Tuen Mun Hospital announces an incident of electricity supply

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for Tuen Mun Hospital (TMH) made the following announcement today (August 27) on an incident of electricity supply:

     At around 9.30am today (August 27), the electricity power supply in TMH was temporarily interrupted for around 20 seconds in the Main Block, Special Block and different locations of the Pathology Block due to a utility electricity supply incident. As a result, there was a brief suspension of operations of lighting, air-conditioning and elevators. Contingency plan was activated immediately and urgent inspections and repair were carried out to resume normal operations of the hospital. All concerned systems put back to normal after the resumption of the utility electricity supply.

     During the electricity supply interruption, patient services of TMH remained normal. The Department of Accident and Emergency (A&E), operating theatres and negative pressure systems in isolation wards maintain normal operation. However, the negative pressure system of a resuscitation room at A&E was affected. No patient was inside the room during that period of time. The service of a laboratory handling high risk specimens was also suspended, as the negative pressure system setting of the laboratory was affected. Staff of the laboratory handled all specimens as soon as possible after service resumption at noon.

     TMH together with Electrical and Mechanical Services Department are conducting a comprehensive inspection of the power supply system and to ensure that normal operation has resumed in all medical equipment. TMH will contact the utility power supply company to look into the cause of the incident.