Green Party: Government is ignoring climate change warning signs

23 January 2017
The Green Party has responded to the revelation the Government tried to bury its own climate change report [1]. The UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Report warns of significant risk to food supplies, deaths during heatwaves doubling and infrastructure damage due to flooding.
Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, said:
“It’s astounding the Government appears to have tried to bury its own climate change report. Climate change is the single biggest threat we face. The effects predicted by the report aren’t minor inconveniences – people’s lives are in danger. It’s hugely alarming the Government is sweeping its own warnings under the rug and failing to provide leadership.
“The report was quietly published on January 18, the exact same day experts confirmed 2016 was the hottest year on record [2]. The evidence is overwhelming and the Government should be responding to this report and tackling climate change head on by backing a renewable energy revolution. There is simply no excuse for inaction.”