UK works with Central America to build a more transparent infrastructure sector


The aim of the workshop was to provide a global standard for CoST implementation in enhancing infrastructure transparency and accountability in Central American Countries. Representatives of the Governments, academia and civil society from Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras and Panama attended the activity.

The UK Government hopes the conference can spur countries on to enhance project concepts, embrace technology and curb political friction, among other challenges. By increasing investments in the infrastructure sector, Central America will be working towards increasing its competitiveness and trade.

The UK Technical Adviser to CoST, Hamish Goldie-Scot, participated in the seminar to provide guidance, technical support and promote the exchange of knowledge and experience from a UK persepctive. At the end of the course, participants will be able to deal with specific problems and introduce reforms that prevent similar situations. Ultimately, this would result in better quality public services that enable businesses to grow and communities to thrive.

The British Government believes that informed citizens and responsive public institutions help drive reforms that reduce mismanagement, inefficiency, corruption and the risks posed to the public from poor quality infrastructure. We will continue working closely with Central America in promoting these initiatives.

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