Green Party responds to YouGov ‘ideal parliament’ survey

11 August 2017
The Green Party is renewing its call for the voting system to be overhauled following YouGov’s ideal parliament survey [1], which reveals voters favour having smaller parties better represented in parliament.
A survey of 5000 people found voters would want the Green Party to have an average of 33 seats, compared to the one MP it has now. The results would make the Greens the fourth largest party in parliament, ahead of UKIP with 29 seats and the SNP with 23. The results also revealed UKIP, Labour, Lib Dem and Conservative voters all want to see more Green MPs in parliament.
The Greens have long campaigned for the first past the post voting system to be replaced by proportional representation.
Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, said:
“Our broken and out of date political system is clearly failing to deliver what the country really wants. True democracy isn’t a two horse race where voters feel pressured to vote tactically. Real representation isn’t possible when millions of votes count for nothing. No one should be forced to hold their noses and vote for the least worst option rather than for who they actually believe in.
“The survey results reveal the public believes a strong Green presence in parliament is important, no matter what party they support. Even UKIP voters want to see more Green MPs.
“Electoral reform is well overdue and the Green Party will always fight for a fairer, more democratic voting system that would ensure Parliament looks like the people it it supposed to represent.”
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