King’s speech 3

The Speech needs to tackle problems with restoring productivity in public services, encouraging smarter working with a happier and better rewarded workforce.

1. Repeal the independent management of NHS England, as everyone still blames Ministers for management failings.

2. Reduce layers of management in NHS and strengthen powers of Trust CEOs and Boards

3. Strengthen rights to free speech in universities and Colleges

4.Amend public procurement rules to give proper recognition to the tax and job contributions to UK made by UK based suppliers

5. Require Ministers to hold annual meetings with quangos to 1. Set objectives for the year ahead and agree budgets; 2 to review annual report and accounts; 3 to review performance.

6.Grant NHS patients the right to free treatment in the private sector if the NHS fails to deliver in a stated time

7 Block  loans to Councils wanting to make commercial investments given the big losses some of them are recording on past attempts at property and green ventures

8.  Review and consolidate government property holdings to cut costs and reduce dominance of expensive London

9.Cut energy use in public sector

10. Charge foreign visitors for using public services

The King’s speech 2

I repeat here some of my supply side measures to boost investment and increase the UK’s ability to grow, produce and make more at home. More domestic supply will boost tax revenue, lower the  deficit and help bring inflation down.

1. Postpone ban on new petrol and diesel cars to 2040  from 2030 to allow investment and continued use of existing factories.

2. Postpone the ban on new gas boilers for home heating

3. Cut Corporation tax to 12.5%

4. Switch wilding and sustainable farming grants to grants and loans to grow more food with more labour saving machinery

5. Issue licences to produce more oil and gas from known North Sea fields and reserves

6. Keep all existing fossil fuel power stations to help meet demand in periods of low wind and sun

7 End grants for anti motorist schemes that cause more delay and congestion on main roads

8. Put in more bypasses and roundabouts in place of more traffic lights and road restrictions

9. Amend Housing Bill to avoid losing more landlords

10. Remove 2017 and 2021 changes to IR 35 to foster more self employment

11 Raise VAT threshold for small business to £ 250,000

12.Get regulator to allow more reservoir capacity by water companies

13. Suspend carbon tax and emissions trading to cut energy costs for high energy using industries like steel

14. Auction government run rail franchises to get better service for lower subsidy

15. Sell Channel 4

16. Work with private sector  to complete roll out of fast broadband

My speech about reforming the NHS

The King’s speech

I hear the government is seeking good ideas for next year’s legislative programme. I will be setting out in a few blogs what a Conservative King’s Speech could look like. I urge the government to find things to do which will deliver more prosperity, freedom and happiness. They need to remember it is 5 million Conservative voters that the polls say they have put off in the latest surveys who they need to win back for the general election.

Let’s start with the Foreign and Home offices.

1. Stop all overseas aid to any country with a nuclear weapons programme or with a defence budget greater than 2.5% of GDP. We should not be grant aiding rearmament by the back door.
2. Allocate more of the Overseas Aid budget to meet first year set up costs of asylum seekers and economic migrants.

3.Renegotiate the Windsor Agreement so that the more important Good Friday Agreement can be restored, with Unionists returning to Stormont.

4. Tell the EU  that if they put a tariff on our cars exported to the EU for insufficient local content we will place one on their exports of cars to us.

5. Strengthen the small boats legislation by adding a notwithstanding clause to exclude further legal challenges

6 Intensify actions to arrest and prosecute people smugglers.

7 Return more foreign prisoners to their own countries.

8. Decriminalise non payment of tv licence fee

9. Raise income thresholds for economic migrants

Wokingham Council to think again about bins

I am glad to see the Lib Dem Council accepts it was wrong to remove public bins without consulting residents and putting it to the Council. They should now reinstate the full services to keep Wokingham clean and tidy. They need to listen to Council taxpayers views and spend the money on the public’s priorities. Instead they behave undemocratically and impose their priorities, wasting money .