Turks and Caicos Islands: post-cabinet meeting statement 11 September 2019

Cabinet, Grand Turk

All ministers were present.

At this meeting Cabinet:

  • received a presentation on latest Actuarial Assessment of the National Health Insurance Program

  • received a presentation on the state of pension schemes under the National Insurance Board

  • received a presentation on the Actuarial Valuation of the Public Service Pension Plan and Retiring Allowance Plan as at 31 March 2019

  • agreed on steps necessary to establish criteria and the process for TCI Status

  • noted an Information Paper on the recently conducted Electricity Cost of Service Study and Prudency Assessment Reports

  • approved the waiving of work permits for external consultants carrying out work for the Integrity Commission

  • approved the progression of a 2019 Valuation Report for the Public Service and Retiring Allowance Pension Plan to the next House of Assembly meeting

  • approved an application for the tender of parcels 10503/91, 10503/92 and 10503/123 to be advertised for long-term lease

  • pproved the execution and promulgation of Companies (Amendment) No2 Regulations 2019 and Companies Ordinance (Amendment Schedules) Order 2019

  • approved the renewal of leases for two office spaces for the Financial Intelligence Agency (FIA), Providenciales for three years and an amendment to Section 3(3) of the Financial Intelligence Ordinance for the FIA to undertake a lease on its behalf to maintain its independence from the Government

  • approved proposed Amendment to Schedule 2 of the Telecommunications Ordinance to clarify the Reserve Fund

  • noted the recommendations of the Procurement Board on the award of the following contracts:

  1. PN 005466, TR 19/01 Renovation of the Governor’s Official Residence Waterloo on Grand Turk

  2. TR 19/11, backup generator for the Hilly Ewing Building, Providenciales

  3. PN 005515, TR 19/22 Replacement vehicles Phase 3 for Government Ministers

  4. SSP, Aviation & Security Equipment (TCIAA) for baggage scanners

  5. SSP, Caicos Islands Development (TCIPA) for an Environmental Impact Assessment for North and South Caicos Ports

  • noted a paper on contracts awarded for hurricane supplies for the Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies

  • noted a paper on waivers granted for the quarter April to June 2019 under Section 21 (12) of the Public Procurement Ordinance

  • approved recommendations by the Education Advisory Board for new international scholarship awardees for 2019/20

  • approved Planning Application SA 247, Parcel 10706/1 for the Improvements of the Salt Cay Aerodrome located on North District, Salt Cay

  • was updated by the Hon. Minister for the Environment on plans for the removal of the Mega One Triton on Governor’s Beach, Grand Turk

  • was updated by the Hon. Premier on her recent visit to the Bahamas and the work of the DDME team deployed in advance of hurricane Dorian

  • was updated by the Hon. Deputy Premier on the position of CEO for the NIB

Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

Published 18 September 2019