Tseung Kwan O Hospital announces a staff member tested positive for COVID-19

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesman for the Tseung Kwan O Hospital (TKOH) made the following announcement today (February 28) regarding a Patient Care Assistant (PCA) who has tested positive for COVID-19:
     A PCA working in a medical ward in Tseung Kwan O Hospital was arranged to undergo COVID-19 test as her family member was tested positive for COVID-19 and the test result was positive yesterday night. She will receive isolation treatment and is now in stable condition.
     Hospital infection control team has conducted contact tracing. The staff is mainly responsible for patient care. She does not perform any high-risk clinical procedures and equips with appropriate personal protective equipment at work. No patients were identified as close contact. Eight staff members who had meal or stayed in the same room overnight with the PCA concerned were identified as close contacts and would be quarantined. As a precautionary measure, the hospital has arranged viral tests for the staff and patients of the ward concerned. So far all results available are negative.
     The ward concerned has suspended admission and thorough cleansing and disinfection have been conducted. The hospital will continue to closely monitor the health condition of staff and communicate with the Centre for Health Protection on the latest situation.