UK statement to the TRIPS Council


Thank you Chair,

The United Kingdom has always been a strong supporter of the multilateral trading system and intends to use its role in the WTO in 2020 to support efforts to strengthen the multilateral rules-based trading system, and to modernise and build confidence in the WTO.

The United Kingdom is committed to a balanced and effective intellectual property regime, and so we have introduced a number of legislative changes since we last updated the Council on our IP laws and regulations, in accordance with Article 63.2 of the TRIPS Agreement. A transparent IP regime is essential for the growth of our IP intensive industries, including the creative industries, technology, agricultural products, healthcare and the life sciences. Notifications to the WTO are an important part of this regime.

In consideration of the Chair’s encouragement for members to update any outstanding notifications, and the importance the United Kingdom attaches to TRIPS transparency arrangements, we have begun preparations to update our notifications to the WTO Secretariat, using the eTRIPS system. We will be making our first notifications shortly, which will be on legislation changes relating to trade marks and industrial designs, ahead of the next TRIPS Council in May.

Further information setting out some of the implications of the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union in the WTO can be found in our communication WT/GC/206 circulated to the General Council on 1 February 2020.

The United Kingdom looks forward to engaging with all WTO Members in our collective effort towards defending and improving the multilateral trading system.

Thank you Chair.  

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