Theresa May: Speech outside Downing Street 3rd May

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have just been to Buckingham Palace for an audience with Her Majesty The Queen
to mark the dissolution of this Parliament. 

2015 Parliament is now at an end, and in 36 days the country will elect a new
Government and choose the next Prime Minister. The choice you now face is all
about the future.

wins on 8 June will face one overriding task: to get the best possible deal for
this United Kingdom from Brexit. 

in the last few days, we have seen just how tough these talks are likely to be.

negotiating position in Europe has been misrepresented in the continental

European Commission’s negotiating stance has hardened.

against Britain have been issued by European politicians and officials.

of these acts have been deliberately timed to affect the result of the general
election that will take place on 8 June.

contrast, I made clear in my letter to the President of the European Council
invoking Article 50 last month that, in leaving the European Union, Britain
means no harm to our friends and allies on the continent. 

continue to believe that no deal is better for Britain than a bad deal.

we want a deal.  We want a deep and special partnership with the European

we want the EU to succeed. 

the events of the last few days have shown that – whatever our wishes, and
however reasonable the positions of Europe’s other leaders – there are some in
Brussels who do not want these talks to succeed. 

do not want Britain to prosper.

now more than ever we need to be led by a Prime Minister and a Government that
is strong and stable.

making Brexit a success is central to our national interest.  And it is
central to your own security and prosperity.

while there is enormous opportunity for Britain as we leave the European Union,
if we do not get this right, the consequences will be serious.

they will be felt by ordinary, working people across the country.

Brexit negotiation is central to everything.

we don’t get the negotiation right, your economic security and prosperity will
be put at risk and the opportunities you seek for your families will simply not

we do not stand up and get this negotiation right we risk the secure and
well-paid jobs we want for our children and our children’s children too. 

we don’t get the negotiation right, if we let the bureaucrats of Brussels run
over us, we will lose the chance to build a fairer society with real
opportunity for all. 

choice the country faces now is very simple.  Because there are only two
people who can possibly be Prime Minister after the 8th of June to negotiate

is a choice between me – and Jeremy Corbyn.

me you will get strong and stable leadership, and an approach to Brexit that
locks in economic growth, jobs for our children and strong finances for the NHS
and the country’s schools.

you will get Jeremy Corbyn with a hung parliament and a coalition of chaos.

simply will not get the right Brexit deal if we have the drift and division of
a hung parliament.

so with Jeremy Corbyn negotiating Brexit we will all pay a high price.

instead you want the best negotiation for you and for Britain, then you must
make your vote count.

vote for me and my local candidates in this election will be a vote to
demonstrate that unity of purpose.

vote for me and my local team will strengthen my hand when I negotiate for
Britain in Europe. 

vote for me will mean we can get on with delivering my plan for a stronger

while the opposition parties look to refight the battles of the past or to
paint a vision of the future that is filled with despair, I am ambitious for

I believe our best days lie ahead.

believe that with dedication and hard work, we can make a success of Brexit,
have confidence in our country and stand tall in the world once again.

believe that we can build a stronger Britain, where our economic progress is
secured and prosperity and opportunity is shared around the country. 

believe we can build a stronger economy that rewards all those who work hard,
and creates secure and well-paid jobs for our children and our children’s
children too.

believe we can build a fairer society with real opportunity for all, where
everyone has the chance to get on in life – where every child gets a good
school place and working people can buy a home of their own.

believe we can build a more secure and united nation by taking action against
the extremists who seek to divide us, and standing up to the separatists who
wish to tear our country apart.

I believe these simple values and aspirations are shared by ordinary working
people everywhere – and that they can bring this nation together as a

as we face this critical time for our country – five years that will determine
the course of this United Kingdom for generations to come – we must do so

a unity of purpose to make a success of Brexit and to build a stronger, more
secure country too.

in the weeks ahead, I will travel to all corners of this United Kingdom with a
positive vision for Britain and a determination to earn your vote.

I will do so with a clear message: 

like me, you believe in Britain…

like me, you want our country to succeed…

like me, you believe in putting division behind us, in looking to the future
and getting on with the job of building the stronger, more secure country that
we need…

fix your sights on the future, and in this unique and crucial election for our

me your backing to lead Britain.

me your backing to speak for Britain.

me your backing to fight for Britain.

give me your backing to deliver for Britain.

stronger Britain, where our economic progress is secured and prosperity and
opportunity is shared by all. 

Britain that works, not just for the privileged few, but for every single one
of us.


Theresa May: Speech in Harrow 8th May

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you very much everybody. It’s great to be here in Harrow today and it’s great
to be with you all this morning. As we move into the next phase of this vitally
important general election campaign the local elections are now behind us and
we must now focus on the critical general election and we cannot take a single
thing for granted. Now we’ve certainly not taken anything for granted as
regards our team because we’ve brought together a fantastic team of local
candidates for London and the South East, and my message to people in London
and the South East is that I need this team behind me, to be in a strong
position to ensure we get the best deal for Britain from Europe. And this is
the team that will be going out on the streets and taking out on those streets
our positive message, which is a message of strong and stable leadership in the
national interest. Of strengthening the UK’s hand in the Brexit negotiations,
of building a better future.

yesterday, a new French President was elected. He was elected with a strong
mandate which he can take as a strong position in the negotiations. The UK, we
need to ensure we’ve got an equally strong mandate and an equally strong
negotiating position. And if we vote for me and my team it will strengthen my
hand in those Brexit negotiations. And the alternative is to risk making Jeremy
Corbyn Prime Minister and just imagine try and picture him sitting at that
negotiating table with the collective might of the European Commission and 27
other European countries against him. And we know as Patrick [McLoughlin] said,
other parties are lining up to prop him up in a coalition of chaos. The Liberal
Democrats, the Scottish nationalists and others. A vote for any other party is
a vote to be a step closer to Jeremy Corbyn sitting at that Brexit negotiating
table. We must not let that happen and we must in not letting that happen we
can do that by winning support here in London and the south east. And we must
also make sure that we point out the nonsensical policies that Jeremy Corbyn
and the Labour party are putting forward, they simply don’t add up because they
would wreck the economy and render all their promises totally undeliverable.

by contrast we’re putting together credible and deliverable policies. Policies
that are in the national interests, policies like protecting workers pensions
against irresponsible bosses, like capping energy prices to support working
families, bringing in new mental health laws to end injustice. Those are the
positive messages that you will be taking out on the streets over the next few
weeks. And when I say taken out on the streets I mean taking them out on the
streets. As I said, we must take absolutely nothing for granted and it is only
by working flat out between now and the 8th of June that we can gain
the trust of the British people and gain the support of the British people. And
we must go out there, leave no stone unturned, no street un-walked down, no
door un-knocked on as you go out there, because every vote counts, every vote
counts, because every person counts and every community counts.

I’ve been a Member of Parliament for 20 years now, had the privilege to be an
MP for 20 years. And I’ve learned how important it is to get out there to speak
directly to voters and to listen to their concerns. And that’s my instruction
to candidates at this election is to go out there and to earn the support of
the British people. I’ve also learnt over the years that you can’t predict election
results, the polls got it wrong in the 2015 general election, they got it wrong
in the EU referendum and Jeremy Corbyn was a 200/1 outside chance to win the
Labour leadership. So take nothing for granted, as I say go out there take our
positive message to people, earn the support of the British people, show that
they can trust you, that they can trust me and my team in taking those Brexit
negotiations forward and getting the best deal for them. That is the positive
message that we must take out on the streets in the coming weeks. And if we do
that, and if we win their support, if we show that every vote for me and my
team is a vote for strong and stable leadership in the national interest, that
every vote for me and my team is a vote for strengthening our hand in these
Brexit negotiations, for getting the best possible deal for Britain from
Europe, that every vote for me and my team to lock in economic security for a
better future across the whole of the United Kingdom. If we do that and win the
support of the British public then together we can strive for Britain, together
we will fight for Britain and together we will deliver for Britain. Thank you.”


Theresa May: Speech in Bristol 2nd May

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great to be with you here in Bristol this evening. Now, this great city and
communities across Britain face a crucial choice, who will lead Britain through
Brexit and beyond? Will it be me and my team showing the strong and stable
leadership that our country needs? Or will it be Jeremy Corbyn at the head of a
coalition of chaos as we’ve just heard made up of Labour, the Liberal Democrats
and the SNP. So much depends on getting the next five years right, our future
prosperity, our place in the world, our standard of living and I have
determined to earn every vote I can because that will strengthen my hand in the
Brexit negotiations and help us to secure the best deal for Britain.

these negotiations will not be easy, the 27 European member states united in
their determination to get the deal that works for them. We must show the same
unity of purpose here at home to ensure that we get a deal that works in our
national interests too. Every vote for me and my local team will show that
unity of purpose, it will strengthen my negotiating position, it will help us
to secure the best possible deal for families and businesses across the United
Kingdom. And it is a chance for the country to come together, for us to put the
old divisions behind us, to move beyond the language of leave and remain.
That’s one of the reasons why  I oppose parties like the Liberal Democrats
because they stand ready to prop up Jeremy Corbyn’s coalition of chaos, to see
the Brexit process stall and to reopen the old battles of the past. And
remember it may say Liberal Democrat on the ballot but it’s Jeremy Corbyn who
will get the benefit.

the last election the South-West made the difference between a strong majority
government and a weak unstable coalition. The other parties are lining up to
prop up Jeremy Corbyn and disrupt our Brexit negotiations, and that would be a
recipe for drift and disaster over and division over what will be very crucial
years for this country and that’s why this election is so important. We need to
secure the leadership the country needs, leadership, stability, doing the right
thing for Britain and that is what you get from a Conservative party in
government and we have shown that in government. And if you just think back to
just under a year ago when I took over as Prime Minister, people predicting
that there was going to be immediate financial chaos, economic danger, what
we’ve actually seen is record numbers of jobs, consumer confidence remains high
and growth has been beyond all expectations.

that time when I took over, people were saying the country was divided it would
never come together again. But what I now see is a unity of purpose in this
country for us to get on with Brexit and make a success of it. And when I took
over as Prime Minister what the country needed was a clear vision and a strong
government to deliver on Brexit, to get that process going and that’s what the
Conservative government has delivered. So that is the certainty you get from
and the security you get from a strong and stable government, I think it’s
actually what leadership looks like.

as I say there is a very clear choice at the next election between me and my
team providing that strong and stable leadership in the national interest, or
Jeremy Corbyn heading that coalition of chaos. And make no mistake, that is
what the other parties are lining up to do. We hear it we see it from the
Liberal Democrats and we see it from Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish nationalists
too. They want to disrupt the Brexit negotiations, to frustrate and undermine
the task ahead, to stop us from leading Britain forward. And don’t think it
cant happen, the opinion polls got it wrong at the General Election in 2015,
the opinion polls got it wrong at the referendum last year and Jeremy Corbyn
himself has said he was a 200/1 chance for the Labour leadership in 2015 and
look what happened there.

we must not be complacent, we must go out and work for every single vote
because this election will be won by real people casting their real votes on
June the 8th. And what we need is to ensure that we can provide that
strong and stable government that is going to lead our country through into the
future, that is going to see us get the best possible deal for Brexit and
that’s a deal that works for all parts of the United Kingdom, the North and
South, for East and West, for town and city and country, for people across the
whole United Kingdom. And you know Brexit isn’t just a process, this isn’t just
about getting Brexit right, it is about taking our country into the future and
beyond Brexit. Because I think we have a once in a generation chance to change
this country for the better and make sure it is a country that works for
everyone and not just the privileged few.

it is our party that has the plan for a stronger Britain to do just that. It is
our party that has the strength and stability to deliver for people and that
means delivering for ordinary working families across the United Kingdom.
That’s what our plan is about and that is who I am in this for. So it means
getting the right deal abroad for ordinary working families, for Britain. That
means ensuring that we get the Brexit deal that we need, that we bring back
control of our borders, of our laws, of our money, the decisions that matter to
Britain are made here in Britain. It means that we build a deep and special
partnership with our European allies, it means striking deals for exporting
British goods and services around the rest of the world as well.

means leading the world in preventing terrorism and in fighting modern slavery,
it means building Britain as the strongest and most secure country in Europe.
And it also means what we provide for ordinary working families here at home.
Building that stronger economy, an economy that rewards hard work, an economy
that creates secure and higher paid jobs where we see prosperity and growth
spread across the whole of the United Kingdom. It means providing opportunity
for all, ensuring we’re building enough affordable homes, that we’re providing
a good school place for every child. And it means building a secure and more
united nation, that’s about taking action against the extremists who want to
divide us and standing up to the separatists who want to break up this great
United Kingdom of ours.

is the Conservative Party that has the plan and the vision to lead this country
into a brighter and better future. And that is the case that I and others will
be making as we go around the country over the next few weeks, taking a
positive message and a positive campaign to people about what we can achieve
together in the future. And I am looking forward as I have been doing in recent
days to getting out and about in different communities hearing people, talking
to them, hearing what their concerns are and putting my message across. Putting
our message across. And we have a very simple case, it is that it is only the
Conservatives that have the plan and the vision to lead this country forward.
It is only the Conservatives that have the leadership we need for the future
but it is only you the people who can give us that mandate. So vote for five
years of strong and stable leadership, give me the mandate to lead Britain,
give me the mandate to speak for Britain, give me a mandate to fight for
Britain and give me the mandate to deliver for Britain.”


Theresa May: Speech in Lancashire 1st May

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you for that welcome everybody and it’s fantastic to be with you today here in
Lancashire. You know since the beginning of this campaign I’ve been travelling
across Great Britain, making the case for strong and stable leadership in the
national interest. With great cities like London and Leeds, Aberdeen and
Newport, to proud towns like Bolton, Dudley, Banchory, Bridgend, all across
England, Scotland and Wales I’ve been pleased to meet communities and that
reflects a very important truth about this election because on the 8th
of June, every single vote will count. It isn’t about, it won’t matter who you
voted for before, it won’t matter who is traditionally that is strongest in
your area, this election is about securing the leadership we need for our country’s
future and every voter will have the chance to help Britain stand taller in the
world. Because across communities and communities across Britain, every vote
for me and my team will strengthen my hand as I sit at that negotiating table
with the Presidents, Prime Ministers and Chancellors of Europe.

vote for me and my team will help to secure a better deal for the future,
because we are stronger when we stand together united. United as a nation,
united as a people working together for a better future. And I want to see
every community in every part of our United Kingdom, having that better and
brighter future. I want to see us build a stronger, a stronger more secure and
better nation for our future, and that is only possible with strong and stable
leadership and that is what this election is about. It’s about stability, it’s
about leadership, it’s about securing a stronger and brighter future for our
country. And that will only come with a Conservative government.

we’ve shown that’s what Conservative governments do and if you just think back
when I took over as Prime Minister, immediately after the referendum there were
predictions of immediate financial crash, predictions of economic danger, but
infact, we’ve seen record numbers of jobs, we’ve just heard from Seema
[Kennedy] about jobs here in South Ribble, across the whole of the United
Kingdom we’ve also seen consumer confidence remain high, we’ve seen economic
growth which has been beyond all expectations. When I took over as Prime Minister
people said the country was divided, it couldn’t be brought back together
again, and yet what I now see, what I hear from people is a real unity of
purpose. They want government to deliver on Brexit and make a success of it and
when I took over as Prime Minister, what was needed was a clear vision and a
determination to deliver on Brexit for all people and that’s what we have
delivered. And that’s the security you get with a strong and stable government,
I think it’s what leadership looks like.

this next election there will be a very clear choice, it will be a choice
between strong and stable leadership under me and my team, or a coalition of
chaos led by Jeremy Corbyn. And make no mistake about it, the other parties are
lining up ready to prop up Jeremy Corbyn, you’ve heard it from the Liberal
Democrats, we’ve heard it from Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish nationalists. What
they want to do is actually disrupt our negotiations to frustrate and undermine
the task ahead and stop us from taking Britain forward. And don’t think that it
couldn’t happen, remember this, the opinion polls were wrong at the general
election in 2015, they were wrong about the referendum last year and as Jeremy
Corbyn himself has said, he was a 200/1 chance for the Labour leadership in
2015 and look what happened there.

this election will be won by real people casting real votes on June the 8th
and we need to ensure that we are casting those votes for the strong and stable
government that this country needs as I say to secure that brighter and better
future for us. And it’s important that of course we strengthen our hand in
getting the Brexit deal that we need, the right deal for this country. But
Brexit isn’t just a process, it’s an opportunity. It’s an opportunity, we have I
think a once in a generation opportunity to change this country for the better
and make this country truly a country that works for everyone and not just the
privileged few. And if we are going to do that, what we need to ensure that we
can do that is a plan and a clear plan for the future and it is me and my team
that has that clear plan. And of course part of it is about ensuring we get the
right deal abroad, it’s about ensuring that we get a good deal from our
negotiations for a deep and special partnership with our European allies. But
we get a Brexit deal that ensures that we take back control of our borders and
our laws and our money, so that decisions that matter here in Britain are taken
here in Britain.

also means striking deals so that we can export British goods and services
around the rest of the world. It means leading the world in standing up against
terrorism, it means also fighting against modern slavery and it means building
this country as the strongest and most secure country in Europe. But it’s also
about the deal and what we provide ordinary working people here at home. That’s
about building a stronger economy, an economy that rewards hard work, where we
create secure and higher paid jobs. An economy where prosperity and growth
truly are spread across the whole of the United Kingdom. It also means
providing opportunity for all, ensuring that we are building more affordable
homes, that every child has a good school place and it’s about building a more
secure and united nation. It’s about taking action against the extremists who
want to divide us but also standing up to the separatists who want to break up
this great country of ours.

securing that won’t just happen, it will take focus and it will take a clear
determination and it will take the right leadership in order to deliver that
and it will take a clear plan and a clear vision, and that’s what I and my team
have. And that’s the case that we will be taking, we are taking and will
continue to take out across the country in the coming weeks and I’m looking
forward to it. It’s a positive message about the future of our country and we
will be fighting a positive campaign and I look forward to going out and about
across the whole country, meeting communities, talking to people, hearing their
concerns but putting my case to them and as I say I think that case is clear.
It is me and my team who have the vision and the clear plan to build a stronger
future for this country. We have the plan, we have the vision, but only you the
people can give us the mandate. So my message is clear, give me the mandate to
lead Britain, give me the mandate to speak for Britain, give me the mandate to
fight for Britain and give me the mandate to deliver for Britain.”


Theresa May: Speech in Aberdeenshire 29th April 2017

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“It’s great to be here in
Aberdeenshire today as we approach the most important election the United
Kingdom has faced in my lifetime – an election in which every single vote will
count. And my message to the people of Scotland is clear – every vote for me
and my team will strengthen my hand in the Brexit negotiations. That will
strengthen the union, strengthen the economy and the UK and Scotland together
will flourish, because if Scotland is flourishing, the rest of the United
Kingdom is flourishing too. And that’s really important, because as Prime Minister
for the United Kingdom, I want to see every part of our country succeed. I want
businesses here in Aberdeenshire to succeed and to thrive just as I do
businesses across the rest of the United Kingdom. I want young people in the
northeast of Scotland to have a secure job and a bright future, just as I do
for young people in the south west of England. I want to see every single part
of our country thrive and succeed. 

And of course as I say,
every vote for me and my team will be a vote to strengthen our hand in those
Brexit negotiations. And my commitment is to ensure that we get the right deal
from those Brexit negotiations, and that’s what is important. As I say, every
vote for me and my team strengthens my hand in those negotiations. Every vote
for me and my team is a vote for 5 years of strong and stable leadership to
take us through Brexit and beyond. Every vote for me and my team is a vote for
strong and stable leadership in the national interest, and that is what this
election is about. It’s about leadership, it’s about stability, it’s about
doing the right thing for Britain, and you’ll only get that with the strong and
stable government that the Conservatives can provide, because that is what we
have shown in government. If you just think back, when I first took over as
Prime Minister just after the referendum, the predictions of immediate
financial crash, of economic danger, but actually because of the strength the
government has shown, what we’ve seen is consumer confidence remain high, we’ve
seen that there are record numbers of jobs and overall growth has been beyond
all expectations. When I took over as Prime Minister, people said the country
was divided. They said it would never come back together again, but actually
today I see a unity of purpose as people want the government to get on with
Brexit and make a success of it. 

And when I took over as
Prime Minister, what was needed was a clear vision and the determination to get
on with that job of Brexit, and that’s exactly what the government provided.
And that’s the security that strong and stable government can provide. I think
it’s what leadership looks like. So at this general election people will have a
very clear choice. Between 5 years of strong and stable leadership with me and
my team, or a coalition of chaos led by Jeremy Corbyn. And that’s what’s on
offer of course, because if you look at the other parties, they’re lining up to
prop up Jeremy Corbyn. We see it from the Liberal Democrats and we see it from
Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish Nationalists. 

And what they’re doing
is they want to disrupt our Brexit negotiations, undermine the task ahead, stop
us from taking Britain forward, and every SNP MP who’s elected to Westminster
puts a step closer Jeremy Corbyn getting in to Downing Street. And they want to
disrupt our Brexit negotiations by disrupting this election. And make no
mistake, it could happen. Just remember this, the opinion polls were wrong in
the 2015 general election. They were wrong in last year’s referendum. And
Jeremy Corbyn himself has pointed out, he was a 200-1 chance as Labour leader
in 2015 – look what happened there.

No, this election is
going to be won by real people voting on June 8th, real votes on
June 8th, and it’s important that we get that strong and stable
government that will only come under the Conservatives. Because we want to
build a stronger future for this country. Because we want to ensure we get the
right deal for Britain in Europe. A deal that works for every part of the
United Kingdom – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, for North and
South, for town, for city, for countryside – that’s what the Conservatives have
a plan for. That is what our vision is. And you only get that with a strong and
stable government. And we want to provide that stronger future by ensuring we
build a stronger economy, an economy where hard work is rewarded. An economy
where we see secure jobs, well paid jobs.  

An economy where we see
people able to get on through their own talents. It’s what our modern
industrial strategy is about – ensuring that we help firms grow and prosper
across the whole of the United Kingdom. That’s why the strategy here in
Scotland would continue to support the oil and gas sector, making the most of
future opportunities. It’s why we will ensure that we support and give a
brighter future, a better future, for Scottish fishermen, by coming out of the
common fisheries policy. And we want to support Scottish manufacturing,
including in the vital defence sector and the great Scottish shipyards. But
also we want to build new markets for Scotland’s world leading food and drink
products. And we want to ensure that we build a more secure and united nation.
And that means taking action against the extremists who would divide us, and
standing up against the separatists who want to break up our country. 

There is only one party
that is committed to the union. There’s only one candidate for Prime Minister
who will stand up and defend the United Kingdom. And my commitment is clear,
that if you strengthen my hand in those Brexit negotiations, I will work to
ensure that Scotland and the UK flourish together. So on June 8th,
vote for 5 years of strong and stable leadership. Give me the mandate to lead
Britain. Give me the mandate to speak for Britain. Give me the mandate for
Britain, and give me the mandate to deliver for Britain.”