professor Paul Boyle, Vice-Chancellor of Swansea University said

Swansea University is delighted that this major regional initiative, in collaboration with Swansea Council, our local health boards and key private sector partners has now been approved.

Harnessing the thriving health and life science ecosystem in the Swansea Bay City Region, this project will establish an international centre for innovation in healthcare and medicine within the Sketty Lane Sports Park on our historic Singleton Campus, generating positive impact for population health and supporting the development of an innovative Sports Tech industry here in Wales. It will support our university in realising our regional ambitions for sport, enabling us to champion well-being and preventative health, and support public participation in sport across the lifespan.

The Campuses project exemplifies what can be achieved through effective cross-sector collaboration, and we are proud to partner with business and government for the wider benefit of our region.

Mark Hackett, Chief Executive Officer. Swansea Bay University Health Board said

The value of research and development to the health economy in the Swansea Bay region cannot be underestimated. Not only does this attract high quality jobs and investment to the area, but it paves the way for exciting opportunities for staff and patients to be involved at the forefront of exciting developments and innovative treatment.

This Swansea Bay City Deal Campuses project is just the start, and as our reputation as a high quality research and development grows, it will also help us attract even more high calibre staff. As a health board we are delighted to be able to accommodate a key part of this project on our Morriston Hospital site, bringing this cutting edge research into the heart of healthcare.

Welsh Government Economy Minister Vaughan Gething added

The Welsh Government has a clear focus on creating a stronger, fairer, greener economic future. We want Wales to be a country that’s at the forefront of innovating new technologies that will benefit people in their day-to- day lives. The significant investment we’re making as part of the Swansea Bay City Deal will further enhance Wales’ leading role in advanced medical technologies and science. It will support businesses to exploit links with academia, bringing world-leading research out of the labs and industry and into society, for the benefit of our people and economy.

The Swansea Bay City Deal is an investment of up to £1.3 billion in a portfolio of nine major programmes and projects across the Swansea Bay City Region, which are together worth over £1.8 billion and 9,000 jobs to the region’s economy in coming years.

Funded by the UK Government, the Welsh Government, the public sector and the private sector, the City Deal is being led by Carmarthenshire Council, Neath Port Talbot Council, Pembrokeshire Council and Swansea Council, in partnership with Swansea University, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Swansea Bay University Health Board and Hywel Dda University Health Board.

Thurrock Flexible Generation Plant development consent decision announced

The  application was for the proposed development comprising of the construction and operation of Gas Reciprocating engines with up to 600 MW electrical capacity and Battery Storage with up to 150 MW electrical capacity.

The application was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration by Thurrock Power Limited on  27 May 2020 and accepted for Examination on 24 June 2020.

Following an Examination during which the public, Statutory Consultees and Interested Parties were given the opportunity to give evidence to the Examining Authority, recommendations were made to the Secretary of State on 16 November 2021. 

This is the 106th Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project and 65th energy application to have been examined by The Planning Inspectorate within the timescales laid down in the Planning Act 2008. 

The Planning Inspectorate’s Chief Executive, Sarah Richards said: 

“The Planning Inspectorate has examined more than 100 nationally significant infrastructure projects since the Planning Act 2008 process was introduced, ensuring local communities have had the opportunity of being involved in the examination of projects that may affect them. 

“This Examination took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Examining Authority ensured that local people, the local authority and other Interested Parties were able to fully participate.

“The Examining Authority listened and gave full consideration to local views and the evidence gathered during the examination before making their recommendations.”  

The decision, the recommendations made by the Examining Authority to the Secretary of State and the evidence considered by the Examining Authority in reaching its recommendations are publicly available on the project page of the National Infrastructure Planning website. 


Journalists wanting further information should contact the Planning  Inspectorate Press Office, on 0303 444 5004 or 0303 444 5005 or email:  < >

Notes to editors: 

The Planning Inspectorate’s National Infrastructure Programme of Projects details the proposals which are anticipated to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate as applications in the coming months.  

Environment Agency warns south west coastal communities to prepare for flooding from Storm Eunice

Press release

Storm Eunice forecast to cause a tidal surge along north coast of Devon, Cornwall and Somerset on Friday.

  • Risk of flooding to homes and businesses along the coast
  • Residents urged to take action to prepare for flooding

The Environment Agency is urging people living in flood risk communities along the north coast of Cornwall, Devon and Somerset to prepare for flooding from a forecast tidal surge caused by Storm Eunice this Friday.

The tidal surge is possible Friday morning, and the Environment Agency is urging people to take steps to protect themselves and their property from the risk of flooding.

Strong winds, large waves, coupled with the storm surge, are likely to cause wave-overtopping and flooding to exposed communities on the north coast during the high tide.

People are advised to stay away from coastal areas and keep away from shoreline roads and paths, piers and promenades.

Residents are urged to sign up to Environment Agency Flood Warning messages and to make sure they are prepared for flooding by following the ‘Prepare, Act, Survive’ guidance:

  • prepare a bag that includes medical and insurance documents
  • check the latest flood situation online
  • know how to turn off your gas, electricity and water
  • check your insurance to make sure you are covered for flood damage. If you rent your home, it is your responsibility to have insurance for your belongings.
  • if you are flooded, call 999 if in immediate danger and follow advice from emergency services.

Jim Flory, for the Environment Agency, said:

Strong winds from Storm Eunice could cause a storm surge and large waves, bringing a risk of flooding to homes and businesses along the north coast.

We’re seeking to give early warning to communities to prepare. We will issue flood warnings if necessary and we have teams out on the ground taking action to reduce the impact of any possible flooding.

You can check your flood risk, sign up for free flood warnings and keep up to date with the latest situation at, call  Floodline on 0345 988 1188 or follow @EnvAgencySW on Twitter for the latest flood updates.

A Met Office weather warning is in place for Storm Eunice, so people should take extreme care near any coastal areas. We urge people to stay safe and warn wave watchers against the unnecessary danger of taking ‘storm selfies’. 

Published 16 February 2022

PM call with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida: 16 February 2022

Press release

Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan this morning.

The leaders discussed the deeply concerning situation on the border of Ukraine, and the Prime Minister thanked Prime Minister Kishida for his offer to divert Japanese energy supplies to Europe.

Both agreed that the international community needed to stand united against an invasion of an independent country, and said they would not tolerate Russia’s aggression.

An invasion would shake the foundations of international order, and have severe consequences, they agreed.

Both leaders pledged to work together to tackle the threats of today and tomorrow, through close defence technology collaboration and their shared vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific.

On trade, the Prime Minister thanked Prime Minister Kishida for his support for the UK’s accession to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade bloc, and said the UK looked forward to further strengthening trade ties with Japan in the near future.

The leaders agreed to stay in close contact.

Published 16 February 2022

United Kingdom – New Zealand Regulatory Cooperation

News story

UK-New Zealand Regulatory Cooperation: Guidance on Veterinary Drug Simultaneous Reviews published.

Glass stand with VMD logo

The Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) have been discussing the opportunity to conduct simultaneous reviews of veterinary medicines submissions.

The VMD is pleased to announce the publication of the United Kingdom-New Zealand Regulatory Cooperation: Guidance on Veterinary Medicines Simultaneous Reviews.

This guidance document will serve as the foundation for simultaneous reviews of veterinary medicines submissions by our two agencies.

The guidance represents an important step forward by expanding opportunities for industry to simultaneously access two major markets. It provides opportunities to reduce burdens and to have a single project team working on the submission pathway working to common assessment timeframes. It also supports our shared aim of expanding access to treatment options for animals and helping food producers stay competitive globally.

The guidance outlines how the review process will work. It is intended to complement each country’s legislative and regulatory framework and associated technical guidelines, which remain in place.

This is an exciting opportunity and we look forward to working with the veterinary pharmaceutical industry on this new initiative.

Please contact if you would like further clarification or would like to discuss any potential projects that you may have which would benefit from this opportunity.

To contact the New Zealand Authorities directly, email

Published 16 February 2022