Greens making gains across the country as voters see party as the positive alternative

6 May 2022

  • Green Party’s diverse range of local election gains show it has become credible alternative to the Conservatives and Labour up and down the country
  • “No safe seats” as Greens take positions from Conservatives and Labour
  • Green gains all over England, from South Tyneside to Worcester, and from Exeter to the Wirral
  • Co-leader Adrian Ramsay: “People are looking for a positive alternative to the establishment parties, and finding it in the Greens”

The Green Party is celebrating another year of breakthrough results in the local council elections, with gains made from Labour and the Conservatives all across the country.

Green gains saw the party emerge as the credible alternative to the other major English parties, with voters desperate for trustworthy, hard-working representatives with a common sense approach to supporting people through the cost of living crisis. 

As of this morning, the Greens have won 32 seats with a net gain of 20 seats and made unprecedented breakthroughs on formerly Conservative and Labour “safe seats”.

Early on, results in South Tyneside showed the Greens doubling their seats to become the second largest party on the council and the main opposition party to Labour. In Worcester, the Green campaign pushed the Conservative-dominated council into No Overall Control, leaving the Greens with greater ability to influence council decision making to benefit residents. 

Greens also broke through with victories on new councils, including gaining their first ever councillor in Plymouth and on the newly-created Cumberland Council.

With more councils due to declare today, the Greens are predicting even more gains across the country.

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said: “The phenomenal results for the Green Party so far demonstrate that people up and down the country are looking for a credible alternative to the establishment parties, and finding it in us. 

“Whether that’s former Conservative voters put off by poor handling of the Covid pandemic or the constant leadership lies, or former Labour voters who just see weak opposition at a national and local level. 

“Greens are putting forward the practical solutions to the cost of living crisis and the climate emergency that will make a difference to people’s lives, from insulating homes to bringing down energy bills and creating jobs, to providing additional financial support for those on the lowest incomes. 

“The Green Party has now made breakthrough gains three elections running and we are expecting that trajectory to continue as people increasingly vote for candidates who listen, work hard on local issues, and are serious about the climate emergency.”


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Green Party expresses solidarity with the people of Moldova

26 April 2022

After Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy warns that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is just the beginning and that Putin may seek to capture other countries [1], the Green Party has expressed its solidarity with the people of Moldova, a country on the frontline of Russian aggression. 

Michal Chantkowski, Green Party activist, said:

“We strongly support the territorial integrity of Moldova and the country’s right to self-determination, including the right to apply to join the European Union. We call on the UK government to restate its support for Moldova’s independence and to provide support for democratic civil society organisations within the country.”

With the Russian invasion of Ukraine already resulting in over 435,000 people fleeing to Moldova [2], the Green Party has also demanded the UK government accept more Ukrainian refugees, including providing safe routes for those currently in Moldova to resettle in the UK.

Mr Chantkowski continued:

“We demand the UK government offer safe passage to many more Ukrainian refugees. This must also include citizens of countries other than Ukraine who are fleeing from Putin’s illegal war.

“Moldova is a country with only limited means to support people fleeing war, so we also call for financial and material help to be provided to public and civil society organisations in Moldova who are bearing the brunt of providing emergency support to the refugees.

“We stand in solidarity with the people of Moldova and we commend their generosity and selflessness in the face of the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in neighbouring Ukraine.”




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Rail fares pledge will not help working people, say Greens

19 April 2022

Responding to the Government’s announcement that some train fares will be cut for a five-week period from April to May, Green Party deputy leader Amelia Womack said,

“This slapdash pledge won’t counter the decade of soaring rail costs. Covering only off-peak travel and failing to cover half-term mean that those most squeezed by rail price hikes won’t see the benefits of this scheme. If the government really wanted to help those facing rising prices they would force rail companies to permanently cut commuter fares.”

“In France [1], Germany [2] and New Zealand [3], governments are taking bold action to cap rail fares at a price that is affordable for everyone. The UK should be following that lead and going further by permanently bringing down rail prices on routes that people use consistently.To truly reduce the cost of living and ensure that the greenest option is the cheapest option, we have to reduce fares for all train users, including commuters.

“We also need investment in reliable and affordable buses, which have been woefully neglected by this Government. Scotland, where the Greens have introduced free bus travel for under-22s, shows that free bus travel is possible and effective [4]. Bus services are facing meltdown unless there is a rapid and urgent increase to funding to build back passenger numbers after the pandemic.”


Notes to editors


Rail travel in the Greater Paris area has been capped at €5 (excluding airport travel). 


Germany is offering all citizens the use of regional transport for only €9 per month for three months. 

New Zealand is reducing public transport fares by 50% for a similar period. 


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Greens condemn government’s “inhumane” Rwanda asylum seeker plan

14 April 2022

Responding to the government’s plan to send asylum-seekers to Rwanda, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said:

“This is absolutely no way to treat people who are seeking sanctuary from war and persecution. This inhumane policy is yet another sign that the UK government is turning into an authoritarian regime that appears unconcerned with whether or not it remains within  the rule of law domestically and internationally.

“It is horrifying that Boris Johnson would commend such a cruel proposal, which could very well break international law as well as being costly and ineffective, simply as a way to appease the Tory backbenchers and divert attention from his own criminality. 

“The decision to send those seeking sanctuary to Rwanda, a country with an appalling human rights record [1], seems to be nothing more than an unspeakably cruel attempt at distracting people from the Prime Minister’s law-breaking and lies surrounding partygate.

”Sacrificing innocent bystanders to defend the leader is a technique typical of authoritarian regimes. Ministers, spokespeople and civil servants have all been sacrificed and now the most vulnerable people seeking asylum are being added to the list. That in itself demonstrates that the Tories are not fit to govern.”




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Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay calls on Prime Minister and Chancellor to resign following Partygate fines

12 April 2022

Responding to Downing Street’s confirmation that both Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Chancellor Rishi Sunak will be fined for attending parties during lockdown[1], Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“There is nowhere left for Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak to hide. They both broke the very laws they made to try and keep this country safe in a pandemic and must now resign.

“This is a damning indictment of the reckless culture of a Conservative Party and Prime Minister that consider themselves untouchable.

“During lockdown, people throughout the country were making unimaginable sacrifices, yet Boris Johnson and his chums thought they could act with apparent impunity, regardless of what they were asking others to do.

“Not only is this a cruel and callous way to run a government, it also shows that throughout the Conservative Party there runs a streak of sheer contempt for the vast majority of us. 

“The only way either Boris Johnson or Rishi Sunak can maintain a shred of decency is to apologise for the harm caused and step aside.”




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