Transcript of remarks by SLW on 2022 Employment Support Scheme

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, on the 2022 Employment Support Scheme after attending a radio programme this morning (April 30):

Reporter: Dr Law, what do you think about the response to the 2022 Employment Support Scheme? To what extent do you think it can improve the job market?

Secretary for Labour and Welfare: The response yesterday (April 29), the first day of application, was quite earnest. I would say that people are eager to apply for it, with close to 50 000 applications from employers just within one day.

     For the effect of the Employment Support Scheme, when we started to announce the intention of setting up the Employment Support Scheme, we have already seen some actions in the market, where people started to rethink about the continuity of their business and the planning of resuming their business after the relaxation of the social distancing measures. So, I would say the impact has already been seen in the past couple of weeks. We hope that, with this Employment Support Scheme, people will be able to scale up their operations and create more employment for our labour force.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)