Transcript of remarks by STH


     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, at a media session after the Hong Kong Housing Authority's annual special open meeting today (June 10):
Reporter: Council member Chua Hoi-wai said in the next five years, URA (Urban Renewal Authority) will not provide any subsidised housing. Will the Government encourage the Authority to provide some subsidised housing in light of the housing shortage?
Secretary for Transport and Housing: Yes, you are correct that Mr Chua did mention during the meeting that there would be a supply shortage in the next few years. Indeed, we have disclosed on previous occasions that the (supply) number in the next few years will be less than those in demand. Therefore we are trying our best endeavour to gather more land to build public housing faster and in a bigger quantity. Also we are working with the NGOs to provide community housing and also transitional housing so as to ease the plight of those living in subdivided units.

Reporter: Would you encourage the Urban Renewal Authority to turn some of their flats into subsidised housing?

Secretary for Transport and Housing: As far as the Urban Renewal Authority is concerned, I think they do have their mandates and of course we can talk with them. But whether or not they would choose to do it or decide to do, it is entirely up to their corporate decision.
Reporter: Some groups are calling for strike on Wednesday. Are you worried that it may affect some of the transport in Hong Kong?
Secretary for Transport and Housing: As far as I can see, for all those Hong Kong citizens who went out to walk for reasons and belief, they have been doing it very orderly and peacefully.
Reporter: Are you worried that there may be a strike on Wednesday when the LegCo vets the …?
Secretary for Transport and Housing: That would be a kind of speculation. I won't try to dwell on that further.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

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