Home Secretary Sajid Javid writes for the Guardian:“The…

Home Secretary Sajid Javid writes for the Guardian:

“The counter-terrorism and border security bill is not part of a sinister strategy to create an Orwellian state. 

“It is simply part of my desire to allow the public to live their lives safe in the knowledge that the police have the powers they need to protect us. 

“I look forward to making this case as the bill passes through parliament.” 

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the…

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office, David Lidington, writes for the Telegraph:

“This week, I hope that MPs from all parties, including those Labour MPs who want to see their constituents’ votes in the referendum acted upon, will give the Prime Minister their backing.

“They will be voting to support measures that are profoundly in our national interest – and in support of a Prime Minister resolute in her determination to deliver a Brexit deal that protects our economy and promotes our future prosperity.”

Yesterday, Home Secretary Sajid Javid unveiled our revised…

Yesterday, Home Secretary Sajid Javid unveiled our revised counter-terrorism strategy. 

“The threats are evolving, we must evolve too…Ultimately, our approach is about ensuring that there are no safe spaces for terrorists.”

International Trade Secretary Liam Fox writes for the Sun on…

International Trade Secretary Liam Fox writes for the Sun on Sunday on how Brexit will power Britain’s prosperity 

On #Marr this morning, Home Secretary Sajid Javid outlined key…

On #Marr this morning, Home Secretary Sajid Javid outlined key aspects of the Government’s new counter-terrorism strategy