Farm payment reforms “represent a handful of lifeboats launched in the face of an oncoming tsunami”

26 January 2023

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay responds to the government’s farming payment reform announcement [1].

Adrian Ramsay says:

“The government’s long-delayed replacement for EU farm payments represents an admission of failure. 

“Government has failed to grasp the scale of the nature emergency, the climate emergency and the food poverty emergency. These seismic crises threaten the very existence of our farmers and the security of our food supply.

“Never has farming been more important and yet the government has yet again failed to grasp the opportunity to make the radical yet pragmatic reforms that would help the agricultural sector meet its environmental obligations.

“Farming and food produce nearly one-third of greenhouse gases and are the biggest driver of wildlife loss. Rising food prices worsen the cost-of-living catastrophe. 

“The Green Party’s joined-up vision would use the billions of pounds we already spend in subsidies to tackle these related crises, and ensure farmers are valued and supported.

“For instance, we would refocus farm subsidies to help farmers transition to more sustainable, diverse and environmentally friendly forms of land use, including organic farming, agroforestry and mixed farming, and away from intensive livestock farming.

“We would provide farmers with grants to allow replacement of old high-emitting carbon farming machinery with low carbon machinery, and we would legislate to give farmers greater security of tenure, so that they can invest in sustainable improvements.

“The government’s national food strategy ignored the recommendations of its own advisers [2] and we ended up with a fragmented and diluted response to the needs of farmers and consumers. Now, after months of unforgivable delay, we have a repeat performance on payments.

“Farmers want to do the right thing for climate and nature – but they need a vision, and they need sensible, targeted support – and that is what is missing.  Too many of the small, innovative farmers are already on the brink of bankruptcy.

“Of the 280 measures announced today, there are a few welcome individual steps, but they do not lead to a sustainable future. They represent a handful of lifeboats launched in the face of an oncoming tsunami.”




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Green peer seeks to block new genetic engineering legislation

25 January 2023

A Green Party peer has accused the government of using a ‘marketing slogan’ to push genetically modified foods on the public ‘by the back door’. 

Natalie Bennett, former Green Party leader and now Green peer, says that the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill [1], which passed through the Commons and is in its final substantive stage in the Lords today, would allow genetically engineered foods to be marketed without labelling. A government consultation showed that 88% of the public and 65% of businesses were against the proposals.

Natalie is offering a last chance for the House to exclude animals from the Bill, or to exclude non-food plants and animals (like dogs and cats) from the Bill.

Natalie Bennett said:

“‘Precision Breeding’ is a marketing slogan, not a technical or legal term and has no place in the title of the Bill or future Act. It may sound clean and targeted, but look deeper and the dangers and potential unforeseen consequences of genetic modification are there. This is genetically engineered food by the back door, and with none of the labelling that allows consumers to make a choice.

“The science of gene editing is still far too uncertain and has been insufficiently considered or understood by the government, or adequately scrutinised by parliament. The public and businesses understand the risks better than the government – a majority showed overwhelming opposition to this dangerous legislation when the government consulted on the Bill. 

“After detailed, substantive and critical debate earlier in the House of Lords, we’ve seen only extremely weak amendments put forward by Labour. My final attempt to offer the government a constructive way forward is to propose a process of deliberative democracy, to allow careful considerations of the issues that the parliamentary process has failed to address, including the labelling the public so clearly wants to see.”


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Caroline Lucas responds to Chris Skidmore’s Net Zero Review

12 January 2023

“This review has to spell an end to ducking, dodging and delaying action” 

Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP for Brighton Pavilion, has the following response to Chris Skidmore’s Net Zero Review:

“If this review is to be met with any level of seriousness within Whitehall, then it has to spell an end to the Government’s current approach of ducking, dodging and delaying action.

“The overriding message from this review is one of urgency. We don’t have a moment to lose in our race to tackle the climate emergency – yet this Tory Government is content to flip-flop on fracking, greenlight new oil & gas and approve a climate-busting coal mine.

“If we are to move ‘further and faster’, as this review demands, we need every house to become its own power station. That means a turbo-charging of onshore wind and full-scale deployment of solar, with solar panels on every new roof in the country, in the transition towards clean, green, affordable renewables.

“But it also means we need to lock out climate-wrecking fossil fuels for good. This review might shy away from the truly transformative measures to end our dependence on dirty, dangerous fossil fuels. But the writing is on the wall for the fossil fuel industry – our Government needs to see it.”


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Government choosing profit over people by failing to act on pre-payment meters, Greens warn

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Greens call for business energy support to incentivise shift to renewables

4 January 2023

The Greens have urged the government not to reduce the support it provides businesses towards their energy costs, but to use it to incentivise the shift to renewables and energy efficiency.

As the government prepares to announce changes to the support it provides businesses for energy costs [1], Green Party co–leader Carla Denyer said:

“Businesses up and down the country are facing the very real prospect of having to go out of operation because of the multiple crises they are facing due to a failing economy. Now is not the time to reduce support, putting so many jobs, livelihoods and local services at risk.

“Instead, the government should be offering the right package of incentives to help businesses through this cost of living crisis and build a more sustainable future for all. The energy crisis we are seeing is not just a result of this winter, or even the war in Ukraine, but is a consequence of the wider climate crisis, which our government is failing to act upon.

“Businesses tell our councillors all over England and Wales that they want help to become more green by insulating their properties and shifting to renewables. 

“The government could use the energy support scheme to help make this happen by incentivising businesses to use renewable energy providers, providing insulation grants, and removing the current perverse incentive where businesses can be punished with increased business rates if they make their buildings more energy efficient.

“Small and independent businesses and enterprises are the lifeblood of local communities and we want to see them thrive as part of a greener, fairer future.”




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