Transparency data: Birdham Pool – Basin dredge, revetment and pontoons


On 29 April 2016 Castle Marinas Limited submitted an application to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) for a marine licence to allow construction, dredging and disposal activities within Birdham Pool marina.

The application included installation of 14 additional berthing pontoons at Birdham Pool Marina and, in order to achieve suitable operating depths for vessels seeking access to the marina, up to 2500 m3 would be dredged using an excavator.

The sediment within the marina was known to have levels of contaminants above Cefas Action Level 2; namely copper (Cu) and mercury (Hg); such sediment is unlikely to be suitable for open sea disposal. Relocation of the sediment within the existing basin was, therefore, proposed and material would be placed behind a newly constructed revetment to contain the placed sediment.

The revetment wall comprises Nicospan geotextile material supported with 150mm diameter soft wood posts at 500mm centres with an integrated tie back system. The base of the geotextile is to be buried in to the sea bed.

The MMO determined the application on 24 July 2017 and all information relating to the MMO’s decision is contained within the attached decision report.

The marine licence application and related documentation is available on the MMO’s marine licensing public register.

Further Information:

All marine licence applications are available from the marine licensing public register.

Contact information:

Marine Licensing Team

Telephone: 0300 123 1032


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