Twenty-one students awarded Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarships (with photos)


     The Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs, Mrs Cherry Tse, today (September 27) officiated at the presentation ceremony for the Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship and commended 21 scholarship recipients with talents in non-academic fields. Full scholarships will be granted to the awardees for undergraduate study in local universities and post-secondary institutions.  
     Speaking at the ceremony, Mrs Tse said, "The Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship has been well received since its launch. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government aims to encourage young people, through the scholarships, to explore and develop their potential in different areas. The scholarships highlight that academic achievement is not the only criterion for excellence."
     Mrs Tse also encouraged young people to hold strong aspirations and determination in order to find the direction for development and gain support from society. 
     To foster a culture of multifaceted excellence, the Home Affairs Bureau launched the Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship in late 2014 to support local universities and tertiary institutions in admitting local undergraduate students who excel in sports, arts and/or community services, providing an alternative path for students with talents to receive higher education.
     Applicants for the Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship are nominated by their secondary school principals. After selection, the assessment panel comprising members from various sectors recommends candidates for admission by universities and post-secondary institutions. If deemed necessary, the institutions may conduct interviews with the selected candidates. The institutions give conditional offers to the selected candidates that they intend to admit before the release of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination results. If nominees attain HKDSE results that meet the admission conditions and are subsequently admitted for the undergraduate programmes they have applied for, they are awarded the scholarship.
     The awardees of the Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship this year are listed in the Annex.     

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