Transcript of remarks by STH

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan Fan, after attending a radio programme this morning (January 22):
Reporter: Why are you still so hopeful that the non-binding motion will be passed tomorrow when so many lawmakers have already said they won't support it?
Secretary for Transport and Housing: We are making every endeavour to persuade or gain the support of our friends in the legislature. We fully appreciate that we are facing an uphill battle to get the motion passed. But at the same time, if the motion is good for Hong Kong in terms of economic, social and environmental development in the longer term, there is every reason for us to continue making our best effort to convince them.
Reporter: To what extent do you think the congestion problem at the new Central-Wan Chai Bypass has had made it more difficult for lawmakers to support this non-binding motion?
Secretary for Transport and Housing: I would respect whatever reason they mention, but I would expect them to appreciate any major infrastructure, at the point of commissioning, there would be a teething and familiarisation process. Given more time, I would expect the situation to be much improved. Particularly, when the second stage of the entire Central-Wan Chai Bypass is to be commissioned in a month's time, it would be fair to make further comments when the entire bypass is completed.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)