Green Party


Green Party pledges to scrap tuition fees and bring back maintenance grants

26 April 2017

*Green Party launches three student policies

*Pledges to scrap tuition fees, bring back maintenance grants and protect students and universities after Brexit

*Co-leader Jonathan Bartley: “Students need a liferaft in the Brexit storm”

The Green Party will announce three policies aimed at students at an event in Sheffield today.

Co-leader Jonathan Bartley and deputy leader Amelia Womack will make a series of commitments to students during a visit to the University of Sheffield [1]. They will be joined by students, members of the Young Greens and Natalie Bennett, candidate for Sheffield Central.

The Green Party will pledge to:

*Scrap tuition fees

*Reinstate maintenance grants

*Continue the Erasmus programme and match EU funding for universities with a UK equivalent after Brexit

Ahead of the announcement, Bartley said:

“The Green Party is the only party standing up for students and putting young people at the heart of its campaign. Education is a right not a commodity to be bought and sold, and we need a level playing field so everyone has the chance to go to university or college. 

“Students need a liferaft in the Brexit storm. They are being ignored in the Brexit negotiations, despite having the most to lose. Funding for our universities is under unprecedented threat. The Green Party will not let young people miss out on opportunities to study, travel and work across Europe because of a decision that they so emphatically voted against.   

“Building a better future for young people is an absolute priority and today we are committing to policies that will help us work towards an open, fairer society where everyone has the chance to succeed.”


1.  The policy launch is at 12 noon, April 26 outside the Information Commons, University of Sheffield, 44 Leavygreave Road, Sheffield S3 7RD.

2. Green Party tax plans will be unveiled in the manifesto in May. The scrapping of tuition fees will be paid for through progressive taxation including a rise in corporation tax for large companies. Corporation tax has been cut sharply since 2010, with the main rate dropping from 28% to a proposed 17%, which will cost £12bn by 2020-21. 


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Local parties taking 'brave' decisions on electoral alliances, says Lucas

26 April 2017

Caroline Lucas has responded to a decision by local Liberal Democrats not to stand in Brighton Pavilion. 

She said: 

‘Tonight’s decision by local Lib Dems is welcome, particularly after Greens stood aside in Richmond. They recognise that I will be fighting this government’s extreme Brexit every step of the way and I thank them for their support.’

‘In Brighton something amazing is happening. People are putting aside party allegiances and working together so we have the best possible chance of delivering a fairer voting system and beating the Tories at the next election. Greens will be standing for election across this country and putting across our unique vision, but in a handful of places members of local parties are taking brave decisions for the common good. It’s now up to the Lib Dem and Labour leaderships to sit down for talks about how we can make this movement for electoral alliances work. Let’s not condemn this country to five more years of Tory rule.’


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Green Party EU spokesperson responds to Labour’s position on Brexit

25 April 2017

Responding to a speech by Keir Starmer, outlining Labour’s approach to Brexit negotiations if the Party wins the general election in June, Molly Scott Cato, Green MEP for the South West and the Party’s speaker on EU relations, said:

“A softer and more distinctive approach from Labour is welcome; to date Labour have danced to the Tories extreme and reckless Brexit tune, voting to trigger Article 50 without fighting for any conditions and effectively handing Theresa May a blank cheque.

“Greens would go much further than Labour and offer guarantees in areas not even mentioned by Keir Starmer.  

“We would not only guarantee existing rights for all EU nationals but defend free movement, especially for the young. We want young people to continue to enjoy the rights enjoyed by their parents and grandparents – the right to travel, study and work across Europe.

“Like Labour, we would ditch the great repeal bill, but replace it with more than just an EU rights and protections bill. We will push for a Great Reform Bill, to deliver a fair and proportional election system, reform of the House of Lords and a written constitution. Greens believe that the best way to protect jobs and workers’ rights is by remaining in the single market.

“Of course jobs and the economy are critically important in the negotiations with the EU, but by prioritising these above all else, there is a danger the environment gets side-lined. With the Tories plotting a bonfire of regulations that protect our air and water quality, safeguard valuable wildlife habitats and help tackle climate change, we need a new Environmental Protection Act and a new Clean Air Act to ensure environmental protections are maintained and enhanced.

“Labour’s call for parliament to be given a truly meaningful vote on the final Brexit deal is welcome, but their reluctance to give British people the same right shows a disregard for democracy. Greens believe that the people of the UK must be given an opportunity to accept or reject the future that is on offer at the end of the two-year Article 50 process through a ratification referendum.”



Molly Scott Cato is Green MEP for the South West of England and Gibraltar and is one of 50 Green/EFA MEPs in the European Parliament. She sits on the Economics and Monetary Affairs Committee, PANA committee investigating tax evasion and the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee. Molly is parliamentary candidate for Bristol West in the June 8th general election.


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'Different tone, same Brexit' says Caroline Lucas on Labour

25 April 2017

Caroline Lucas, Green Party co-leader, has responded to Keir Starmer’s interview on the Today programme today [1].

She said:

“Though Labour’s position on the EU has improved since their Article 50 capitulation it still simply isn’t strong enough. It’s a different tone, but looks like the same Brexit.

“Labour’s hollow words on access to the single market simply doesn’t stack up. Either they want Britain to remain a member of the Single Market or they don’t. And Labour’s reluctance to give British people a final say on the terms of any deal shows an utter disregard for democracy. If they trust MPs to have vote on the deal, then why not give people the choice in a ratification referendum?”




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Caroline Lucas: UKIP agenda is full-throttled Islamaphobia

24 April 2017

Caroline Lucas, the Green Party co-leader, has responded to UKIP’s ‘integration agenda’ [1]. She accused the far-right party of ‘full throttled islamaphobia’ and pledged to ‘stand up to the politics of hate’. 

Caroline Lucas, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“UKIP’s ‘integration agenda’ is an assault on multiculturalism and an attack on Muslims. It’s full throttled Islamaphobia. 

“Now that the referendum has passed Nutall’s party is desperately scrabbling around for relevance and seem to have settled upon attacks on Muslims and fringe far right politics as their new home. In this election the Green Party will be standing up to the politics of hate spewing from UKIP and putting forward a vision for a multicultural, welcoming Britain which we can all be proud of.”




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