Hidden in Plain Sight: Evidence of the Second World War

On 3 September 1939 Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declared war on Nazi Germany.Read more

A Brief Introduction to Denys Lasdun

Denys Lasdun was born in 1914 and became one of Britain’s most important architects of Post-War era.Read more

Ten Tourism Treats

Summer is coming to an end, but while seaside holidays in Britain may soon be over, there are still lots of opportunities for holiday fun. Read more

A Brief Introduction to Liverpool’s Historic Docks

Liverpool’s historic docks are admired across the world and are considered so important to international heritage that in 2004 they were made a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The Royal Albert Dock is also the North West’s most visited tourist attraction with over 6.3 million visitors each year. Docks are enclosed areas of water in a port, designed for the loading, unloading and repair of ships and are present in most of England’s major trading centres. In Liverpool the docksRead more

The Destruction and rebirth of Coventry Cathedral

In the 12 hours of the raids, 568 people were killed and over 4,000 homes destroyed. Read more