Transport Department to resume licensing and driving test services gradually


     In line with the Government's announcement to resume public services gradually, the Transport Department (TD) said today (March 29) that its licensing services and driving test services will make an orderly adjustment as follows:
Licensing and related services
     The TD's Licensing Offices, Public Vehicles Unit, Vehicle Records Office, Driving Licence Records Office, Driving Offence Points Office and Cross Boundary Unit will resume walk-in counter services in full from April 21 to process all licensing and related applications.

     The TD anticipates that when the walk-in counter services are resumed, the queuing time for counter services will be longer. The TD appeals for patience and understanding from members of the public who have submitted applications or are required to queue up for counter services. The Licensing Offices will strengthen crowd control measures if the situation warrants. Members of the public should follow the instructions given by staff on site. In tandem, the TD appeals to members of the public to consider using online appointment services or submit applications via drop-in boxes at the Licensing Offices, by post or online so as to avoid the gathering of crowds and reduce waiting times at the Licensing Offices.

Driving test services
     Motorcycle driving tests (road test) have continued to be held as normal at present. The TD will resume driving test services (road test) for all vehicle types from April 19. Candidates who have been scheduled to take a road test concerned on or after April 19 should attend the test according to the test date, time and driving test centre specified in the driving test appointment letter. In addition, the driving test (Part A written test) and the taxi written test services will be resumed from May 6. 

     Candidates affected by the suspension of the driving test services (road test and written test) will be notified individually of their rescheduled test dates.
Driving test appointment services
     The driving test appointment services, including walk-in counter services of the Driving Test Appointment Office (DTAO), handling of driving test applications for fresh candidates and repeaters, and driving test postponement applications, the online booking service for driving test appointments and the telephone booking service for repeater early test appointments, will be resumed from May 6. During the suspension period of the driving test appointment services, candidates who would like to submit applications for test postponement/temporary cancellation of a driving test appointment or change of driving test region may submit the applications to the DTAO within two weeks after resumption of the driving test appointment services.
     The TD also reminds members of the public that except for exempted persons, all visitors and candidates are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application before entering the TD's premises, and have to undergo on-the-spot body temperature checks arranged by the TD. Anyone who refuses to observe the above requirements, or whose body temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees Celsius, will be denied entry to the premises or taking the driving test. The staff on site will also request visitors to wear masks and clean their hands with alcohol-based sanitiser before entry and wear masks at all times in the premises or during the course of a driving test.

     The TD also urges candidates not to attend a driving test if they are unwell, and advises that they should consult a doctor promptly. Applicants who are absent from a driving test on medical grounds may submit their postponement applications with the original sick leave certificate/medical certificate to the DTAO of the TD within one month from the test date for follow-up and rescheduling of the test date.

     For enquiries, members of the public can contact the offices concerned of the TD at the following numbers:

Hong Kong Licensing Office 2804 2636
Kowloon Licensing Office 2150 7728
Kwun Tong Licensing Office 2775 6835
Sha Tin Licensing Office 2606 1468
Public Vehicles Unit 2804 2574
Vehicle Records Office 2867 4691
Driving Licence Records Office 2804 2596
Driving Offence Points Office 2804 2594
Cross Boundary Unit 2543 2114
Driving Test Centre/Driving Test Appointment Office 2771 7723

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