Sound and Vision update

The British Library is continuing to experience disruption following a cyber-attack. As with other departments, access to the sound archive’s resources, and the services we are able to offer, have been affected. Most online systems, such as the Sound and Moving Image catalogue and the Sounds website, are currently unavailable….

Recording of the week: Things that go howl in the night

public domain With Halloween creeping up on us, I asked our wildlife curator to share with me her favourite spooky sounds. I’ve heard screeching barn owls. Hissing rattlesnakes. My favourite though: the chorus of howling wolves, recorded in Ontario, Canada in 2000. Listen to howls of the Gray Wolf There’s…

Listening to Clara Schumann through her pupils: A pianistic orchestration of tones and rhythms

Photograph of Clara Schumann by Franz Hanfstaengl 1857 Guest blog by Edison Fellow Yanran Li I was fortunate to obtain a fellowship at the British Library last fall. As a pianist, given my interest in Robert Schumann, I was delighted to be able to take advantage of the many unusual…

On Pioneering Social Research

The Pioneering Social Research project is based on 58 life story interviews archived at the British Library

Akyaaba Addai-Sebo on founding UK Black History Month

Guest blog by Rosa Kurowska Kyffin, interviewer for National Life Stories. Akyaaba Addai-Sebo standing in front of the King’s Library at the British Library, St Pancras. Earlier this summer the British Library recorded a life story interview with Akyaaba Addai-Sebo for the National Life Stories oral history collection Leaders of…