Two suspects returned to Hong Kong Police Force


     The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) received two suspects from the Mainland authorities at the Shenzhen Bay Port today (December 30). They were in suspected connection with a conspiracy to commit arson case; and an attempted arson and possession of offensive weapons case respectively.

     The 18-year-old local male was in suspected connection with a conspiracy to commit arson case in Wan Chai happened on September 30 last year in which someone was found manufacturing petrol bombs inside a unit on Lockhart Road. After investigation, five males were arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit arson with intent. They were released on court bail pending trial and not allowed to leave Hong Kong but the male suspect and two other suspects in the case fled Hong Kong. 

     Moreover, the 17-year-old local male was in suspected connection with an attempted arson and possession of offensive weapons case in Mong Kok happened on October 14 last year in which someone threw petrol bombs and set fire at Mong Kok Police Station. Police arrested two males at scene. The 17-year-old male suspect was charged with attempted arson with intent and possession of offensive weapons and he absconded from Hong Kong afterwards.

     Under the Reciprocal Notification Mechanism, the HKPF received on August 28 a notification from the Mainland law enforcement agencies regarding the detention by the Mainland authorities of the abovementioned two male suspects and 10 other persons who were suspected of illegal crossing of boundary in Mainland waters.

     Two suspects were returned to the HKPF today after legal proceedings by the Mainland authorities were completed.

     The two cases are handled by Commercial Crime Bureau and Crime Kowloon West Region respectively.

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